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- User Since
- Mar 17 2013, 8:11 PM (627 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Really appreciated the support & the extra effort for extensive tests Grumpy (and guyzz)
I would suggest to repeat the test while "player" unit is within ground team-and not as heli passenger/commander/gunner etc.
In EVERY mission i played with my team from ARMA 3 Alpha ground forces cannot be spotted-unless helicopters get fire
lol @shadowmaster ..very true
Upvoted of course
Well..i have the honor to inform you..the request you have it's already INGAME from (at least) ARMA 1 the (sad)form of asynchronous weather between clients.
Even today played a mission with the team..and for some guys was rain-for some others sunshine.
*As i m writing this i can remember (again from ArmA1 era)a mission known as *Evolution (CTI-coop) was having a feature of dynamic/moving rain on map (probably scripted)
So..i will guess this is (probably) doable also in ArmA3
He means at AH_99 Blackfoot while in Pilot seat the *attitude indicator (the instrument that shows the artificial horizon ) it shows backwards results.
i.e. You gain altitude and it shows loosing altitude (and backwards)
I got report there is no issue while in Gunner seat
Moderator please edit main title
as:"Attitude Instrument not working properly on AH-99 Blackfoot"
I respect your POV so i ll upvote
All those years i m lookin' for a way to make my team-members feel the same annoying symptoms you describe in every Coop session in ArmA.
I don't want to offend of course..but only make you see a different aspect of
desired/imagined and planned experience from a..."game".
Respectfully "Colonial Marines" or "Colonial ...."(type_whatever_u_want) :)
It's easier for BI to burn the Feedback tracker than create a poll with this subject
Yup..pretty fair ;)
So there is hope that V sync would not anymore cutting frames??
But..i think (not entirely sure) that V sync affects mouse lag too..
I really can't remember any ArmA game who hasn't this problem.
I hope this time they will fix it :/
Upvoted ONLY for sidesteps/ctrl+A ctrl+D
Very good
Yes yes yes!
Long time problem.Fixing that we can actually have proper satellite surveillance/proper weapon systems that involve cameras/optic systems
btw let's say
1)i m playing a campaign DL/ed by Workshop.
2)I have spend lots of hours in progress
3)The developer of the mission uploads an updated version that isn't compatible with the previous version savegames
The update will happen' automatically the next time i ll try to continue my campaign?
No..mission maker and server host should always decide if they want players to have crosshairs
Sometimes Rabbits are extremely dangerous.
I m currently hosting a rabbit for a friend who is on vacations..and the damn thing got eat the cable of my keyboard in a split of a second.
Under those circumstances..i would have Down-vote the issue..but..
upvoted :)
You are right man.
Minor but..still there.
I m wondering if same problem occurs with other buildings windows or even glass
used in vehicles
Sorry's not.
New video from 077.109.399
*Please notice this is happening ONLY to middle stances (the stances who has the arrow above or beneath the soldier's icon) top right screen corner
At 0:28 of video i assumed a "clear" stance (without the additional arrow along soldier icon) and the loop is gone
There is a similar thread.
This is a video showing the problem in ALL "middle" stances (the stances that has the ^ and down icon)
I think BI's UAV's (ArmA2) always suffered the "camera-axis-lock" effect.
This is probably because the movement of the camera should need 2 animated sections 1 for controlling X,Y axis and the second (the actual camera) only Z axis.
btw The "Geo lock" and "gradual zoom" is among features you should fight for at ANY cost.
I prefer "exact" stabilization imo
no ..but i can provide a screenshot of the current situation
I ll test other weapons with other 'similar' optics and i ll come back
I 've made -nologs a 'standard' parameter from 1st day available :)
Well..i m on 64 bit also but MP is still a nightmare regarding framerate.
I admit my CPU is not powerfull enough..but going from SP to's chaotic difference..
Reporting back from latest dev.version. (077.109136)
The problem it's still there.
In next hours i ll provide a video.
As it seems the problem shows up in middle-stances (the stances who have the ^ and downside equivalent symbol)
It is still here at stable 0.76
Rest of guys must be sure to assume THIS stance
..and be in "WALK" mode
Well Pluto74..i believe this is doable ( this feature exists long time ago
in ASR_AI mod) -and if i m not mistaken in SLX mod too-..
Every unit who has "Radio" item when spots an enemy..the information passes to
other Groups around a radius defined by user (Default 500m)
I upvoted tho..but i believe making this as default behavior of AI may cause
problems for some mission makers who want a 'specific' difficulty in their mission..and NOT a normal behavior (comms between groups)
Personally (and my opinions reflect my teams POV also) we play ARMA series
for the simulation.
We expected ARMA3 to fulfill our expectations for the ULTIMATE simulation platform..but things aren't going very well.
Anyone who will speak about VBS now..plz feel free to provide us for free 15 full copies and i 'll stop complaining.
I stated it before..but if ARMA3 drowns my expectations it's the last game BIS will take money from me. (at least)
The downvote should be probably Marek Spanel :)
Yes it should be fixed.
Although truly the blame is on commander -the current system doesn't help at all
in a 'generic' PvP scenario for numerous reasons mentioned above.
As hardcore by-the-book mil-sim coordinator this doesn't annoys me at all-because
in a serious COOP scenario the loose-cannon-gunner can (and will) be dealt with
appropriate ways.
You also should vote on your ticket btw..
This problem is not only encountered on "stairs".
Player collision with most game objects during animations still
has severe problems.
AT launchers are widely used in RL against infantry or buildings..whats the point of this ticket..nerfing?
And..why wait for using AT against enemy?
You might save some friendly lives before enemy gets more 'cover' position
I shall down-vote.
Making this "Fixed" behavior of a generic reduces the use of those buildings under "certain" scenarios.
