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User Since
May 21 2013, 2:23 PM (583 w, 4 d)

Recent Activity

Jun 25 2024

SuicideKing created T182375: CTD with GM Force Recon on Cham map.
Jun 25 2024, 6:25 AM · Arma 3
SuicideKing updated the task description for T182375: CTD with GM Force Recon on Cham map.
Jun 25 2024, 6:25 AM · Arma 3

Apr 25 2024

SuicideKing created T180721: Command/EH to obtain artillery (computer) target position.
Apr 25 2024, 10:19 AM · Arma 3

Apr 23 2024

SuicideKing created T180665: Periodic microstuttering observed with empty maps.
Apr 23 2024, 4:05 AM · Arma 3

Mar 10 2024

SuicideKing updated the task description for T179823: Map UI: Radial marker menu is bad for mouse and keyboard users.
Mar 10 2024, 11:50 PM · Arma Reforger
SuicideKing created T179823: Map UI: Radial marker menu is bad for mouse and keyboard users.
Mar 10 2024, 11:48 PM · Arma Reforger
SuicideKing created T179822: Map: compass cannot be rotated.
Mar 10 2024, 11:43 PM · Arma Reforger
SuicideKing created T179821: Map: Compass and protractor prevents line deletion.
Mar 10 2024, 11:38 PM · Arma Reforger
SuicideKing created T179820: Idle animations: you can see the inside of your troso.
Mar 10 2024, 10:45 PM · Arma Reforger
SuicideKing created T179819: Game Master: Compositions broken when spawned in building slots.
Mar 10 2024, 10:39 PM · Arma Reforger
SuicideKing created T179817: Can we have a keymap of unused keys?.
Mar 10 2024, 10:23 PM · Arma Reforger
SuicideKing created T179816: Keybinds/actions not explained in UI.
Mar 10 2024, 10:19 PM · Arma Reforger
SuicideKing created T179815: Keybinds: Conflicts not shown.
Mar 10 2024, 10:14 PM · Arma Reforger
SuicideKing created T179814: Ladders: Character head can clip through platform.
Mar 10 2024, 10:06 PM · Arma Reforger
SuicideKing created T179813: Ladders: no prompt to climb down.
Mar 10 2024, 10:02 PM · Arma Reforger

Jul 22 2023

SuicideKing added a comment to T85067: Garrison Module for Eden Editor?.

Having a native vanilla garrison module for 3den would be very useful. It could support the area scaling widget too. IMO it should be able to:

Jul 22 2023, 8:24 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing added a comment to T155463: These modules are missing the Area Widget and Area Scaling Widget in Eden Editor.

Yes, would be really useful to have area widget support for these modules -- i was going to create a ticket for the minefield before i found this.

Jul 22 2023, 7:59 PM · Arma 3

Apr 14 2023

SuicideKing changed Category from category:general to category:aiaimingshooting on T171561: AI fired SACLOS missiles don't lose target track after gunner dies.
Apr 14 2023, 7:27 AM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T171561: AI fired SACLOS missiles don't lose target track after gunner dies.
Apr 14 2023, 7:25 AM · Arma 3

Feb 16 2023

SuicideKing created T170421: AI-driven Tracked Amphibious Vehicles Get Stuck in Rivers.
Feb 16 2023, 5:15 AM · Arma 3

Dec 7 2022

SuicideKing created T169250: Feature Request: trenches and foxholes.
Dec 7 2022, 8:46 AM · Arma Reforger

Jul 26 2022

SuicideKing created T166838: Incorrect ActiveRadar detection range used by aircraft PassiveRadar.
Jul 26 2022, 9:00 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing added a comment to T124657: [DEV] AA Turrets do not use their radar.

Issue is no longer present, please close this ticket.

Jul 26 2022, 7:48 PM · Arma 3

Feb 2 2022

SuicideKing created T163062: DX11 error - CreateTexture failed - E_OUTOFMEMORY.
Feb 2 2022, 8:29 AM · Arma 3

Aug 4 2021

SuicideKing created T160057: CTD - Out of swap file.
Aug 4 2021, 5:37 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T160056: DX11 out of memory CTD.
Aug 4 2021, 5:30 PM · Arma 3 Creator DLC - CSLA Iron Curtain

Sep 2 2020

SuicideKing created T153532: Memory access related CTD.
Sep 2 2020, 3:34 PM · Arma 3

Jun 25 2020

SuicideKing created T152099: Strela might have an excessively large lock cone.
Jun 25 2020, 8:50 PM · Arma 3 Creator DLC - Global Mobilization
SuicideKing created T152098: Next weapon / Fire mode select keybind causes weapon change if Strela is equipped.
Jun 25 2020, 8:47 PM · Arma 3 Creator DLC - Global Mobilization

