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Dec 23 2013, 12:19 AM (587 w, 1 d)

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May 11 2016

itchypantz added a comment to T104087: U suck.


May 11 2016, 1:29 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T104083: "2x W" for sprinting dont work anymore,.

Still works here.

May 11 2016, 1:29 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103820: [BUG] HypOthermia Instantly From Lighting A Fire! 4 Deaths Result.

Chenarus is actually on a moon of a distant planet. Don't you know? There is no atmosphere, so heat dissipates super-quick! They will be putting in the space suits in the next patch or the one after that.

May 11 2016, 1:19 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103815: Resuscitation not working properly?.

I tried a little CPR once. It was really not functional. It looked weird and did not seem practical. Also, no effect.

May 11 2016, 1:19 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103747: when a server crashes and you login to fast after it comes up or after a no response message your inventory is wiped.


May 11 2016, 1:17 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

I will confirm, after more research, what others have already confirmed. Vilayer servers do seem to be warmer. I was FREEZING when I left one server (body temp 35.4) and SLOWLY WARMING when I entered a Vilayer server (body temp 35.6). I did switch back and forth a few times and the non-Vilayer servers seemed to be much colder.

This thread started talking about a jacket. We have narrowed it down to the server; likely a setting. It may not be a glitch, it might just be overall temperature. The spamming is likely because you are in a situation where your clothing to activity ratio is allowing for some cooling and some warming. The spam will need to be calmed down nonetheless.

May 11 2016, 1:17 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

If you don't use a thermometer to measure your temperature, you will never learn to manage it. I do believe the overall temp is too low and that the cold is a little unweildy. However, I have learned, difinitively, that movement increases body temperature. That is why it all seems random. You stop for five minutes to loot a house and you start to get cold. Go outside and run to the next building or town and your temp will raise a little. The mathematics seem also to take into account the type of clothing that you are wearing. Gorka military seems the best, but clearly not good enough. Wool Coat seems to be the lowest rating that will allow body heat to keep you alive. A hoodie will not allow enough body heat to remain to keep your temperature from consistently plummeting.

I guess the Vilayer servers are all hosted in the Carribean or something, hey? Somewhere nice and warm! :P

I have played on Vilayer servers also. I do not see a difference server to server. I do believe that there is a problem, however. I believe that either the temperature is too low over all, or that clothing warmth ratings need to be bumped. Currently, there are only about four things that you can wear that will keep you alive. Soon everyone will be wearing the exact same jacket and no one will be able to tell who each other is because we will all look the same.

I will add that sitting next to a fire will bring your body temp back up to 36.7 nearly immediately and that will help alot. Unfortunately, it only takes about 15 minutes to get cold again. So long as you stay active and don't just sit still, AND you are wearing at least a wool coat, you will not become hypothermic. If you want to sit and snipe, you will have a problem, no matter what you are wearing. I wonder if maybe that is the idea? Cut back on snipers?

May 11 2016, 1:17 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

Dreagon, I am sorry that you don't believe me. Use a thermometer and see for yourself.

The measurements are all in CELSIUS. Clearly. There is only one country left who needs Fahrenheit. And this is not an American game.

37 is BODY TEMPERATURE. 35 and under should indicate hypothermia in the real world. It seems DayZ lets you get to around 34.

May 11 2016, 1:17 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

Now. When we are experimenting with heat, remember the body heat factor. It will change the outcome of your calculations...

That is all.

I don't need an apology. I just wanted to contribute to the collective braintrust. Thank you for measuring.

And. Still. The Gorka jacket SHOULD be sufficient in every server all the time. It seems that it is not?

May 11 2016, 1:17 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

Body Heat is implemented.

May 11 2016, 1:17 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

it's in now.
use a thermometer,
see for yourself.

I don't know why the dev reports say anything different, as using a thermometer clearly will show you that body heat is implemented now.

I think the problem is a two part issue.

  1. The climate temperature is set waaay too low (it feels like playing on the moon)
  2. People don't believe that body heat is implemented so they are not behaving in ways to best make use of body heat. We are probably spending too much time shuffling about and not really doing anything. Moving from house to house, sniping, etc.

I have not experienced issues on all servers either. Until I started to measure my temperature. Then I started to realize that is was all servers and the thing was to keep moving to keep heat up. Clothing matters also. I see the thread started with the Gorka jacket, which should be good enough in all conditions. Honestly, the original poster has probably realized since that they had ruined boots or pants or a wet item or something else on. maybe not. Maybe it's a server thing. Which would be weird, but possible. More likely, however, it is like food/water/health. In it's first few weeks, no one knew how to manage it and threads just like this one were everywhere. Soon enough, everyone learned how to manage it and all the threads dried up.

