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Mar 8 2013, 3:01 AM (625 w, 4 d)

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May 10 2016

Helperman added a comment to T81979: Marksmen DLC sonic cracks too loud and overall weird.

So resolved means, seen, shrugged, laughed and closed, or what?

This cant be, without any statement whatsoever, but I see lots of reports being closed shortly after being visited by BIS.

There seems to be a huge problem with sonic cracks if they all sound the same regardless of muzzle velocity of the round, caliber, distance traveled, etc. etc.; that this FEEDBACK is already closed as "not a bug" and got 4 negative votes (from BIS maybe?) speaks for itself.

It's not about getting used to the new sounds, I'm following BIS Arma games since OFP from 2001 - I have my giant share of experience; it's about the A) second sound overhaul in 1 month - sounds were just changed, now its all changed again for no reason at all esp. since the sonic cracks pre-DLC were PERFECT sounding, and B) sonic cracks IRL are loud, but not as loud as a LMG being fired at you from 1m, and right now sonic cracks ARE way too loud and blow your eardrums out, nearly.

I could live with the bad quality recording of those, but the volume has to drop by at least 50%, and esp. when range between passing bullet and listener is more than 2 feet.

Right now the shots are, I cant repeat it often enough, sounding too loud, and even more so since bullets going 20m right of the listener sound like they are gunshots fired by the listener himself.

If BIS doesnt believe it, there is plenty of vids out there of misses and close calls where you here a "snap whiz crack", but right now, the only ARMA3 sonic crack we have is the "BOOOM" (howitzer firing-like) SFX.

That so little people have come here to complain and instead are on BP, reddit and other forums means, that rather than "your" "splendid" product, they use or will use mods like JSRS and whatnot.

And using mods to prevent having your eardrums blown out by a bullet passing you 50 feet away, is that the right way to treat me, and every other paying customer?

Your duty is to look into it, gather intel and if it really turns out to be a problem to people (not YOU, BIS, YOUR USERBASE!), you need to change it.

May 10 2016, 10:48 AM · Arma 3
Helperman set Category to category:sound on T81979: Marksmen DLC sonic cracks too loud and overall weird.
May 10 2016, 10:48 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T81974: inputAction "Adjust" no more available since 1.42.

They have completely removed the simple "adjust" option from the controls and made seperate ones for "adjust left", right, up, down, and so on, that must be the cause of that.

May 10 2016, 10:48 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T81461: New DLC-Weapon ASP-1 Kir Zeroing Failure.

It is not due to the zeroing, it is due to the round being subsonic.

The less velocity a round has in Arma, the less effective a "zero compensation" will be. For example, a supersonic round will travel farther than what the zero is set for with some additional drop - noticeable esp. at lets say 300m zeroing.

The way it is simulated, both bullet drop and zeroing, a round with too little speed (like that 12.7x54 or the .45 Vermin), the zeroing will be only correct spot on, a 300 zeroing will be overly low for 350m and overly high for 200m and 100m shots.

Took me 5 secs to figure out why this weapon won't work on moving targets at all, without precise zeroring. A true sniper weapon.

The 338 although, I can use it for CQB as well with a standard 300m zeroing. But the 12.7 will hit 3 feet too high at 300m zeroing @ CQB

*edit* But being a marksman weapon, that's projectiles take 3 seconds to travel 500m towards target, and impacts way off sight 90% of the time, it is too hard to use effectively at the moment so I vote a "YES", give us 2 different ammo types. Like Arma 1 and 2. Subsonic and Supersonic.

May 10 2016, 10:31 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T78721: Extremely high client desync after upgrading dedicated server to 1.26.

Same. Desync even with 10-20 people, no matter which server and gametype.

May 10 2016, 8:59 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T78716: Massive desynchs on high population servers.

Same here. Stop releasing Karts DLC's and work on the real issues, FFS.

May 10 2016, 8:58 AM · Arma 3
Helperman edited Steps To Reproduce on T74270: Rain sound contains weird clicking sound effect.
May 10 2016, 7:08 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T74264: Vermin sighting.

Hm, the sights are prolly zeroed so LOW taking in account the slower Muzzle velocity of the SMG rounds; in every Arma so far (+ OFP), the SMG's had a much lower initspeed on their magazines or the weapon itself, meaning, the bullets were much slower, therefore, a farther zeroing makes the impact higher at close range. Most prominently the AK74U-SD had the zeroing so that the bullet hit about a foot to high at close range, but was correctly zeroed for about 100-150m or so, meaning, the shot hit where you aimed at, but closer than that, it hit higher.

It's a realistic feature, and only thing to counter it is reduce zeroing or use different, lower-zeroed scopes/sights.

May 10 2016, 7:08 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T71079: KA-52 Helicopter.

Pretty sure its gonna be possible to port Arma2 vehicles, it has already been done.

But I get the point -> In Arma there has NEVER been bazillions of Vehicles, and only the same Humvee, only 10 Variations of it (yawn), for example.

It is time that we get HUNDREDS of Vehicles per side, it just cant be that we only get so little Aircraft and stuff.

Esp. Arma 2 was bad - we got the damn Abrams, and that one was the only MBT we had, wow. WOW. MOAR VEHICLES!!!!

Can you see where it is leading too? 1-2 APC's and one damn Tank per side is not enough. Nothing speaks against the Blufor and Opfor using many Vehicles from different Manufacturers, it doesnt necessarily need to be "Oh man, in the future, we only need ONE damn Tank, so no more Variation!"

It also cant be that we have to use mods for every little bit of the game that the Devs do not care about.

Looking at things like ACE, ok, the Dev's arent that good, they cant program things like Backblast, wounding system, Afterburners, manual-guided ATGM, etc., it needs some modders to make that.*sarcasm*

May 10 2016, 5:35 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T71008: Spent cartridges are not visible in first person, while they should be.

I'd even go one step further and say allow the casings to stay on the ground too, like for 60 seconds or so. Just for the looks of it.

May 10 2016, 5:32 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T71005: Add Option to Tow / Airlift Vehicles.