Jul 13 2019

SuicideKing created T142294: Werferlingen Winter does not appear to have FLIR textures.
Jul 13 2019, 7:08 PM · Arma 3 Creator DLC - Global Mobilization

Jul 11 2019

SuicideKing edited Additional Information on T142246: Bright bullet decals on Werferlingen trees.
Jul 11 2019, 10:13 PM · Arma 3 Creator DLC - Global Mobilization
SuicideKing created T142246: Bright bullet decals on Werferlingen trees.
Jul 11 2019, 10:04 PM · Arma 3 Creator DLC - Global Mobilization

Jun 25 2019

SuicideKing created T141408: M113 can sometimes flip while entering or exiting the river.
Jun 25 2019, 2:06 AM · Arma 3 Creator DLC - Global Mobilization
SuicideKing created T141406: Mounted ATGM launcher clips head of character when turning.
Jun 25 2019, 2:01 AM · Arma 3 Creator DLC - Global Mobilization
SuicideKing created T141405: Crew in gunner seats turn in instead of just storing weapon the first time.
Jun 25 2019, 1:57 AM · Arma 3 Creator DLC - Global Mobilization
SuicideKing added a comment to T141122: AI shoots through building walls.

Given that this happens in vanilla arma buildings too... might be something that can be fixed more widely. Assuming BI cooperates...

Jun 25 2019, 1:42 AM · Arma 3 Creator DLC - Global Mobilization
SuicideKing added a comment to T141329: Swimming phyics of east german apcs not working correctly..

Same issue with the M113, and to a lesser extent the Fuchs. Vanilla vehicles do show a similar behaviour, but the difference is that they have a tighter turn radius which makes it more controllable. Note that boats seem to handle very differently to amphibious vehicles.

Jun 25 2019, 1:41 AM · Arma 3 Creator DLC - Global Mobilization

Sep 12 2018

SuicideKing added a comment to T127526: Markers disappear in End Game spectator free camera mode.

Can confirm that this doesn't happen when slotting a Virtual Spectator slot from the lobby. @Wulf

Sep 12 2018, 4:18 PM · Arma 3

Aug 22 2018

SuicideKing added a comment to T85163: FFV Showcase Mission Broken.

point number 3 has been resolved (either 1.82 or 1.84, i don't remember). The rest I don't know, probably fixed by now /shrug

Aug 22 2018, 12:04 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing renamed T124661: [RESOLVED] Request for Anti-Radiation Missiles from Request for Anti-Radiation Missiles to [RESOLVED] Request for Anti-Radiation Missiles.
Aug 22 2018, 12:04 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing renamed T124662: [RESOLVED] Request: Red dot on AH-9 windscreen from Request: Red dot on AH-9 windscreen to [RESOLVED] Request: Red dot on AH-9 windscreen.
Aug 22 2018, 12:04 PM · Arma 3

Jul 18 2018

SuicideKing added a comment to T118330: Gunner searchlights not working.

Authored by reyhard, fixed by reyhard 👌 😄

Jul 18 2018, 6:18 PM · Arma 3

Jun 8 2018

SuicideKing added a comment to T124664: Macers can't lock on to laser designated targets..

So it seems this was assigned since May 2017 but I don't see any fix for this. Still won't lock on with laser designator to this date.

Jun 8 2018, 8:30 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing renamed T124664: Macers can't lock on to laser designated targets. from [DEV] Macers can't lock on to laser designated targets. to Macers can't lock on to laser designated targets..
Jun 8 2018, 8:29 PM · Arma 3

May 23 2018

SuicideKing added a comment to T127526: Markers disappear in End Game spectator free camera mode.

Another example:

May 23 2018, 12:25 AM · Arma 3

May 17 2018

SuicideKing edited Steps To Reproduce on T84758: House (Large,Abandoned) windows block grenades.
May 17 2018, 6:07 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing updated the task description for T84758: House (Large,Abandoned) windows block grenades.
May 17 2018, 6:06 PM · Arma 3

Apr 24 2018

SuicideKing added a comment to T127526: Markers disappear in End Game spectator free camera mode.

Still seems to happen post 1.82, although I've had at least one mission where the markers did NOT disappear for me, but they DID for another player.

Apr 24 2018, 4:53 PM · Arma 3

Apr 13 2018

SuicideKing added a comment to T128140: PCML Direct mode is broken.

Does it hit the ground or just detonate early?

Apr 13 2018, 12:11 AM · Arma 3 (1.82.144647)

Mar 9 2018

SuicideKing added a comment to T127866: [TANKS DLC] Offroad/4WD AT no sound.

I'm assuming it's fixed on an internal build, but otherwise this is clearly missing sounds. Compare vs the CUP SPG-9, which should also be a BI-made asset if i'm not wrong.