Currently, as Mr. draegon has made clear, no one realizes that body heat is currently a factor. I do think they devs have the ambient temps all dialed down to run some amount of an experiment. Or the 'heat comfort quantifier' on clothing is too low. Or body heat quantifier is too low. One of the three (as it is a balance of those things that will make gameplay intuitive in the end). Couple that with a population who generally does not understand that there IS a counter involved (body heat) and you get many posts about ghost bugs.

I came to add that there IS body heat. NOW. That may help people run better experiments.

I know that body heat DOES EXIST NOW because I ran experiments. I took measurements with a measuring tool. I did not rely on the internet to tell the truth.

I have to keep posting because I keep being trolled and being told that I am wrong. Before you call me wrong, MEASURE FOR YOURSELF AND KNOW!

Unfortunately, that body heat mechanic with this terrible cold will lead to the game becoming, not only "The Running Simulator" but "The Running On The Spot Into Walls to Build Heat Simulator".

May 11 2016, 1:17 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

@ draegon948

You did it. You thread-trolled! :D You didn't use a thermometer before typing back to me. :P

I don't have a sexy british accent and I have not editted any videos together, however, I have run around and taken my temperature a hundred times over about 2 hours. I was paying careful attention to my activities to body temperature correlation. What I found was that my body temperature actually rose after running. And I am not referring to using a white status message as my guide. I was using the thermometer to actually MEASURE. I came to the only conclusion that I could: You create body heat in DayZ. Maschas has begun to figure it out.

This revelation is not any fix for anything, as the temperature in Chenarus is currently set to minus frikkin 50! But this knowledge can really help. When you start to get cold, run. It will save your life.

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

Your avatar will actually produce body heat if you run for prolonged intervals. Try it out. Take a thermometer so you can know the results. I see maschas was beginning to notice it. The report there states "I did notice that the cold status seemed to disappear more when I was moving..." It was not consistent. Likely because he ran and stopped and ran and stopped.

This thing about different servers seems like voodoo.

Boots might help, of course. But I don't see that being the holy grail.

Revelation: BODY HEAT!
Whacky but true!

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

oh ya.
@dreagon948 read what I have been saying: In DayZ you produce body heat to help offset the hypothermia issue!

Before you decide to type back in a thread troll rage, do this:

  1. Get thermometer
  2. Get cold
  3. Take Temperature
  4. Run into a wall for five minutes
  5. Check your temperature again

You will be very surprised.

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

Does everyone realize that you ACTUALLY DO CREATE BODY HEAT!?!?!?!

Get cold then run straight into the side of a building for 10 minutes. You will see your temperature rise. You do need to be clothed in at least a wool jacket in order for your body heat production to over balance your heat loss so that you have a net gain. A hoodie is not good enough.

If you don't want to run into a wall for 10 minutes, go for a long run. You will see the same results.

It is my experience that the only clothing that is good enough to rely exclusively on the clothing is the Gorka gear. This means that there is now only about 3 different articles of clothing that anyone even wants to wear. Tshirts and checked shirts are now as useful as a rotten kiwi. I also believe that those articles of clothing that do not keep you alive should be treated like the rotten kiwi and be completely removed from the game.

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103742: Gorka clothes no longer keep you warm.

The temp model is like we are playing on the moon!

no atmosphere = no heat

May 11 2016, 1:16 AM · DayZ
itchypantz edited Steps To Reproduce on T103666: Wool Jacket does not keep player warm.
May 11 2016, 1:13 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103538: [PRIMARY REPORT] Character cools down/gets hypothermic too quickly.

I did not see any evidence of warming in that video about the boots. I did see you run on the spot for a long period of time, which, when protected sufficiently, will raise your body temp via body heat.

May 11 2016, 1:09 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103538: [PRIMARY REPORT] Character cools down/gets hypothermic too quickly.

So. After much running around with the thermometre in my hand. I can now say that YOU ACTUALLY PRODUCE BODY HEAT!!! This is quite a revelation! This is not likely to be the holy grail, however, as I would also like to discuss the usefulness of certain clothing items.

Here we are in Chenarus. I can see my breath, so it is cold, but not too cold, as is depicted by the landscape. On this particular day, it was sunny. Around Midday. I was wearing a wool coat, a winter hat, a backpack full of shit, several weapons, military boots, gloves, and sturdy cargo pants. I was moving around in the forest and in urban landscapes and I was freezing! I was losing heat and losing heat and began shaking and my status was showing COLD. My temperature showed to hover around 35.4 C. That is very cold. Dangerously cold!

My friend suggested to go in a house and run circles to generate heat. I tried this. To my amazement, I began to warm slowly! WOW! WHAT!? We actually generate body heat! I put myself facing a wall and just ran straight into it for ten minutes. My body temp actually rose at least one whole degree! So that's it! You have to stay moving!

I decided to continue testing the heat thing. I rooted around in town for a while so my body temp would dip again, then I went for a run. Solichny to Elektro. Nice long run. I checked my temp every little while. As I ran, my body temp steadily rose. I was wearing the wool coat. I had a pristine hoodie in my pocket, so I swapped it out for the coat. Now, wearing a hoodie, I immediately began losing body heat. Eventually, my body temp did begin going lower and lower while running and while wearing a hoodie, winter hat, military boots, vest, gloves, weapons, etc.