I can already tell how many times, because of lag, the vehicles will end up flailing about, yo-yo'ing up destroying the chopper, killing people on the ground, bounce off skyhigh, etc.

I'll stick to my trusty attachto command, looks "weird" but at least doesnt glitch out.

May 10 2016, 5:32 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T70981: Aiming helicopter gun using freelook of pilot?.

I think even todays old-ass Apaches have that "headtracking" ability.

On the other hand, head movement is much faster then normal-look views and the zoomed-in "reticle" view, so it could end up messing the aiming up coz it is too fast...

May 10 2016, 5:31 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T69709: Dynamic interaction with players and objects..

For injured players, yes, but for normal, fighting people, no.

Thatd be like the notorious flyhack, it could be abused to push people INTO the line of fire, mess up their aim, grief hard. THAT would be a no go.

But for wounded units, yes - its already easily scriptable inside the map, but a vanilla option would be handy.

But my take is, that the injury module is/will be included anyways, like in Arma 2, which adds the option to heal them, maybe it can be expanded to allow dragging/carrying (again, piece of cake code to do).


May 10 2016, 4:45 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T69701: 'Force' prone position.

+1, but always a problem with OFP and the Arma Series - animations are linked together by transitions (most of them), which causes that stupid behaviour sometimes, like when you try standing up with launcher in hands which can be seen in EVERY game since OFP - "Kneel -> put launcher on back, take rifle out, stand up, put rifle away, pull launcher out again", which your character does automatic, because -> transitions == messed up.

Its just that there are more transitions and conditional transitions needed to allow for a more liquid transfer.

May 10 2016, 4:45 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T69689: Request for a better command system/menu that opens up 1234... keys to use..

Yeah Raoul I apolergize mate,. I got myself on the wrong foot there.

No more ranting and spamming.

this one doesnt count as spam!

Hey B'hemia, Feature request 67890.667 - add a Message system for the feedback forum so ppl can comm without spamming :P

May 10 2016, 4:44 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T69689: Request for a better command system/menu that opens up 1234... keys to use..

Oh Raoul, you fool, once again fail to understand what exactly he means.

It would be friggin awesome to get rid of that ridiculous action menu that is stuck in the bottom right since OFP (from 2001!) - trust me, I know - the command menu has not changed, only 2 more menu options were added, the structure is fubar and clunky ever since.

How often I wished for just using the "Interaction" Button to quickly get in/out of a vehicle, access gear, switch weapons, but NO, Bohemia are like "Fck you!", and force you to scroll through 60 menu entries until you reach the option "Get in Vehicle".

Nobody apparently played on maps with special options on vehicles, like sandbag fortifications, or "Load injured player into vehicle", or "Drop Ammobox" - all I'm saying is, free up more keys so we can actually use the keyboard.

Since OFP, I'm able to play this game using only half of my keyboard - almost all the default buttons are assigned with bullshit, like "Show Hint" or "Action Menu Up-Down" or "Change Channel", "Switch Weapon", etc.

Just allow us to switch weapons like in EVERY game, the good old days of clunky scroll menus are over, if I'd want to play that, I can go to Arma 1 or OFP, because Arma 2 and 3 are only better graphics, the GUI and command system is only slightly changed.

GUI and command interface overhaul, engage! ASAP, you lazy bums!

May 10 2016, 4:44 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T69689: Request for a better command system/menu that opens up 1234... keys to use..

+1, very good idea.

Problem is, the current system is taken 100%ly of OFP (2001), and was only extremely slightly changed for Arma 1 and Arma 2.

Now try to get Lazyhemia to change something they didnt even bother thinking about changing since 2001... Looking at the current situation, makes me wonder if they actually read any posts that arent "popular", some posters must've bribed the devs, since so far, I havent seen anybody commenting/implementing the REALLY good changes. Only thing we get is stupid "stance indicators", f*ck yeah. But what about the REALLY GOOD suggestions?

Ah I remember, it has to do with not trying to work too much...

May 10 2016, 4:44 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T69527: Vehicle Damage System is extremely flawed and unrealistic..

The way Arma 2 and 3's Damage system works is they use hitboxes/areas combined with a parameter called "Armor" and "damageresistance".
Long story short (one day I write a 200 page essay about this stuff, its fascinating how Arma's engine works):
If a 120mm SABOT deals about 800 damage points (just an assumption, it may be 950 or even more - Metis is 800, Vikhr is 950), impact damage gets weakened by "resistance" and then transfered onto the "armor" value which are basically the "healthpoints" of the Vehicle -

no matter WHERE you hit the vehicle, the result is SUBTRACTED from these healthpoints - meaning a chopper will always violently explode if a 120mm even barely scratches the skids, wheels, rotorblades, you name it - IRL, a sabot will rip the skid or wheel off or only puncture the choppers tail - but in Arma it causes EXTREME DEATH.

There just is no "realistic" damaging system - remember the tanks in Arma 2 blowing up after (very long) consistent fire with 7.62mm MG fire? Yep, thats right, the system hasnt (basically) changed, its still simplest math - enough damage hits the vehicle (no matter which part of it and what type of dmg) == death becomes it (the vehicle X-plode)!

It [Damage system] needs to be changed but hey - won't happen in a billion years [guaranteed].

But I44 [Invasion 1944 - Arma 2 mod] and other [Arma 2] mods have proven that it is possible to disable tracks and other parts independently from the _vecs "healthpoints", so we can hope for the modders to port or make something....

May 10 2016, 4:39 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T64666: Suppressors have an unrealistic deleterious effect on bullets.

Its better then in Arma 2 though - there you were FORCED to use Subsonic ammo, just because your gun had a suppressor on.

I'd give a damn about the "increased effectiveness" of subsonic ammo, if I'm 300m away, normal ammo suffices, and the suppressed effect is still enough to conceal a sniper/marksman. Plus, IRL you'd be able to use both types of ammo, and not be FORCED to use subsonic.

But its an improvement, in Arma 2 the difference in muzzle velocity was about 60% (60% SLOWER!!!), so a 900m/s round 'd be 350m/s.

