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CTD with GM Force Recon on Cham map
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game crashes at the end of the mission with STATUS ACCESS VIOLATION. Observed when mission ended, both by all players dying and when mission was completed successfully. In the first case, the crash happened before debriefing. In the second case, the crash happened when the path replay* was playing.

In the first case, the stable server and a few other stable clients also crashed. I was running the latest performance binary.

*there's a map that shows the path that your squad took through the map.



Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Operating System Version
Error Message
Steps To Reproduce
  • Play attached gm_force_recon.tem_cham.pbo.
  • End the mission either by dying or successful completion (it's long though).
  • Hopefully you will see the crash.
Additional Information

Running with mimalloc_v214_lock_pages.dll +-hugePages

Event Timeline

SuicideKing updated the task description. (Show Details)Jun 25 2024, 6:25 AM
dedmen added a subscriber: dedmen.Jun 25 2024, 3:21 PM

Yeah can repro by just killing myself with grenade.

Actually quite a bit more complicated than I expected.
While the cutEffects are being destroyed, a script eventhandler in their OnUnload event, calls cutText to set a new effect. This new effect, replaces the old effect, the one thats currently being destroyed. And before replacing it, it wants to destroy the effect that is already being destroyed.

dedmen changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jun 25 2024, 3:41 PM

Mh after fix, it seems the mission failure doesn't work.
After the failed screen, you go back and see your character lying unconscious on the ground.
But I don't know how that compares to the before, as before it was crashing so maybe it was always like that.
You have to press Esc once, to trigger the actual endmission stats screen.

Fixed-ish next prof/dev