I learned that the hoodie and any clothing item rated lower than that in terms of warmth, is completely useless in this game and should be scrapped immediately. Tshirts, checked shirts, hoodies, and the like should be given the same treatment as rotten kiwi and removed from the game wholesale. Frankly, the wool coat should too, as it just bearly covers minimum requirement to remain living in this game.

Now, I know plenty of people who work outdoors every day. They work in conditions very much like the conditions being simulated in DayZ. If they have a hat, gloves, boots, pants, and a hoodie, they will be just fine. Perhaps, under rain conditions, rain gear is adviseable. This leads me to wonder if perhaps, the world in which DayZ is set is on the moon. Perhaps there is less atmosphere than on Earth, so heat dissipates much faster?

As far as a fire goes, I have not tried it with the temperature feature activated. That will have to be next. I have not tried to sit next to one, nor have I tried to eat hot food to raise body temperature. So far, the only way to raise body temperature that I have every found is to be wearing a highly rated jacket and sprinting for thirty minutes.

As far as antibiotics, I have not tried that either. I have my doubts. Hypoythermia is treated with only one thing in real life: APPLY HEAT. Provide external heat sources. Usually body heat is most recommended. In other words, the best cure for hypothermia in the real world is to get naked and cuddle. No kidding. Antibiotics are used to cure bacterial infection. These two conditions are absolutely seperate conditions. If the authors of this game wish to illustrate some level of realism (which they seem to strive very hard for), then a mechanic whereby antibiotics cure a condition such as hypothermia is a very bad illustration and it makes them seem foolish. We might as well just use a squirt of morphine to fuse bone.

Ultimately, after much running around and checking this thing out, I believe that the body temperature model is currently too difficult to manage. I believe that it is not realistic and does not feel intuitive.

I used to hate the medical (food/water/health) model also. After some tweaking, the authors have gotten it right. I can only hope that our feedback is read this time also and the model is softened to where it is a real aspect to take into account, but does not detract from enjoyment of gameplay.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I was looking into this heavily tonight and there was much learned.

May 11 2016, 1:09 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103538: [PRIMARY REPORT] Character cools down/gets hypothermic too quickly.

@ Nothingistrue
The only way to "manage (my) character better" is to wear the Gorka Jacket. Lame. There is exactly one jacket to wear in order to "manage your character correctly". No one will ever know who is who in armed combat! Everyone will be wearing a Gorka jacket!

Also. There is currently no actual way to recover. Ultradev says he sat in a fire and ate hot food. He was wearing a jacket and was indoors. That is what is called "unmanageable".

May 11 2016, 1:09 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103538: [PRIMARY REPORT] Character cools down/gets hypothermic too quickly.

Some factors that make hypothermia unrealistic:

-Fires do not cast heat, Fires do not warm player
-Running does not generate heat
-The only real way to combat hypothermia is to press body to body and use bodyheat to warm the victim
-A Hyporthermic victim does not generate their own body heat. Wearing a jacket alone is not enough to recover from hypothermia.

-There is no way that I should be running, carrying a 50 pound pack, two weapons, and an axe while wearing a hoodie, helmet and gloves in the daylight with no rain or even cloud cover, and still be getting cold. We are supposedly in Russian, not outter space. This is a fail mechanic.

*I have not yet tried eating hot food to warm the victim, but that should work.

May 11 2016, 1:09 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103491: Fire Fighter Coat.

provide extra protection? at the cost of being very hot to wear on warmer days (if they ever return to Chenarus).

May 11 2016, 1:07 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103302: Telescopic baton is dropped when opened and inventory is full.

Yes. A pain. I am eager to use this weapon effectively, but I lost it in the middle of a fight! lol

May 11 2016, 12:58 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103234: Walkie Talkie not working.

I can't wait to use the Walkie Talkie, too. I was testing it like crazy recently and came to this very conclusion.


May 11 2016, 12:56 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103126: My character is broken please help I'm not safe anymore.

From a troubleshooting standpoint, the question must be asked:

Is the prone button assigned correctly?

May 11 2016, 12:52 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T103072: Binoculars have limited range of motion while kneeling or prone.

This seems to be rectified under patch 0.49 Stable.

We'll see if it gets broken again.


May 11 2016, 12:50 AM · DayZ
itchypantz edited Steps To Reproduce on T103072: Binoculars have limited range of motion while kneeling or prone.
May 11 2016, 12:50 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T102557: [Suggestion] diversion Items: Sports horns & firecrackers..

"by the time the game reaches beta"


You mean by the time the USS Enterprise begins taking recruits? Beta for this game might be in about 100 years, at the rate they are currently moving!