There was already scripts in ARMA2CO (if not in every ARMA game..)that do exactly what you asking for.
Also..the performance impact was ALWAYS even we had the choice to use those scripts-most times we were avoiding it..
No doubt +1
Can't agree more.
I m stumbling EVERY day upon this problem.
As @AstroRetro said this problem exists for long time ago.
Please fix it guys :/
Today a friend laugh at me saying it could see my head visually bypassing SDV hull
+1 of course
I really don't know.
In every game BIS has to re-invent the wheel.
At least with the previous titles BIS gives a 50% in potential.
Community gets it to 150% ..and in next title we are back to "0" again.
Everything is there to be used to no avail..
The most cases in battlefields (not special ops probably) its not uncommon using Silencers with 'normal' ammunition.
Even if 'bulletcrack' will be still there..the detection of the shooter will be more difficult compared when not using Silencer at all..
Of course a very nice feature to be added!
*btw can vote too FYI
Up voted -Yes this such'o'-macho redneck style shouldn't be the only 1 way
Adopting such a feature how you will tell the engine the difference when doing
a stealth mission (Moving quietly without noise)
Yes..moving above water lever-even in "stealth" mode- it will produce noise but
the diver can control the amount of it-and reduce it to close-to-zero values.
How will tell the engine to do that and not the noise produced from a swimming contest?
Flexibility is the way of ArmA
Come on lovely BI guys.
You are letting a whole game-mode's crowd with a *space-ball above their headz instead of our beloved flag.
Is there any way i can reverse this bug and create a tank from a 2D drawing? :D
(voted up)
Something that doesn't happen with a rifle round..shouldn't be happening with a .45 round.
BI must double-check their configs
This is major problem.
I hope it will be fixed until next update.. :O
How possibly can this still being an issue after the recent attention SMG's gotten?
Still an issue in 0.74 stable ^^
fix it guys plz
still an issue on 0.72 stable
I m laughing at guys who say "NOT SUPPORTED BY ENGINE"
Things that engine supports..are the things BI want to be supported.
So (because client has always the right opinion) BI must keep the client happy.
Happy client=more clients
Anyway this is just a 'config problem' and not a 'feature' i hope it will be fixed in next update..
Still same problem after latest patch.
I really hoped they have fixed the problem with CQB attachments in SMG's -because they already fixed the 'no-recoil' problem.
Thats sad
I can't decide guys.
Already the recoil and sway is really harsh on player.
If this can be implemented i want to see the 'worst case of recoil' to be the 'present' state of recoil.. :/
There are guys who down-voted this issue.
I know it gets your life easy with No-recoil but..this is totally unacceptable.
Even at 9mm we should have at least *some recoil.
Get in your senses and don't fack-up our game
The most recent news say that "recoil has been added" to SMG's which is a nice thing (i haven't tried yet-i hope it isn't much recoil after all..)
The use of a silencer should reduce further the recoil.(x - recentlyAddedRecoil)
So Yes..the SMG's should have *some recoil at least but the use of a silencer must reduce it further-compared to un-suppresed version. (*on all modes:semi-burst-auto)
Thanks for understanding :)
oh lol..Downvotes on this??
The game already supports other irrelevant language sets so..get serious plz
Come on guys!!
Please do something already!!
It's friggin' January and they still can hear me from 500m when i place an explosive.
We just lose a MP match because the crucial moment a whole enemy team hear me placing explosives at a strategic point.
Please do something ASAP
Frustration its on its peak here!..
Placing explosives must be completely faded out max in 5 meters
added "..and must have serious coefficient penalty for someone inside a vehicle"
For those guys who isn't aware of..there is a mod "TPW_FALL" that is trying
to simulate (pretty decent) the dynamics of bullet hit until an official solution can be found.
I which i could vote 100 more times for this.
*This is happening also with Explosives placing sound
I m really wondering why this isn't solved yet.This is major flaw
Yes plus i saw it happening with some terrain objects/rocks
No thanks-Already solved
I don't think we should add more actions for 1-2 stupid guys who want to play with the nervous system of others.
Most people playing ARMA just doing their jobs (as they should..)
Lets keep some things simple (as they must be)'s a "No" for me..
Why to raise more-the already raised poly count??
Sorry..but as is it's not realistic.
Anyways i m not talking about 90 degrees..but currently it's around 60-65 (absurd!)
Me (and the team) are using "standard" tactics for our training sessions.
I would be happy if (at least) they raise the boundary to 80 degrees
*reproducible also in 0.54.103957
There are situations such as this we stumbled across clan training when a squad mate should cover you while clearing the stairs-and that cannot be simulated due to this bug.
While moving--Weapon lowers/out of focus
Stopped--Weapon in right position
Yea Boonie hat seems bugged.
I get white glowing texture instead least a simple "Click" would suffice ..
@I know the game is primarily oriented on the large landscape battles..
Yes but..but not all players want to focus on that.
So my opinion (and vote ^) goes to All types of scenario's must be flawless and smooth like butter..
Yes the unit keeps moving while you are out for cigarette :) are being harsh on addon-makers.
Me don't like
..i agree i DON'T want to always have to download anything considered "Standard equipment" as separate addon.
At least an (cheap estimation follows..)60-75% public players wouldn't use addons
in MP.
Of course that means i won't be able to use _this or a..Flashbang (FFS!) a casual public game..'s awful the way it is (was forever i meant)
Make it happen guyzz!
So its more natural to run like Cockroach ignoring fatigue/weight/angle??
This would have been wonderful.
Of course it would require *biiiiiiit more work i.e. different LOD's
to define/separate drainage rooms of the rest drain/sealed building-facility.
Although i would like that!
Plz a moderator can change the title to "Underground Buildings support"?