May 10 2016, 1:32 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T63677: Reveal Target is bound to spacebar, not in game, any keybind change removes feature.

Yeah, I can confirm;
I like to add the function to many buttons like "Primary Mouse", so when I shoot, and kill an enemy, it says "Scratch one!" or when I use my scope, it says "Enemy spotted...." and so on.

But it doesnt work at all anymore.

May 10 2016, 12:50 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T63665: Classes don't work.

In my opinion, it should work like this:
Whoever has the Kit can do with it what the kit allows you to.

I see the sense in the classes like this:
Medic and Repairman always have their Kits, and respawn with them, where other classes need to find such kits to use them.

I'm pretty sure, if I'd have a kit with a wrench, srewdrivers etc., I could fix a car with it too, I dont need to have a repair guy with the tools, if I got them myself.

Thats why it should be changed even further - who has the Kit can use it, regardless of class.

May 10 2016, 12:50 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T63542: Removing Ammo Counter.

Yes, but NOT under "Difficulty", since it is forced Serverside...

how about a NEW option under difficulty, like "Client OFF", for some options which allows you to either use the Server options, or your own liking.

That way, those of us who like to play like that dont have to "find a Server which fits", because one Server will have 3rd Person off, but Crosshairs on, another will have Cross off, but 3rd Person on, etc.

So another Difficulty Setting would be nice, for such HUD things and so on.

May 10 2016, 12:43 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T62449: Under barrel grenade launcher optic.


Funnily, I noticed that zeroed at 200m, and aimed very close to you, it goes beyond that, hitting farther behind where you tried to aim at.

Making the white marker on ground useless, as well as the red dot ironsight.

Better use "direct aim" (100m) and "guess to hit".

May 10 2016, 12:00 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T62441: No entry.

^ as above and as I said in the 3rd post - it is most likely that they used custom markers or a "player marker +update script" which couldnt find the marker for "Vehicle" (like, a player was in a vehicle or something and it fired that error).

If not many more people get this, it was definetly a map error.

May 10 2016, 12:00 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T62441: No entry.

Config cpp, either something on the map you played (cpp is unpacked and unbinarized .BIN), or it is wrong in the game files (then it usually shows "No entry config.BIN:")

Something wrong with the markers.

If it was a multiplayer map, somebody used a broken Map marker reference to maybe mark an objective or player vehicle marker.

Havent seen the error in my playtime, so cant reproduce.

Dev's will be able to tell what happened.

Would be important to know which map it was if you remember.

Thx for info.

May 10 2016, 12:00 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T62441: No entry.

Cant read, image too small.

Usually, no entry pops up if some config ref in the PBO's is messed up, as is expected from some weapons, attachments, clothing at the current stage of the game.

So nothing to worry about too much, but still post the exact error message if you can get it, so we know what caused the message.


May 10 2016, 12:00 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T62439: Cannot load texture.

Sorry your screenshot is like 140x140 pixels, cant see anything.

May 10 2016, 12:00 AM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T62430: Manual ragdoll control via script commands..

A similar feature would be a command like the one to disable input - disallow the player to move, and make him fall to the ground, but move and twitch occasionally.

This could be hard-coded to automatically apply to "unconcious mode", that you dont roll around and twitch like you are still alive, but "ragdoll" around until healed.

May 10 2016, 12:00 AM · Arma 3

May 9 2016

Helperman added a comment to T62427: Measuring of distance in-game.


Yeah, thanks for confirming.
But at least the Setpos commands seem to be off - it seems more like feet, where you'd expect and need Meters more if you want to be acurate. Could be wrong though.

May 9 2016, 11:59 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T62427: Measuring of distance in-game.

Interesting enough, I never figured out what units are used when using scripting commands. (ROUGH EXAMPLE GIVEN, and I cut it off after the first section):
this setpos [(getpos this select 0)+50 .... and so on
the +50 is adding to the "current position select 0" of "this" and it fact seems to be feet rather than meters???

And in the weapons initspeed=950, is that m/s (has to be?)?

Anyways, the engine seems to be a mess, visual (GUI) elements count in METERS and KILOMETERS, but the engine internally uses m/s for weapon settings, feet for actual distances and radii, and Meters again for weapon ranges, and so on and on... a mess, and one hell if you try to make a map and script with exactly X meters of distance - for 50m you most likely have to play around with 60-70 or more, and even then, you cant be sure.

May 9 2016, 11:59 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T62352: Catastrophic failure..

The current Crate-Fillers have two faults:

  1. They OVERFILL the crate with 100 of each, strangely resulting in 300+ 7.62 Mags and many others that get more than 100 units.

Also, the game doesnt take account of weapons with addons, so they are handled as a "different gun" and get added too - so you have 8 or more EBR variations, 100 pieces of each, wich clutters the ammocrates up.

  1. They add stuff without certain things being implemented yet or even intended to be used - like the Boonie Hats, or the Rangemaster Outfit and even the Backpacks "Basetype" (creates a Backpack you cant use and doesnt have a picture) as well as certain non-functional (or available) scopes which just throw around errors.

Only thing would be, people edit their Cratefiller and add less stuff (5 of each or 10, more for Magazines) and cleanup the Base using a script - dropped Weapons and Ammo never disappear, contributing to lag, over time.

May 9 2016, 11:57 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T62236: Need some way to discourage team killing.

^ Yep, +1

Plus, I've actually seen Admins coming online, seeing the base blown to sh*t, everybody killing each other: and they (admins) deal with it by disconnect without doing anything.

Not every Server admin actually cares about public sessions, as long as they can lock it when they have their own private sessions, many servers are kept a trainwreck to scare publics away, and only maintained when they are having a playtime themselves.

May 9 2016, 11:50 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T62127: Windows Dont break.

Haha, indeed :)

Yesterday, I was shooting at that OPFOR and he at me, and we both went WTF:

there was no glass visible in the window, but the rounds impacted into invisible glass, making the glass sound, and although the rounds penetrated, they caused 0 hits to neither of us.