May 11 2016, 12:33 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T102375: Character Reset Randomly And i Worked For 58Hours on it.

Play some PvP. Don't play on empty servers. Do not get attached to your gear. Gear is for fighting! and especially don't forget the big red button: "I UNDERSTAND". What you are saying when you press that is "I understand that this game is broken and does not work correctly and might never work correctly, yet I choose to play it anyway and I might even end up crying over it, but I UNDERSTAND"

May 11 2016, 12:27 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T102157: All gear lost when reconnecting to an restarted server.

yep yep
me 2

May 11 2016, 12:18 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T101953: Very hard to get to "Energized" status after 0.48.124737 patch.

I find extra food around on .48, as there are no rotten food drops any more. This means waaaaayyyy more fresh fruit drops. I can attain healthy from new spawn by only eating fresh foods most of the time. I don't even need to eat tinned food!

May 11 2016, 12:12 AM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T101682: Invisible Zombie I and my friend want to get our things back.

You forget about the big red button?! It says "I UNDERSTAND" or, directly translated "I KNOW THIS SHIT IS BROKEN AND IS GOING TO PISS ME OFF, BUT I'M GOING TO PLAY ANYWAY".

Go loot up again. Like the rest of us.
If you want to play a finished game, then you have to wait. This is not done.

May 11 2016, 12:01 AM · DayZ

May 10 2016

itchypantz added a comment to T101484: Camo on rifles no longer works.

I did think the dialogue was weird. I had these options:
-Add BLACK paint to Mosin
-Paint Mosin Black

Perhaps if you have a Green Mosin and you choose PAINT rather than ADD, you will get a BLACK one. I have not made many Camo Mosins.

May 10 2016, 11:55 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T101484: Camo on rifles no longer works.

You could NEVER get camo on the SKS. You could ONLY get it on the Mosin. I painted the mosin CAMO just yesterday, on 47.

May 10 2016, 11:55 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T101478: Random Zombie Sounds.

This has a duplicate. Probably the report number associated with the first time BI heard of it is 0000002. This report is 0015064. That means that Fifteen thousand and sixty two other things have been reported since and it is still not addressed. But don't worry about it. They are working on it. ;-)

And the coloured character model having white arms while wearing gloves was probably report number 0000001. Still not fixed.

Some things really make you wonder.

May 10 2016, 11:54 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T101416: splitting axe multiple hits.

I was thinking that there is a double hit in there too. I was taking down Zeds with a single swing of the splitting axe and garden hoe. In previous versions, I have never been able to kill the Zeds in one hit with anything other than a gun or a fire axe. I even felt like I was hearing a double impact sound.

May 10 2016, 11:52 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T101325: Melee is trashed.

It is even trashed PvP. I had to punch out Zeds and I got into a fist fight with a player on my first life on .47. Bad mechanics.

I will admit, however, that the bad mechanics for melee have existed all along. I don't think Bohemia intended for melee in their gun, tank, helicopter, and jet game.

Even with an axe or shovel, the melee combat is still very bad. There is very little skill involved. I get hit 1 second after I thought I evaded and I hit nearly before I strike sometime. Winning melee is random. It is not skill-based.

May 10 2016, 11:49 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T101098: dep problems.

What is a 'dep problem'?

May 10 2016, 11:42 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T101096: Spawned in the middle of a group of bandits.

I understand the complaint. I wonder, however, what there is to do about it. The way the game works is that you can go to any server and spawn in directly where you spawned out. This is at the very root of what this game is. Where is the game supposed to spawn you back in? How is the game supposed to handle the thing about an entire group being at your spawn location? And... I am not being facetious.

Shoud it
A) Move the person/persons already there (Move the bandits)
B) Spawn you somewhere else
c) Not allow spawn until area is clear

Obviously A is not an option. B and C both will require some type of interface. The user will need to be notified that they cannot be spawned in right now and will need to either wait or be moved. I don't know if we are likely to get any type of interface from the devs that involve communicating the whereabouts of other players on teh server EVER!

If it is B, then how will it choose spawn location B? Will it be random, within what... 500 metres? Now, the same scenario can play itself out.. the random drop might be populated... I guess back to step one, rinse and repeat...

If it is C, you could be there a while. You will also know to get huntin or get AWAY Which is feedback about the whereabouts of others. Fundamentally opposed to what I have seen from DayZ so far.

And finally, I must say that if you cannot spawn too close to each other, then how am I to jump around and play this game with my friend? Yet another mechanic that does not seem to be in DayZ's realm, a friend's list!

Ultimately, I think you were INCREDIBLY unlucky!

May 10 2016, 11:42 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T100890: Left mouse button stops responding when pressed during fights.

I think, during a fight, the inventory hotbar does not work right either. I know it does not work right very often already, but I think in a battle, it is even worse. I think it gets very confused in a battle scenario.

May 10 2016, 11:35 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T100890: Left mouse button stops responding when pressed during fights.

