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Rain sound contains weird clicking sound effect
Assigned, WishlistPublic


The Rain sound has a weird "clicking" sound which sounds like the Menu-Click sound (only similar though), which appears about every 15-20 seconds, when it rains. Video link is here, sorry for the talking, but I felt it was necessary to point out when it happens;

The sound appears like a variation of the Menu-clicking sounds that are used in the main menu or the Escape-Menu (Respawn, Abort, Save, Load, Configure, etc.), but slightly different. Also, it is not something in the game, as you can see I'm just laying in the open, not doing any special things, not pressing any buttons, just idling. It happens if in a vehicle (3rd person), and playing any unit and in any terrain setting.

It is definetly not the crickets or other animal sounds, as it is too consistent (happens always after a fixed amount of time). It is also not a character-equipment sound, as it is happening with no weapons and clothing on, inside a vehicle (3rd person), etc.


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

Place unit in editor, set to rain or thunderstorm, listen closely. You hear a weird noise every 15-20 seconds (always there), now go to the esc-menu and click any buttons - sounds almost the same.

Additional Information

Event Timeline

Helperman edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Nov 7 2013, 4:48 AM
Helperman edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Helperman set Category to Sound.
Helperman set Reproducibility to Always.
Helperman set Severity to None.
Helperman set Resolution to Open.
Helperman set Legacy ID to 3587091742.May 7 2016, 5:21 PM
Shields added a subscriber: Shields.May 7 2016, 5:21 PM

Now that i think of, i've heard it. o.o

Reproduced in 1.31.127362.

There is a fault in the sound file (A3\sounds_f\ambient\rain\rain_new_1) - at 15.665s there is some kind of a click.

I've heard my share of rain and this does not sound like a raindrop hitting a puddle of water. I'm sure it is the sound of a raindrop hitting something but whatever it is it just does not work on a 1 minute looped sample.

please try to change your tone when talking to moderators. I will not tolerate your passive-aggressive attitude.
Thank you

I think I can hear some quieter clicks also but they don't annoy as much as that loud click. It might be from a real source but it just doesn't fit at all on the environment.

@Iceman: Wow, what's with the personal attacks? I wasn't being aggressive. I just stated a fact. Also, how is Helperman a moderator?

In any case, fact removed.
Guess I'll go review the rest of my facts, just in case.