May 9 2016, 11:46 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T62011: Aiming issue.

You had your weapon lowered. Thats why it shows the scope aiming to the ground.

It shouldnt be possible to look through the scope with the weapon lowered, I agree on that, but it only happens when you lower your weapon.

Trust me, thats exactly what happened, because it happens to me occasionally too :)

May 9 2016, 11:40 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61870: PROPOSAL: Seperate Keybind for Red Dot/ Scope.

The new patch is BS, now the default mode is "Red dot", which requires to switch optics mode every time you respawn/change weapon.

Sometimes, it is necessary to bring up your scope quickly, when an enemy is out of range for the red dot, but close enough to spot you quickly, for example - and then it sucks to have your red dot up - you need to reach to whatever your keybind is, to manually switch to red dot - definetly not an improvement.

Instead of making such useless changes, they should concentrate on fixing the low CPU and GPU utilization.

May 9 2016, 11:30 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61847: AI has to high awareness and too high accuracy at long ranges.

I did some testing and can say that this is roughly the comparison to Arma 2:
The Skill level of AI's in Arma 2: 0.7-0.8
is the same as Skill in Arma 3: 0.4

So the AI's difficulty improved greatly;

In ARMA 2 I had a mission where I use a script to set the enemies to a certain difficulty level, which is 0.9 in Arma 2, and made it a night mission.

The enemies take forever spotting me (and friendlies), they shoot good, but they are stupid, and not too good at assessing the situation.

Using the same script/code, which works 100% in Arma 3, with 0.9 skill levels, they are SUPERHUMAN - shoot over 900m, hitting you with few bursts, spot you even when you have a silencer and are 800m away yourself.

Changing the parts in the script to 0.45-0.5 makes them behave really (REALLY) smart, but not uber-human, approximately the same as in Arma 2 with 0.9 skill.

0.6-0.75 would probably make for a challenging game, but will already be super-human.

To back up the Ticket further:
AI is always AI - they got the advantage of being controlled by a CPU, which is always logic, and simple - it always knows the rules, and knows what to do and when to do, and where to take cover and where not to. They can either be always accurate and perfect when assessing situations, or too simple and also "non-human".

Therefore we got these difficulty settings, but right now the adjustments are still set too high. The settings are meant to "handicap" the AI, but atm they dont do enough.

May 9 2016, 11:26 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61320: Night Vision while aiming down your weapons sights?.

True, but they are usually more for painting and pointing at targets.

I think some guided weapons can actually be laserguided with a IR laser, at least I remember that from a real firefight video from liveleak, ages ago.

May 9 2016, 10:58 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61320: Night Vision while aiming down your weapons sights?.

Only happens on scopes for me, and its rather realistic; try looking through your lens with a huge boxy keister in front of your face, wouldnt be easy in real life.

You need to be rather close but not danger close to the scope to not get distortion (right word for it?) - that your too close to the scope will be noticed when you gotta get them stitches on or over your eyebrows...

May 9 2016, 10:58 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61315: Too easy to spot enemies on long range compared with short range,.

Yeah, but imagine having 2km of grass draw distance in 360°, now THAT will teach your framerate to go beyond 5 FPS!

May 9 2016, 10:58 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61302: Low Usage.

Now I know why the game runs the same (slow and sometimes laggy) on any quality setting, even very low...

May 9 2016, 10:58 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61282: Animation of the shots.

I get it - it is true;

when you kill an enemy over 400m with a shot (EBR or MXM does the job), they fall down where they stand.

If you hit them, and just injure them, they slightly twitch, but sometimes dont even react if the shot came from too far away.

However, it is possible to see the bullets impact from farther away than in A2, but when it hits a Soldier, the response sometimes makes you wonder if you hit or not.

May 9 2016, 10:57 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61222: Arma III + Fraps = Blackscreen.

Cant reproduce - any way tried, no black screen, and both fraps and arma ran flawless (as flawless as arma is able to in alpha stage that is)

May 9 2016, 10:55 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61211: Client-Side HUD options.

WHY is there only 4 upvotes and supporters???

And WHY are the Devs not reading this!!!!!

The times of OFP and Arma 1 are over, CHANGE YOUR DAMN HUD SETTINGS so they are NOT SERVERSIDE, damn it, ffs!!!

It cant be that important things like HUD settings are ALWAYS AND STILL that limited, and found under "Difficulty Settings", which is SERVERSIDE!

I want to decide if I want firstperson, Waypoint info, weapon info, Crosshairs MYSELF.


But if its "Free To chose" (like many Servers would allow you to), let me decide!!!!

May 9 2016, 10:54 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61211: Client-Side HUD options.

Yeah, I'd prefered some system so you have a "threshold" - you can set your own settings "harder than the server settings, but not easier", which would be so freaking awesome - if the Server says "Yeah you can turn off Crosshairs if you want"", or "NO you CAN NOT TURN THE CROSSHAIRS ON!", you know, CLIENTSIDE decisions, or Server forced. But having to play on Servers that decide EVERYTHING for you, pffft. What a mess. I want to customize my HUD MYSELF!

Just MOVE the HUD-Related stuff (Squad Info, Extended HUD, etc) to the Graphics menu, what is the fucking deal with that? And keep it so in the difficulty settings you can just DISABLE them.

Nobody should be forced to play WITH A CROSSHAIR, I'm not talking about cheating and allowing people to use Crosshairs etc. on a Veteran Server.

I mean, for example, somebody loves a recruit Server, but its getting to easy for him -> BOOM: Graphics Settings, CROSSHAIR OFF, completely new experience.

It's called HANDICAP, and it should be possible to determine if you want to play like a boss, or like the other sissys on the server.

Then again, my solution is - HUD Colors -> Active Objects -> Alpha 0%, which hides the active objects like crosshair, Ammo counter, etc.

Not 100% what I wanted, but also allows for a No-HUD (or LOW-Hud) experience.

May 9 2016, 10:54 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61211: Client-Side HUD options.

BUMP, nobody has any thinking on this? Does nobody understand what I mean?