Mar 9 2018, 9:57 PM · Arma 3

Feb 5 2018

SuicideKing added a comment to T127526: Markers disappear in End Game spectator free camera mode.

Thanks, I hope you manage to isolate it. For us it seems to be pretty consistent - at least on the dedicated server. Haven't tried while self-hosting. Will try testing it from a spectator slot during our sessions and see what happens in that case.

Feb 5 2018, 7:16 PM · Arma 3

Jan 29 2018

SuicideKing edited Steps To Reproduce on T127526: Markers disappear in End Game spectator free camera mode.
Jan 29 2018, 1:09 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing added a comment to T127526: Markers disappear in End Game spectator free camera mode.

Markers disappear at around 2:30. The freeze after I die is because of me alt tabbing and switching TeamSpeak channels.

Jan 29 2018, 11:26 AM · Arma 3

Jan 27 2018

SuicideKing added a comment to T127526: Markers disappear in End Game spectator free camera mode.

Yup, those ones. Will create a video tomorrow hopefully and put it up. Sorry about the late reply, didn't see this.

Jan 27 2018, 9:11 PM · Arma 3

Jan 10 2018

SuicideKing created T127526: Markers disappear in End Game spectator free camera mode.
Jan 10 2018, 8:37 PM · Arma 3

Jan 9 2018

SuicideKing created T127520: Light reflection from vehicle headlights behaves incorrectly on bridges.
Jan 9 2018, 1:28 PM · Arma 3

Oct 25 2017

SuicideKing added a comment to T126014: Dynamically simulated empty vehicles may leave lights on under some conditions.

Allegedly fixed on dev branch today

Oct 25 2017, 5:03 PM · Arma 3

Sep 28 2017

SuicideKing added a comment to T121840: RPG-7 Launcher. Sights optics Feature Regvest..

BTW more resources:

Sep 28 2017, 2:21 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing added a comment to T121840: RPG-7 Launcher. Sights optics Feature Regvest..

So...looks like they've been doing *something* with it:

Sep 28 2017, 2:19 PM · Arma 3

Sep 26 2017

SuicideKing added a comment to T126803: Crew of Strider dies to AT mines, unlike other MRAPs.

Well, it seems this is intended:

Sep 26 2017, 1:49 AM · Arma 3

Sep 25 2017

SuicideKing edited Steps To Reproduce on T126803: Crew of Strider dies to AT mines, unlike other MRAPs.
Sep 25 2017, 4:10 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing edited Steps To Reproduce on T126803: Crew of Strider dies to AT mines, unlike other MRAPs.
Sep 25 2017, 4:09 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T126803: Crew of Strider dies to AT mines, unlike other MRAPs.
Sep 25 2017, 4:09 PM · Arma 3

Sep 14 2017

SuicideKing added a comment to T122495: Helicopter crew members in wrong seats.

Fixed for ghosthawk on dev (v1.77), not sure about the rest

Fixed: Ghosthawk crew spawned in the wrong order in Eden Editor

Sep 14 2017, 2:22 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing added a comment to T124332: TO-201 Shikra missed middle Pylon.

Fixed as of 1.76

Sep 14 2017, 2:15 PM · Arma 3

Sep 13 2017

SuicideKing added a comment to T126671: Crash related to Zeus [1.76 profiling].

Potentially fixed with 1.76.142942. I can't repro with the F3 template anymore, although I'm testing a different system now, with the latest Win 10 feature update (Version 10.0.15063). Waiting for more people to confirm.

Sep 13 2017, 12:31 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing added a comment to T126667: Marker Text Misaligned.

Still an issue with 1.76, seemed to have been caused by the Chinese localisation support hotfix.

Sep 13 2017, 10:33 AM · Arma 3

Sep 9 2017

SuicideKing updated the task description for T126671: Crash related to Zeus [1.76 profiling].
Sep 9 2017, 2:41 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing added a comment to T126671: Crash related to Zeus [1.76 profiling].

Another thing i didn't add - Nikko removed all init code from the placed curator modules, i.e. no units were added to zeus. Still crashed.

Sep 9 2017, 2:13 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing updated subscribers of T126671: Crash related to Zeus [1.76 profiling].

Discussed with @Dwarden over PM

Sep 9 2017, 2:09 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T126671: Crash related to Zeus [1.76 profiling].
Sep 9 2017, 2:08 PM · Arma 3

Jul 17 2017

SuicideKing added a comment to T120511: Bug After update 1.64: The player takes the position of the snake (invisible barriers).

I have a duplicate ticket:

Jul 17 2017, 1:15 PM · Arma 3

Jul 13 2017

SuicideKing added a comment to T126017: Active radar symbol persists on display after radar source has been destroyed.

Repro mission:

Jul 13 2017, 4:21 PM · Arma 3

Jul 12 2017

SuicideKing added a comment to T126017: Active radar symbol persists on display after radar source has been destroyed.

