When playing infantry showcase trying to step over concrete stoops at the entrances of buildings will place you squarely inside of them.
A similar clipping issue happens inside of buildings.
When playing infantry showcase trying to step over concrete stoops at the entrances of buildings will place you squarely inside of them.
A similar clipping issue happens inside of buildings.
Approach a barrier such as the concrete stoops behind buildings in the village of the infantry showcase. Hit 'V' to step over the obstacle.
You will end up inside it.
You can see through the walls of a building by stepping into a corner in the interior and walking (usually side stepping) towards the wall. You'll step partially through it and see the world outside the building.
This problem is not only encountered on "stairs".
Player collision with most game objects during animations still
has severe problems.
Mass closing ancient tickets with no activity for > 12 months; assume fixed or too trivial.
If this issue is still relevant in current dev build, please re-post.