Do you WANT a game where you cant see the actual gameplay because of all the Icons, Bars and Notifiers popping up? Shame.

May 9 2016, 10:54 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61211: Client-Side HUD options.

And another thing I forgot just now - IF the Server forces HARD Options, like NO crosshair and stuff, THAT should be overriding your Settings - so you cant cheat.

May 9 2016, 10:54 PM · Arma 3
Helperman edited Steps To Reproduce on T61211: Client-Side HUD options.
May 9 2016, 10:54 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61193: There is no way to tell what server you are on after you join..

Last time I checked, when you press and hold "P", you see the Server name highlighted on the top of the scoreboard?

If not, just learn to remember the simplest parts of a Server name - if a Server is e.g. called "[XC] SuperduperServer hosted Funtimes", tell friends to filter for "Funtimes" or "Superduper".

Like in the good ole days of Arma 1 and OFP, there also was no way of telling what the Server name was - people had to actually remember it, or write it down - is too much work today?

May 9 2016, 10:54 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61107: Stance indicator needed.

No, we dont need it. At least not permanent, that would suck.

Probably too much work to make it switchable , but NOT IN THE DIFFICULTY SETTINGS! put it in Video or game settings tab, but not difficulty - the Servers would override difficulty settings, making any changes nil and useless unless we play in the editor or host our own game - and that would mean you can turn the indicators off, but when you join a "regular" server, its gonna be like "NOPE.AVI!!!" and force the stance display.

May 9 2016, 10:50 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T61045: NLAW is supossed to be a 'fire and forget' weapon.

gotta remember the engines limitations - without a scripting like in Insurgency (it gives you the ammo and loads it if you select the launcher, and removes the launcher when fired), all weapons require magazines to work - hence the need for a seperate rocket magazines; so its merely a awkward requirement, which is far off and unrealistic, but the way it is.

Until they hopefully change it?

May 9 2016, 10:40 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60968: World item rotates 90 degrees when shot..

This is just thanks to the damage system.

Happened in Arma 2 also, some objects fall over (Soldiers), sink into the ground (Buildings, Factories, Ammo crates after destruction), and some rotate 90° (like training dummies, Trees, Lampposts, Signs, etc.).

I think it was due to the fact how the items are placed and what type they are - if that type is set incorrectly, they dont explode/combust and sink into the ground quickly, but turn over weirdly.

Objects that didnt do this were sandbags and all warfare buildings.

But marketstands and other small buildings/objects did the exact same.

Probably not getting addressed.

May 9 2016, 10:36 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60967: "Just do it" AI Command.

Yeah - this is known since Arma 1 and Operation Flashpoint (2001), that the AI think crawling around stupid is better than following the order to get into a heavy armoured, operational and safe and cozy tank - they usually get shot up after messing around for 3 minutes - many times by me, because I hate plucking out my hair and going insane from this b*llsh*t.

Esp since it is not fixed! After all these years!

All player issued commands should automatically have highest priority (1000) and all other commands need to be ignored.

But then again, it is persisting since 2001 (Release of OFP), and that says it all.

May 9 2016, 10:36 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60961: Grenade counter shows 0, but Char. has 1 grenade.

Havent been able to, lately.

May 9 2016, 10:36 PM · Arma 3
Helperman edited Steps To Reproduce on T60961: Grenade counter shows 0, but Char. has 1 grenade.
May 9 2016, 10:36 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60959: Chemlights too weak.

Look on armaholic, there is actually a working script which should do the same thing, liek a cratefiller

May 9 2016, 10:36 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60959: Chemlights too weak.

Dunno, I use a ammo crate filler script that I had on one of my patrol ops maps for Arma 2. Found a long time ago, dunno where to find it anymore though.

May 9 2016, 10:36 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60959: Chemlights too weak.

Cool. I shouldve pointed out it was at only two time settings, early morning and deep night.

May 9 2016, 10:36 PM · Arma 3
Helperman edited Steps To Reproduce on T60959: Chemlights too weak.
May 9 2016, 10:36 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60940: Spawn glitch and other errors.

I'm sure if the devs didnt lie to us, we will get some kind of "gear customizer" that allows you to store a "standard favourite weapon" to quickly load when playing mp, or something like that.

The spawn glitch itself:
could be attributed to the bad mp code (yet again), since on any and all Servers, I've met ye 'ole red chain a few times (though 23ms ping), and it is laaaagggy as hell. Hope they sit down and actually change it for beta/final.

May 9 2016, 10:35 PM · Arma 3
Helperman edited Steps To Reproduce on T60932: Rain from clear skies.
May 9 2016, 10:35 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60926: Passengers just there to look pretty.

Ask the Dev's, I'd link you to the Topic, but it is in German.,46950,3009968.html

Excerp from it, roughly translated, from March 4th 2013:
GameStar: ACE is one of the most popular Mods for ARMA 2 . Did you work together with the Mod-Developers?

Joris: No, not directly. We see ACE as an addon for ARMA 2. We have our own views on the balancing between authenticity and realism, they [ACE devs] got theirs. Thats the great thing about mods for Arma.

In other words, who knows what all'll be taken out too, and what all we 'll never see... ah damn, I'm too pessimistic again, and forgot we are just playing the alpha version, damn me.

Anyways, I'd program it right away, but I'm not Steamhemia GabeNactive.

May 9 2016, 10:35 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60926: Passengers just there to look pretty.

Yeah it would be nice, but they will find an excuse. "We dont want to make the game overly realistic", as one of the Devs said upon asked about implementing many ACE features.

Always the same old, same old - cant teach them to listen up, and the modders gotta fix it.

I could think of, that the passengers would need to be coded to act like "turrets" so they can look around and fire, and I dunno, but for them coders its possible, but for me, I'm just an *.sqf-code-god (means I'm good at scripting), and not a real "hardcode-coder".

May 9 2016, 10:35 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60923: Inventory needs a REAL "All" option, "Take stack" option.

To make it more clear.

Not TAKE EVERYTHING, but click on a Magazine Type or Grenade type that has like 5 of them, hold SHIFT+Left click takes all of them.