^^ That is not a solution. Simplicity of solution does not excuse the problem. This happened to a friend and I during a prolonged firefight. We lost. We had stacked several bodies over about 20 minutes. We are certain it was even the same guys coming back for their stuff. We had 9 bodies stacked up and more guys coming but we did not even realize until after we died that we were not able to swing an axe, punch, or pull a trigger. I had felt that during the fight, but thought I had done something wrong due to the adrenalin that this game conjures. Afterwards we realized what the issue was. And we were mad! :-[

May 10 2016, 11:35 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T100327: People camping inside the ATC structure, glitched into the walls, shooting people from inside the walls.

I tend to Bandit around the NE Airfield. I have now twice, and potentially a third, seen people INSIDE the walls of the building. We saw this yesterday very clearly. I approached from the west side (side with the ladder) and as I approached the wall, two dudes came OUT OF THE WALL. I had sniper coverage and I killed one and the sniper killed the other. A third person came through the wall and was eliminated by the sniper also. As I was hiding bodies, three more people logged into that ATC and came through the wall also. They were also dispatched. The first member of the second wave of glitchers killed me, as I did not expect to see even more people emerge from the wall.

Another time, we entered the building. I scouted the building and believed there to be two dudes inside. I managed to kill one in the hallway in the ATC and the second one was INSIDE THE WALL. He was talking to us. My friend had heard about this and began taunting him, challenging him to come out of the wall. He never did. We took a little loot and left.

The third time (was actually the first time, and looking back, it was prolly this behaviour that I was seeing) was a matter of massive fireworks. We set up to attack/bandit the ATC. From where I was lying, I could see many people approach the ATC and all of them were met with a hand grendade explosion. I was not sure what I was seeing, as no one ever died from the explosions and all of them seemed to be inside the ATC. From watching carefully, I could see that the epicentre of several of the blasts was in a part of the building that is not accessible. I was confused by this. It seems that they were hand grenades being detonated INSIDE THE WALL. *shrug*

I guess this is a pretty well known hack/glitch. There were only a few Youtube videos about it when I looked...

May 10 2016, 11:16 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T100298: Magnum does not display empty cylinder.

This might be a bit minor, but I have noticed it too. I have thought the same thing.

May 10 2016, 11:16 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T100189: fighting against zombies glitchy.

I agree. The zombie combat is VERY repetitive and basically boring. There is NO SKILL to fighting Zeds. It is a repetitive dance of hit, dodge/circle left, hit zombie, dodge/circle left... repeat. The fight is totally glitched. They hit you from 10 feet away AFTER they go past you. They miss you from right next to you. You swing at their head, hit thier leg. Swing at their leg and hit their head. Swing early and HIT. Swing late and HIT. Swing perfect and miss. Swing perfect and HEAD HIT and they go down unconscious.

Sometimes the Zed fights go the way they should, but others are so glitchy and crazy! There is NO SKILL TO ZED FIGHTING. It is GLITCHY LUCK. You can look pro most of the time if you have a fire axe and manage the first headshot, but if you miss that headshot and get into melee, all skill leaves and it is all about luck. A little about skill. Not much.

May 10 2016, 11:12 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T100081: Magazine gets deleted after reloading without enough space in the inventory.

Yep. Check report 13403. I reported this last week.

May 10 2016, 11:08 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T100069: [Suggestion] Cities on Road Map are not Cyrillic, Maps are not stackable.

It is still a pain that we get an English map for Cyrillic place names. It does not help as much as a map should. And really? Who left it behind? English-speaking tourists? Or locals? I find them in homes and garages and shit. I think it was locals. The maps should be Cyrillic.

Also, I always want a map. But you always die with it. You never get to keep that thing and it takes forever to get a whole one! Maps should be more common. Or t hey should be smaller. I don't know. 4 spots are required to collect one map and one map only takes one slot. The tradeoff is too small. I will choose no map due to the fact that map parts are too rare and the collection takes too many slots. I will prefer the online map and simply knowing my way.

May 10 2016, 11:08 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T100022: player movement controls seem totally broken.

I have not seen 0.47. I have seen 0.46 and there is MAJOR improvement. 0.46 movement changes are AWESOME!! If the mechanics that were introduced were altered for 0.47, then 0.48 should return them to 0.46 state.

May 10 2016, 11:06 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T99996: Tincture not working.

Then why is tincture in the game? I wonder also about the true value of VITAMINS. They seem to do nothing. I eat them and I have escaped death. Perhaps due to increased vitality from vitamins? Probably not. But, why else are they in the game.

And the CHARCOAL TABS and PAINKILLERS and TETRACYCLINE TABS and the SYRINGE & PENICILLIN. Charcoal has only use for newbs who eat rotten fruit and drink shitty water. I no longer shake from residual injuries (to appease the newbs) so I don't need Painkillers. I have never seen an actual illness so the Tetracycline Tabs are dumb. The Syringe and Penicillin? I have taken a sample from myself. Maybe a friend. I cannot combine the Syringe with the Penicillin. So that is all useless.

