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Having it rain chemlights doesn't give the colourful wonderland as you would expect it to be.
Reviewed, NormalPublic


I've made a mission that makes it rain chemlights. Set the settings to max:

I made it rain Chemlights, expecting a wondrous colourful wonderland. Instead I got little dots in the grass with lights popping up randomly.


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Steps To Reproduce

Download and Run:

Additional Information

Video of the environment:

Its fun to see the chemlights bounce! :D

Event Timeline

Ligthert edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Mar 6 2013, 10:57 PM
Ligthert edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Ligthert set Category to Visual-Environment.
Ligthert set Reproducibility to Always.
Ligthert set Severity to Trivial.
Ligthert set Resolution to Open.
Ligthert set Legacy ID to 3481088975.May 7 2016, 11:10 AM
SGTIce added a subscriber: SGTIce.May 7 2016, 11:10 AM

Seems the lighting engine still needs work.

Is the problem referring to the draw distance on the lights or the lights displayed?

As Dwarden put it: " cause no unlimited dynamic lights and shadows ... wait for Arma 4 "

From the MSO Skype channel:
" I guess they could simulate dynamic light at a distance. "

Maybe it could help...

you set the settings to max ?? your screenshots tell something different

Reaper, the settings concerning dynamic lights and particles are set to max. Other stuff like clouds, shadows and ping pong balls have no influence on the dynamic lights chemlights give.

Where can I find chemlights? never seen it anywhere in ArmA 3 :[

Maybe the brushes and bushes are too light-absorbant?

But glad to know I'm not alone with this issue.

if they cull the dynamic light at distance how will we enjoy the tracers lighting up the environment?

Maxyz added a subscriber: Maxyz.May 7 2016, 11:10 AM
Maxyz added a comment.Mar 18 2013, 3:17 AM

Yesterday I tried to write a curse word on the ground with chemlights =)). First letter was X and I used 10 lights for it when discovered that I can see only 5 or 6 of 'em at any given time. They were situated in approx 10m diameter. You see 5 of them, you move slightly to the side for about 1-2 meters and see the other 5, while first 5 become invisible. Options are at max. Something's not right.

Dissapointing this is.