Rather than clicking 20 times to take all the magazines on the same stack, take them quickly.

And about people picking ammo slowly and decisive - I'm constantly being whacked on Wasteland because of douchebags shooting me while I try to pick up 6 magazines, 4 grenades and 2 healthpacks from a dead body - so much for that.

And the more "economic" player - sure, but he could do the same thing - find a dead body, and quickly loot the needed ammo.

If in real life, I see a bunch of things, I dont have to grab them one by one, taking 5 minutes, NO, I grab the whole stash and be off with it!

Their problem if somebody cant kill his enemy and the enemy is able to rearm while being shot at, their problem. It actually levels it out again - while you are being torn to shreds, you may be able to turn the table thanks to quickly grabbing a mag or two.

May 9 2016, 10:35 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60923: Inventory needs a REAL "All" option, "Take stack" option.

Yeah, I was thinking that you takje the whole stack, but it only adds everything you can hold, and the rest remains in the crate.

I'd like as little key-presses as possible, since I'm a ammo-grunt, I always stack up ammo to the max, but its also a good idea with CRTL, since i dont see an current keybinding that uses CTRL in the inventory, atm.

And yeah its actually 2 functions, but what the hell, they are both relying on each other, somehow.

May 9 2016, 10:35 PM · Arma 3
Helperman edited Steps To Reproduce on T60923: Inventory needs a REAL "All" option, "Take stack" option.
May 9 2016, 10:35 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60910: Cannot not take weapon directly from gear.

Hm, usually happens when an ammo crate is on its max capacity.
Maybe the car does not initially allow to hold weapons (does not have "transportmaxweapons" flag assigned?) - cant check thatone since we have no un-pbo tool yet.

Also, ever since, lag has affected the behavior of damage dealt, get in/get out vehicle actions, and the gear.

Lets wait what the other users say.

May 9 2016, 10:34 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60906: Put an explosive charge down and when my friend entered a building about 50 meters away it triggered the charg and killed her.

Indeed happened to me earlier - a guy put a satchel down, to blow up a hangar, and we ran like hell.

~110m away, it blew up, and two guys (me included, grrrrr) died, all others lived.

Maybe attributed to lag, I could think of the good old A2 times where due to le lag, your "Hitbox" was lagging behind, and you got damage dealt like standing directly in the center of the explosion, where you were 60m+ away. Dunno, maybe it is the same lag-issue, doesnt happen too often anyway.

May 9 2016, 10:34 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60899: Helicopter Co-Pilot Does Not Assume Control of Weapons.

Maybe the Copilot acts like the spotting unit more than a real Gunner. Copilot does not necessarily need to mean gunner.

In the Wildcat AH1 for eksempel, le Gunner has the lazer to lase targets for the guided missiles to hit (which in Arma 2 OA locks on without the need of a lasor >_>-------x)

May 9 2016, 10:34 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

Yeah Im too used to the 2d texture overlay scope thingy, I'd miss it too much. better keep it.

Also, it actually sometimes helps, since you (at night for eksempel) cant get blinded from the side, as you could be with a "freelooking scope".

May 9 2016, 10:19 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60877: Feature Request: 3D Optics using Picture-In-Picture engine capability. (Red Orchestra Style).

Good thinking. Has been made in the Invasion44 mod for A2, and worked, actaully really good, although it requires a better gun model, coz the sights would look a bit... undetailed and sharpedged.

But its possible.

May 9 2016, 10:19 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60857: Rain sound to quiet.


There we go again with that sh*tty "overlay" rain - a animated texture it seems overlaying your screen, so you get the "imagination of rain", but there are no real 2d or even 3d raindrops.

Was even worse in OFP and Arma 1+2, it looks more like a waterfall running down your screen, rather than "in-depth rain" - if you know what I mean?

Rain that you can actually "reach" for, and not some animated texture overlay.

May 9 2016, 10:17 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60837: ilegal flag put on map.

minor issue - many others things need attention. And also, why NOT keep it - maybe in 2035 it is a own country. And another flag to have available actually adds to the game.

May 9 2016, 10:16 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60703: No Boonie Hat Textures.

Not sure what to vote - it seems the Textures arent present because the hats arent correctly implemented yet.

There is a bunch of other Weapon and Ammo things for example that arent in the game, but they already have references (30mm weapons, 20mm gatling guns, 120mm Shells, ASRAAM, etc) and therefore, if you try to get them somehow, they will show up, but appear broken.

May 9 2016, 9:55 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60609: Add a feature to open weapon on ground inventory (more accesible attachments).

Yeah, esp since my first death was after fiddlong the menu for 2 minutes, lagginess as well as overly-complicated-ness contributing to that.

There needs to be a button or something that REALLY shows ALL - pouches, vest, backpack, all included.

May 9 2016, 9:51 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60492: Bullet-penetration not realistic.

Even worse with bushes - bullets fail to penetrate some of them (green ones), as well as plywood obstructions and metal shacks.

May 9 2016, 9:46 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60430: All players carried ammo/magazines lost on new client joining server.


Never happened to me anywhere

When scripting, should probably store ammo and weapons in global variables, and play around with it - its possible to do.

May 9 2016, 9:44 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60420: Picking up enemy weapon.

LOOL that happened to us yesterday, didnt it, Bro :)

May 9 2016, 9:43 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60292: Suggestion for enhanced grenade throwing system (more realistic and less accidental frags).

--> rebinds gear key to G as in gear, and the grenade key,... something else.

But the grenades could fly a tat further though.

May 9 2016, 9:38 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60191: Pistol damage too low..

+1 Pistols are meant to be used at closerange, but then, a headshot is fatal, even if you wear a helmet - esp. at really close range.

As it is ATM, gear armor seems to add too much protection against most weapons.

May 9 2016, 9:34 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60167: Many complaints about recoil... Solution: Weapon bi-pods/ weapon resting.

Well, yeah.