And of course, the Defib ROFLMAO A heart attack. Who has ever witnessed one of those? I will carry the Defib for 4 inventory spots just in case! LOL!

May 10 2016, 11:05 PM · DayZ
itchypantz edited Steps To Reproduce on T99996: Tincture not working.
May 10 2016, 11:05 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T99843: [Suggestion] New animation when using items when holding a two-handed weapons.

Maybe I'm a purist. One weapon. Massive deterrant if you want two. I like that you must manage them by placing them down, etc. If you want to put them in a backpack, it should take half the pack or maybe you need to break them down in the pack or make it a special pack required (something rare like the stab vest/press vest)

One gun makes the shooter decide if he/she is an assault first or snipe first preference. It ultimately keeps the KOS down a bit. It keeps encounters more calculated.

May 10 2016, 11:00 PM · DayZ
itchypantz edited Steps To Reproduce on T99822: Lost 75 round clip.
May 10 2016, 10:59 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T99660: Duplication of character, ending in death.

I've seen the doppelganger also. I logged out from one server, then very quickly logged back into the same one. The doppelganger was there to greet me, right where I logged out.

My friend and I decided to kill the doppelganger. Just to see. I had to shoot her twice. My friend fired the third and final shot to kill her. I did not die. Just the doppelganger.

May 10 2016, 10:54 PM · DayZ
itchypantz edited Additional Information on T99475: Cannot kill deer.
May 10 2016, 10:48 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T99475: Cannot kill deer.

This is not repeatable. I have no idea what happened. I have killed things since then. Close this report.

May 10 2016, 10:48 PM · DayZ
itchypantz set Category to category:items on T99474: Bayonets.
May 10 2016, 10:48 PM · DayZ
itchypantz edited Additional Information on T99472: Breaking 60 round clips into stacks for storage.
May 10 2016, 10:48 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T99450: Ammo disapearing when loading in clip..

True. When stacking ammo to 60 INSIDE the clip, everything is normal. When breaking that clip down (EMPTY CLIP), the resulting stack of ammo is only 30 rounds. The other 30 just disappear into thin air.

May 10 2016, 10:47 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T99146: Disappearing rounds when loaded into magazine..

See, I have this issue, but I can load the clip to 60 no problem. It is when I EMPTY the clip into my inventory. When I EMPTY the clip, I get only 30 rounds. There were 60 in the clip, but only 30 come out of the clip. The other 30 disappear into thin air. For me, that is 100% reproduce-able.

May 10 2016, 10:36 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T98737: Remotely Looting Bodies?.

I wonder too. I had an incident a few months ago. I was knocked out for about 20 seconds. When I came to, I was naked. I had been completely geared with everything. For someone to take everything in 15 seconds (allow 5 seconds to run away), they either had help from software or ran up to me while naked and took a huge risk to one-hit KO me, then loot everything in one go.

I want to believe that I got one-hit KO'd and looted by a naked guy, because that is a way cooler scenario than hacking.

May 10 2016, 10:23 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T98598: 300 round ammo box and ammo stacks.

Some people just like things to be "as advertised".

May 10 2016, 10:18 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T98568: [Suggestion] Identify friend from foe: Arm bands.

I would love to be able to collect rags and create armbands. Especially if i could choose to put them on my right, left, arm, leg, or other... that would make identifying friend from foe a little easier. And it might be used against you and you might find others doing exactly the same! So it would be in RL.

Great idea!

May 10 2016, 10:17 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T97128: Zombies are too OP (too fast, too strong).

Ya. The Zeds are way too fast. And they lock on from way too far. Even when I am in houses, etc. They see me from 600m away and WHAM! Like a fat kid on a Smartie! The only good thing about them is that I finally have a use for bandages. Still. The focus of this game is not Zeds. It is other players. The Zeds are too much now. They do too much damage too quickly.

Also, they are so laggy(?). They bounce all over in a fight sequence. I cannot be sure if they hit me or not. Sometimes I seem to strike them down as they approach and then I see the white blow, hear the sound, and start bleeding from the strike he got on me after the Zeds falls over dead. Maybe if the Zeds showed more fidelity between where they are and where they seem to be, I would not be so upset. I don't like the current situation because I get hit when I think I should not and I cannot block it and I cannot do anything about it. They just come out of nowhere and BAM! Injured.

You know. I have been playing Breaking Point. I like what the Zeds are there. I like that they are a slow, shambling horde. I think that is what Zeds are supposed to be. Their role in this type of gameplay is more to keep the player honest and to keep the player moving. I like that in BP, they accumulate and the horde grows bigger with time. It only takes a couple of minutes doddling and tinkering with inventory before the horde is too big to fight. I think it is an effective Zed mechanic.

