When engaging AI at long ranges (400 - 1000 meters) AI react to quickly and is able to pinpoint your location in seconds. This is highly unlikely, frustrating and unrealistic. AI in the same area will also be able to figure out where the shot came from.
Within seconds, the AI will engage, and will more often than not, be able to hit you with much more ease than you hit them making engaging groups totaly impossible. The fact that they are under fire doesn't have any effect on them at all.
They are also consistantly to good at spotting you at range even unprovoked. The AI mostly spot you a long time before you are able to spot them. They are also able to see through trees.
I had one engagement where I was having a firefight with a group of AI in a forest, and an MG where fireing through the leaves of a tree (making it impossible to see him) while at the same time being able to land accurate shots at my cover and quite quickly killing me.
Do the same over again without scoped enemy units. {F17683} {F17684} {F17685}