Arma recoil NEVER was realistic.
It always meant pulling your mouse down to compensate - where IRL, if you stop shooting, the guns wheight causes it to stay/come back into initial position - a real gun kicks upwards yes, but even when standing, look how many people shoot extremely fast, and dont have to litteraly force-push the gun down - if it were in RL as in ARMA, you'd have to attach bricks on top of the muzzle to stop it from climbing skyhigh after 3-4 shots, or sling a lead (lead as in 'Pb', very heavy metal stuff) M203 under it.

Arma's recoil always behaved like your shooting a 2 or 4-gauge shotgun, 3-4 shots send the crosshair skyhigh.

We dont need an autocenter option or something, but with a .223 and even .308, you can stand and shoot rapidly without the muzzle climbing a couple inches.

It also depends on training and build of the person operating the firearm - a budd of mine controls his MP5, Sterling, M4 and M1A like its just a measly .22 - he is just strong and trained enough, as should be the soldiers in Arma.

So please reduce the recoil at least some degree.

May 9 2016, 9:29 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60166: Mk200 Suppressor Spinning.

Something similar and yet different (but may be the same issue) happens to other attachments like flashlight: they move slightly different than the gun itself, so they look a bit "unattached" to the gun; when your character idles, the gun moves, and the flaslight/laser seems to "lagg behind" slightly.

Only tried with the MX Series and flashlight extension.

May 9 2016, 9:29 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60096: Recoil is way to strong... like in all previos games.

After testing various weapons ingame, I as a experienced player (since OFP1 back in 2001) can say, reduce recoil by 10-15% - it is just a hair too strong, but only when kneeling and standing.

Even when prone, it could take 10% less recoil, since on most if not all rifles, its still too strong even when prone.

Only lmg needs to be greatly reworked, way too much recoil when prone.

Just take a tiny fraction off of the recoil, pls?

Will lower frustration with them 600m-headshot enemies I already encountered, once again.

May 9 2016, 9:26 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60085: Blood in water.

As we all know, atm theres the issue with too many smoke grenades and explosions causing lag and low framerate that doesnt recover, or very slightly recover, such an effect is not helpful.

We need to wait until Bugemia decides to fix the messed up engine first - if the engine cant handle even existing, why bother asking for features that make it even worse.

So let them fix the engine and (network)Code problems first, which they have to do, since we (many customers) payed for it.

May 9 2016, 9:25 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T60023: Street lamps and other artificial light sources are too resilient, difficult to disable.

Yes, takes a lot of bullets, sometimes more than 2 mags.

The light turns off, but the lightbulb stays white and lit, which is somewhat strange.

May 9 2016, 7:23 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T59955: Unable to put on enemy uniform.


Well, reading aint your strength now, aint it.

I didnt make a request. Rather, I made a statement why the whole uniform changing doesnt make sense if it is not made possible later on, and if the "genevan" is the cause for that decision.

Neither do I enjoy beheadings, I despise muslims and islam, since it is the root of all evil.

That said, I can say again, if anything in this game is limited under the escuse of the genevan convention, the Dev's seriously need to get a life and grow some - IRL, nobody cares about the gen. con. that much, there is plenty examples from the US as well as every other country - war is dirty business.

May 9 2016, 7:21 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T59955: Unable to put on enemy uniform.

Haha the geneva convention, in a Video game, really?
If that is the case that is, I still give Bohemia the benefit of the doubt if they may or may not enable it eventually...

Then put in courtmartials for Teamkillers and boot camps for the noob players too, what a joke, if that is the official dev excuse.

Look at the fucked up situation in the middle east, with them jihadii terrorist, do they give a fuck about any conventions?
Hostages and POW's are being beheaded and shot, although the combatants clearly act as if they have combatant status (which they dont,, which means they SHOULD need to treat POW's as POW's and are subject to military court martial and what not, THAT is ACTUALLY part of the genevan convention, but nobody over there gives a damn about that, unless they are the ones being effed up, then its all "We are innocent islam terrorist scumbags!".

So as this is a damn game, a realisitc simulation, but still a GAME, damn, dont care about excuses, PUT THE SHIT IN THE GAME ALREADY. It's been long enough already.

May 9 2016, 7:21 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T59947: Better ragdoll.

Had some funny moments with soldiers just throwing their weapons around upon death, some nice moments.

But indeed, they could move a bit more realistic sometimes.

May 9 2016, 7:20 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T59934: Having it rain chemlights doesn't give the colourful wonderland as you would expect it to be..

Maybe the brushes and bushes are too light-absorbant?

But glad to know I'm not alone with this issue.

May 9 2016, 7:19 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T59815: SDAR Dual Purpose round disappears after ~45m when above water.

Yes the DP ammo is only usefull for underwater and really close CQB.

It is most likely that the bullets have a short "lifetime=" flag, as setting this makes them vanish after X seconds in Arma1+2+OA.

It could've been done by using higher bullet drop/less initspeed, but then the engine might behave differently and they might not work underwater at all.

Bohemia: Why not include additionally to "airfriction", a flag "waterfriction" or "waterfrictionmult" or something. That'll make them bullets behave differently on water, you could e.g. slow them down more on land than in water to reduce effectiveness without the awkward "poof-vanishing".

May 9 2016, 7:14 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T59674: Selector switch position should change to reflect the state of the weapon..

Trivial - if you are close enough to see the enemies selector switch, you'll be dead shortly after.

If you run around looking at friendlies and check their weapons out to see what mode they're on, the gunny 'll steam off and send ya right back to the boot camp :)


May 9 2016, 7:08 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T59657: Please use the crosshair from Arma1/2.

Seriously, THIS is the kind of bullshit tickets that get the Dev's attention? Give me a fucking break. The Crosshair is perfectly fine, you can even change it to be dynamic or not, something you couldnt in OFP CWC, Arma 1+2 and OA.

May 9 2016, 7:08 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T58989: Head Shot Hit Box.

Im 100% sure that 300m is for the grenadelauncher - at least whe i use a gun with scope and no grenadelauncher, I dont see a 300m mark and cant use zeroing...