May 10 2016, 9:28 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T96964: no way of escaping zombies makes starting an annoying lottery.

Nearly every single one of my bambi characters will grow to full size. In other words, I strongly disagree. Sometimes I get mauled by zeds while I am without a weapon, but as soon as I get a melee weapon, that annoying part is over. I will basically always win versus any number of zeds so long as I have a melee weapon of any sort. I really like the baseball bat because it has a pretty decent knockout average.

You need to learn to outrun the zeds at first. you need to learn yhow they move so you can run and find an axe and grab it while they are lunging at you. 100% do-able.

May 10 2016, 9:23 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T96855: Unable to crawl up stairs.

Yes. Crawling up stairs should be possible. If one is stuck crawling, one should be able to crawl anywhere (mostly) ... maybe not on rocks and ladders, but in real life, I sure can crawl up stairs...

May 10 2016, 9:19 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T96852: Crawl animation stuck in doorway.

I'll kill you if you like. Give me a time, server, and place.


May 10 2016, 9:19 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T96830: Too much servers named "Don't join or kick" that are no private.

The reason for these "Do not Enter" servers is for looting and travelling. They are used by people to gather loot in an unpopulated state. One can also travel on them without worrying about being attacked.

DayZ seems to want to mitigate "server hopping" and encourage people to 'live' on one server to increase immersion. These "KICK" servers are the epitome of the perceived problem.

Personally, I do not hate the concept of server hopping, however, I do not agree with having a private server for that purpose alone.

May 10 2016, 9:18 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T96827: If you are spawning into a server, you can die before you even get into the game because if someone is there they kill you.

It is an issue. Your avatar is on the map before you are able to control it. I almost think the best thing would be for there to be a delay the other way, so I need to wait for my avatar to ready, not have an avatar ready and waiting for me. Maybe even a 'staging area' and when I am ready to enter the world, I press a button and BAM! go to my actual spawn location. This would allow everything to boot up and whatnot, any desync to stabalize, etc.. before controlling the character.

I agree with the bit about watching where you log out, but I wonder, have you ever been dumped out of a DayZ server with no ability to make prior arrangements? Hmm... ya, probably, huh? Maybe, like every day?!? Maybe from a crash or even a scheduled reboot (that you are not told about). And there is a slight possibility that you DO take care to log in a safe place and when you return, WHOA! there is someone there! Someone else likes the same little nook! ... it happens!

May 10 2016, 9:18 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T96751: Driver crashes/Blue screen.

yes sir, it is something DayZ is doing and it is something that the DayZ devs need to mitigate.

I will, however, check the event viewer next time I get the blue screen. Which will likely be next time I play DayZ.

I play many other games. No issues. My GPU has excellent cooling and I monitor it's performance 24/7 on my second monitor. It is not under stress. I have a healthy card on a healthy system. I get blue screen crashes in DayZ and in DayZ ONLY.

May 10 2016, 9:15 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T96751: Driver crashes/Blue screen.

I did find the Event Viewer List. I have used it in the past. There was an error that I was monitoring with a program some time ago, using Event Viewer. I did not find a record of an error at the time of today's crash. I can see that it was at 11:18pm, but that is from a report stating the fact after rebooting. Weird, I think. Maybe I am looking in the wrong spot... I do not use Event Viewer often and perhaps I am doing it wrong. ;-)

May 10 2016, 9:15 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T96751: Driver crashes/Blue screen.

Franzuu... it is not his PC.

DO NOT INSTALL 19 nicknack nerd programs!
Do not downclock anything!
Do not overclock anything!

It is DayZ. Not the PC.

May 10 2016, 9:15 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T96751: Driver crashes/Blue screen.

I have the same issue. Twice now. I have played twice in a week and both times I got a blue screen crash. I think I can attach my info here. I will do that. I will not be blaming my PC or even checking it. I blame DayZ. I play other games. No blue screen.

May 10 2016, 9:15 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T96360: 100% for weapon spawn at the third floor of office/school building..

I'm pissed you reported it!! LOL! He is right. 100% chance.

May 10 2016, 9:01 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T96143: No progress on game development.

They are drinking it. ;-) When the money runs out they will release another patch.

May 10 2016, 8:54 PM · DayZ
itchypantz edited Steps To Reproduce on T96143: No progress on game development.
May 10 2016, 8:54 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95900: Too much blur on increasing distance (Steam Version

Range of Vision is very short and it does get very blurry very quickly as you look out at range. It is annoying to me too, but I don't want a 'fog of war' either. I wish for clear imagery as far as the PC can allow for vision range. I don't want those with monster PCs to have a major advantage over those who have regular PCs, either. So what to do about ranged imagery is tough. Blurring it is, I guess.

May 10 2016, 8:46 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95869: Game cannot be opened when firefox stops responding in the background..

I had Firefox open in the background a couple of times. I had major errors also. Firefox needed to be restarted and it crashed DayZ. I only saw this once. So I guess I could not duplicate it, so I did not report it. But I agree that there is something there between DayZ and Firefox.

