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Character Reset Randomly And i Worked For 58Hours on it
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I was just randomly desperately trying to get mosin ammo so I just left the server I had joined and took a break got some water then I went back on everything reset I went on like 10 servers and it put me a different default character everytime?? like different character not what I set at default anyway it just quit on me and I worked 58hrs im not demanding or trying to be aggressive I want to see if I can get my player back or I just need some answers and later I tried I day later and it did not work same thing a new spawnpoint and player everytime


Legacy ID
Steps To Reproduce

*Joined around 10-12 Servers different spawns and characters

*Tried a day later and it still did the same thing different spawns and characters

Event Timeline

zTiiger edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Aug 20 2014, 6:47 AM
zTiiger set Category to category:characters.
zTiiger set Reproducibility to Always.
zTiiger set Severity to None.
zTiiger set Resolution to Duplicate.
zTiiger set Legacy ID to 2366045699.May 8 2016, 7:38 PM

Play some PvP. Don't play on empty servers. Do not get attached to your gear. Gear is for fighting! and especially don't forget the big red button: "I UNDERSTAND". What you are saying when you press that is "I understand that this game is broken and does not work correctly and might never work correctly, yet I choose to play it anyway and I might even end up crying over it, but I UNDERSTAND"

R834 added a subscriber: R834.May 8 2016, 7:38 PM
R834 added a comment.Aug 20 2014, 10:24 AM

Please refer to the primary character save loss thread at #78