Press pageup or down and watch the sights adjust on the grenadelauncher, as well as the "300m" changing.

And i do headshot over 100m with the dot on target.

The only shot that misses is when the gun swayed too far left or right, but the scopes are dead-on, from 50m up to 400m you cant do 1-shot kills without using the "mil-lines" to compensate drop - done only on EBR and MXM though.

May 9 2016, 4:14 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T58989: Head Shot Hit Box.

Not true. All scopes seem to be zeroed for point blank range it seems, I never have to use hold-under, only over. And that only past 400m.

May 9 2016, 4:14 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T58966: Insane recoil on weapons.


I'd vote your comment up if I could.

I also played SWAT 4 and Ravenshield as well as many other games - I've learned to deal with expanding crosshairs when you shoot a lot on full auto, but I've never seen such an extreme Recoil as I've seen in Bohemia's Games - in OFP it was relatively moderate, Arma 1 was so-so, Arma 2 it got heavier, Arma 2 OA got better with a patch, but Arma 3 is all insane.

I cant imagine (and refuse to believe so!) a 6.5mm kicking exactly as much as a 7.62 - they almost get close to the damn 12.7mm M107 from OA when you shoot them standing - full auto is impossible to do - esp. with the damn framerate going down after 30mins playing.

I'm waiting to see the Subguns in this game - they will kick exactly the same amount, where in reallife, you can empty the MP5 without any muzzleclimb on full auto - believe me, its possible.

So no need to drag the mouse over the desk, just make the recoil more handleable to actually simulate that we play a human being and not a mechanical arm which keeps rising until put back down into place manually.

Our player character could help us a little bit to control recoil, so to speak :)

May 9 2016, 4:10 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T58799: Deploying a weapon / proper use of bipods.


Haha such is Bohemia, indeed, thats just how they are. As long as its looking fancy, no need to make it WORK as well, haha, what a disgrace :)

May 9 2016, 3:50 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T58799: Deploying a weapon / proper use of bipods.

Hi there cev :)

Anyways, I can always link to an interview (sadly in GERMAN) with gaming magazine "Gamestar", from beginning MARCH, where one o the devs said when asked about Arma 3 and ACE features:

"... finding a mix between realism and authenticity." and "we see ACE as a natural enhancement for Arma..." and "Thats the cool stuff about mods...".

So, shortened;

Bohemia 1.) relies on Mod-Makers to do the cool stuff and 2.) is too lazy to adapt and 3.) does not care about what people want too much unless everybody would start crying for it.

It was the EXACT! same with Arma 1 ACE - they (us players) asked for ACE features in Arma 2, and the best we got was a built in "Revive Module" and the "Injury Module". Wow. And their excuse was "thats what mods are for".

Sadly, IF you get ace, you are forced to use a bunch of other things that partly glitch occasionally, or that you might not need in your maps.

You could save a lot of HDD space if you could have a "ACE redux" with JUST the the right amount of features that we all ask for - and that HAS to be "Arma 3 BETA" or "ARMA 3 FULL" or "ARMA 3 RC", if you get what I mean:

everything we ask for that is a feature in the ACE mod HAS to be included in ARMA3, it is our wish, and it is TIME Bohemia LISTENS to us, FFS.

Dont use excuses like "thats why they got ACE..." or "thats the good thing about mods!", PUT IT IN VANILLA, for crying out loud!

I'm getting a seizure raging about this sh*t for years!

May 9 2016, 3:34 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T58799: Deploying a weapon / proper use of bipods.

@ gold

Not sure if troll or serious...

You can rest your weapon on anything.
Sandbags are just used because they are readily available on the shooting range, are relatively soft and the gun doesnt bounce off them (depending on material of front grip/part of gun) and there might be a ton other reasons, but I cant think of enough.

May 9 2016, 3:34 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T58793: Implement a visual stance indicator.


Thats why I stated make HUD options show up in Graphics, or Game settings, or somewhere else, but not difficulty, geez.

And the fun part is, even if a Server is regular or Veteran, there is no guarantee that 3rd person will be off, or permanent Waypoints are off, or Squad info is off, and so on.

So sorry if you got me wrong there, I'm just saying that some of us want to join ANY server (and for a glitch reason I cant join 70% of the Servers) to just play the way we want, without the force of "easy mode".

I'm also not talking about turning crosshairs or 3rdperson on on a server where it is forced off - forced HARD settings should stay forced. But ENABLED settings should be allowed to force OFF if you want, no matter if you play on a Recruit server - what if a (hypothetical) Server is the best one available (5ms ping, BEST MAP AVAILABLE, and free cookies for ANYONE), but it uses Regular mode, and you just want your crosshair and 3rdperson off to enhance your own fun?

Need to go to a different Server?
I say NO, just give us the option to decide to DISABLE what we want, of course only HUD and Game options.

Enemy skill of course will still be forced by the Serveur.

May 9 2016, 3:30 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T58793: Implement a visual stance indicator.


Do as you please :)

Yeah, it might have come across a bit wrong, so I try to put it this way:

The Beginners can get all the HUD options they want, I dont care what all can be shown and what Helps should be available - as long as they can be DISABLED USERSIDE, ALWAYS and UNRESTRICTED - then you can all ask for 1000's of Hints, Bars, Popups, whatnot - as long as OTHERS can ALWAYS(!!) turn them off if they like.

But as soon as I see Bohemia putting something in without the option to turn it off (because of their known lazyness), I'll get mad.

But thanks for agreeing with my "HUD Options" suggestion :)

May 9 2016, 3:30 PM · Arma 3
Helperman added a comment to T58793: Implement a visual stance indicator.

Yes, but you dont get it - these settings are SERVERSIDE and SINGLEPLAYER only:

they would be forced on other players if you host a Session, and used in the editor and singleplayer missions - if you join a server, all your difficulty options are forfeit and the Serverside determines to force thirdperson, even though you disabled it, same with crosshair, ETC. - with everything.

SERVERS override YOUR settings.

You clearly have no clue at all what we are talking about.

May 9 2016, 3:30 PM · Arma 3