May 10 2016, 8:45 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95866: Weapon in hands disappeared upon next login.

Not a bug. This is a feature. You can only carry one primary at a time in your inventory. Your sawed off shotgun that did not fit in your inventory went on the ground when you logged out. This is a feature, not a bug.

May 10 2016, 8:45 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95859: shoting in the mountain before me.

You died? Sad.

May 10 2016, 8:45 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95613: Interaction (Inventory, Actions, Hotbar use) Sincyng Problems.

I do notice this upon entering a new server. It is normally a temporary situation. It seems to last no more than about 30 seconds to a minute at most. It does feel like a very long minute, especially if you spawned near a Zed. It also does not seem to be 100% of the time, but it is very often.

May 10 2016, 8:37 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95611: My friend is invisible..

I have seen this. But only once. My friend came into the same building with me and was standing in the door looking at me. I was asking him where he was. He used his axe to hit the wall or door and suddenly he was in the same room as me.

May 10 2016, 8:37 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95563: [animation I want} Drag a unconscious friend out of a snipers fire zone.

yep yep. Supress the sniper, retrieve your buddy. Nice call. I see that this would dramatically increase the immersion factor in DayZ. I wholly support this request.

May 10 2016, 8:35 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95532: Fnx Mag is it in the loot list?.

Ya. It is there. I have only had them on one day since. On that day, I had 3 of them. !! LOL!

May 10 2016, 8:34 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95505: sprint through walls.


May 10 2016, 8:33 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95372: [SUGGESTION] The option of Suicide should be available.

No, suicide is for wimps.

May 10 2016, 8:29 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95306: When switching between primary weapons (in hands and holstered) using number hotkeys weapon in hands drops on ground.

I agree with GungZa. This is not a bug. It is a feature. Perhaps we could be able to put a primary weapon in a backpack like the old days. But that has been removed on purpose. If it returned, the primary should take like 20 slots or something.

May 10 2016, 8:26 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95264: [suggestion] GUI for Energized Hydrated Healthy on the main screen.

Hey ORANGE, "The lowest common denominator" buys games. LOTS of them. If you don't include them in your sales plan and development process, then you will have trouble finding investors. You will also have trouble getting your game to go blockbuster. *shrug* I am like you. I don't give a rip about them either, but Dean should.

May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95264: [suggestion] GUI for Energized Hydrated Healthy on the main screen.

Ya, well, Itchypantz says otherwise.


May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95263: [suggestion] Veterancy.

'end-game' loot/vehicles/structures? Hmm...
Can't wait!

May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
itchypantz set Category to category:ingameui on T95264: [suggestion] GUI for Energized Hydrated Healthy on the main screen.
May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
itchypantz set Category to category:other on T95263: [suggestion] Veterancy.
May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95262: [suggestion] Holster provides one slot for inventory.

I really should be able to put at least a banana in the holster!

May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95262: [suggestion] Holster provides one slot for inventory.

To wear the pillow jacket, you must remove the holster. The pillow jacket cannot hold one pistol in it, as the pillow jacket has three inventory slots. The lowest shirt that is not a T-shirt, the checked shirt, has two slots. To have the checked shirt AND a holster, in a low-inventory state, equals the pillow jacket, IF the holster gets one slot. The pillow jacket should not really trump the holster.

I think the devs should seriously consider this.

Anyone else have thoughts on this?

May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
itchypantz set Category to category:inventory on T95262: [suggestion] Holster provides one slot for inventory.
May 10 2016, 8:24 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95204: Street lights with no apparent source.

odd. and it appears sorta 'budget'. It is clearly an oversight and will be perceived as a dumb thing left out if not remedied.

May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95197: Drinking soda from the ground puts an empty, invisible soda in your inventory.

It does not seem to be a 100% correlation, but it is very frequent.

May 10 2016, 8:22 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95070: Fractions of Rags.

I have never seen fractions of rags. Nor have I ever noted receiving less than an antire rag from any item, regardless of condition. I have made rags from most anything at some point.

May 10 2016, 8:18 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T95063: Testing 1 2 3 message.

testing 1 2 3

that is on the screen when you ARE connected to the server.
It is a server message confirming connectivity.

May 10 2016, 8:17 PM · DayZ
itchypantz edited Steps To Reproduce on T94930: Rain inside tents and small outbuildings.
May 10 2016, 8:13 PM · DayZ
itchypantz added a comment to T94929: Drinking pops from the environment causes the empties to populate inventory while invisible.

I do not know how to use SEARCH feature. I would love to SEARCH before posting, but I cannot. So I post. Sorry.

Show me?

May 10 2016, 8:13 PM · DayZ
itchypantz edited Steps To Reproduce on T94929: Drinking pops from the environment causes the empties to populate inventory while invisible.
May 10 2016, 8:13 PM · DayZ