Yeah i think you're right, if i turn off datalink from the emitter then the symbol goes away after a few seconds (although it should go away instantly, as it does when the radar is turned off).

Jul 12 2017, 2:14 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing added a comment to T125977: ListRemoteTargets give wrong values when Centurion data link is activated.

Yes, can confirm, have observed this behaviour too.

Jul 12 2017, 1:34 PM · Arma 3

Jul 11 2017

SuicideKing edited Steps To Reproduce on T126165: A particular Land_Shed_01_F has occlusion and LOD issues.
Jul 11 2017, 3:21 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T126165: A particular Land_Shed_01_F has occlusion and LOD issues.
Jul 11 2017, 3:20 PM · Arma 3

Jul 1 2017

SuicideKing created T126017: Active radar symbol persists on display after radar source has been destroyed.
Jul 1 2017, 12:39 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing added a comment to T125153: Arma3 JetsDLC Radar bug.

Wipeout does not have active radar anymore, only "passive" radar, i.e. can detect other radars active in the area. It has a visual and IR sensor, and its weapons use IR lock. The target object must be hot (i.e. have its engines on) for successful lock. they've improved locking behaviour in 1.72, btw.

Jul 1 2017, 12:19 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing added a comment to T125357: Player Locked slot issue after 1.70.

Still seems to be an issue with 1.72 hotfix, both local MP and DS. Can't change slots.

Jul 1 2017, 12:04 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T126016: Can't see the map icons of simple objects inside buildings.
Jul 1 2017, 11:59 AM · Arma 3
SuicideKing updated the task description for T126014: Dynamically simulated empty vehicles may leave lights on under some conditions.
Jul 1 2017, 11:55 AM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T126015: Quality of life improvements for Eden Editor.
Jul 1 2017, 11:53 AM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T126014: Dynamically simulated empty vehicles may leave lights on under some conditions.
Jul 1 2017, 11:47 AM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T126013: Trigger optimization: triggers check condition and build thisList even if condition has been fulfilled.
Jul 1 2017, 11:29 AM · Arma 3

May 2 2017

SuicideKing added a comment to T124659: [DEV] Centurion HUD shows targets beyond 8km.

I thought Oukej said it would only be 8km? To be clear, I don't mind it being 10, it's just a mismatch between the display and the observed detection range. Can't actually lock so it's not that big a deal.

May 2 2017, 4:37 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T124664: Macers can't lock on to laser designated targets..
May 2 2017, 12:16 AM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T124663: [DEV] Landing gear of new planes auto-retracts after launching from carrier.
May 2 2017, 12:12 AM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T124662: [RESOLVED] Request: Red dot on AH-9 windscreen.
May 2 2017, 12:01 AM · Arma 3

May 1 2017

SuicideKing created T124661: [RESOLVED] Request for Anti-Radiation Missiles.
May 1 2017, 11:56 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T124660: [DEV] Praetorian 1C should not target infantry .
May 1 2017, 11:49 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T124659: [DEV] Centurion HUD shows targets beyond 8km.
May 1 2017, 10:52 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T124658: [DEV] Spartan and Praetorian radar sensor cones don't rotate with turret.
May 1 2017, 10:42 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T124657: [DEV] AA Turrets do not use their radar.
May 1 2017, 10:23 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing added a comment to T124653: [DEV] Random crash after trying to quit mission.

Come to think of it, could be related to the Shikra, since I had a crash with it last week too...

May 1 2017, 9:40 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing created T124653: [DEV] Random crash after trying to quit mission.
May 1 2017, 9:31 PM · Arma 3

Apr 22 2017

SuicideKing added a comment to T124492: Mk21 not firing missiles [DEV Branch].
  • Mk21 seems to follow ground vehicles too (in fact, all 3 track ground vehicles)
  • Mk21 seems to not turn its radar on even when forced
Apr 22 2017, 8:42 PM · Arma 3

Apr 12 2017

SuicideKing added a comment to T124272: Crash when used with IFA3+CUP Core at slotting screen.

Fixed on latest performance branch as of the time of writing!
Thanks @Dwarden and co. !

Apr 12 2017, 6:58 PM · Arma 3

Apr 10 2017

SuicideKing added a comment to T124272: Crash when used with IFA3+CUP Core at slotting screen.

So apparently, if i make all the units unplayable, and create a new playable Red Army unit, it works fine. But the moment I make the pre-placed units playable, it can't load into the slotting screen and crashes with the same error.

Apr 10 2017, 7:37 PM · Arma 3
SuicideKing added a comment to T124272: Crash when used with IFA3+CUP Core at slotting screen.

Removing other side slots except OPFOR causes crash as soon as i press "play now" in editor.

Apr 10 2017, 7:20 PM · Arma 3