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Performance changes in ArmA3 | 64-bit Support (arma3.exe*32)
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First off Im probably poorly informed how BIS is optimized so disregard this if Ive got the wrong idea

Ive noticed ArmA3.exe is listed as *32 under Task Manager.

  • ArmA3 32-Bit or 64-Bit?
  • Execute ArmA3 as a 64-bit process?
  • MEM limited (to "2047")?
  • CPU, Thread, and GPU (SLI) optimizations?

I've ran into errors after trying to load Altis for around 10 minutes with any form of ambience resembling "mem_leaks" from ArmA1.

While touring the island and attempting to start a MSO or DOM mission

  • resources = over 2GB of MEM (maxed) being used by Arma3.exe which is probably why such errors are encountered.

Considering BIS is up-scaling every map since ArmA1

  • shouldn't BIS also up-scale to 64-Bit to utilize more resources

More people are moving to 64-Bit systems but limited to 32-Bit

The thought crossed my mind when testing Altis which you guys should win GOTY if not the Millennium for...
noticed its exceeding ArmA3 limitations and probably one reason why performance is a major issue.


Legacy ID
Additional Information
  • ADDITIONAL NOTES ---------

a majority of games these days have a way to execute 32 and 64 bit
ArmA is one of few that DO NOT

  • SYSTEM (windows in most cases these days) limits the amount of resources and calculations
  • backwards compatibility has been resolved years back BIS needs to optimize for newer tech and software regardless
  • per ALL the -maxmem/VRam= Param will roll back to 2047 (or 32bit limit) no matter what you put
  • rather 32 or 64 bit... that's the Player's responsibility to upgrade his/her PC
  • BIS either needs to stick with smaller maps optimized for 32bit or raise the limits for these redundant benchmark maps Heres something I just found... which I as a 64bit user also encounter because of the 32bit limitations (out of memory: mem_leak) which I haven't seen in years because BIS has used smaller maps and other games are 64bit
  • [^] which is why BIS advertised the following
    • BIS ArmA3*32 Requirements --- Processor: Dual Core | Quad core Memory: 2 GB RAM | Memory: 4 GB RAM
  • which are *32bit limitations
  • 32bit can only effectively use 1-1.5GB of RAM in a process such as ArmA because the rest is either used or cached for Windows which itself only uses 3GB of that RAM due to related background Process caching.
    • EXAMPLE ---


  • ArmA3.exe (Altis_DOM) = 2,315,584k (nothing going on)
  • ArmA3.exe (Altis_Editor) = 1,792,120k (40 AI) +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
  • SVCHost (windows) = 202mb
  • Steam/Steam_Service= 180mb
  • DWM (windows) = 80mb
  • TaskHost (windows) = 75mb
  • Explorer (windows) = 50mb
  • SVCHost (windows) = 25mb
  • SVCHost (windows) = 20mb
  • SrchIndex (windows)= 20mb
  • Sidebar (windows) = 20mb
  • TOTAL +- = 700mb Windows + A3_DOM = 3.0GB (minimum) Windows + A3_Edi = 2.5GB (minimum) that's IF you are lucky enough not to encounter a (Out_of_mem) (mem_leak) error causing the game to crash during the process

  • we are limited to the 32bit limit therefore the performance issues and errors which make the game unplayable PER THE BIS_DEV in the link posted (note above) he/she stated the simple fact Altis versus 32 bit OS The default virtual memory limit has been increased to 1.2GB to make sure the game has enough memory to run Altis with proper performance. This limit can be changed with the -maxmem shortcut parameter, but note that virtual memory takes only 3/4 of this number. Example (sets virtual memory limit to 1.2GB):

arma3.exe -maxmem=1600
Since processes on a 32bit OS are limited to 2GB of memory, the game might become unstable because of the increased limit. Try decreasing the limit if Altis is running fine but the game is crashing (possibly with an "Out of memory" error). We welcome your feedback to find the ideal sweet spot of this default value (for those running e.g. Vista or Win 7 32 bit - especially with 2GB RAM only).


Gamer sues Sega and Gearbox over Aliens: Colonial Marines quality [^]

yes Id say it is VERY LIKELY someone will take this up their chain-of-command if BIS doesn't re-think their strategy

Reality of it

  • we should all be reimbursed if they don't implement 64bit because a majority of PCs are 64bit_OS now unfortunately for them but fortunately for us! ... I didn't get all those years of military training and take up gaming PC building years ago as a work-related hobby to have my beloved BIS_OFP/ArmA LIMIT MAX REQUIREMENTS of a $1000+ gaming PC to requirements a $500 PC would meet and STILL NOT BE PLAYABLE REGARDLESS I understand its BETA_DEV stage and a lot of these issues will be resolved
  • but performance limitations and 64bit integration IS STILL NOT one of those!


Event Timeline

jgfarrell1106yahoocom edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
jgfarrell1106yahoocom set Category to Performance.
jgfarrell1106yahoocom set Reproducibility to N/A.
jgfarrell1106yahoocom set Severity to None.
jgfarrell1106yahoocom set Resolution to Suspended.
jgfarrell1106yahoocom set Legacy ID to 3710803675.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

Yeah this has been my impression have a look at this too:

ceeeb added a subscriber: ceeeb.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM
ceeeb added a comment.Aug 31 2013, 9:07 AM

It is unlikey we will see 64 bit Arma 3. See posts by Suma (BI lead programmer) in this thread:

A 64 bit version of VBS does exist, but I believe this was created only to allow much larger terrains than Altis (ie, more than 4096^2 terrain vertices, edge dimensions into the hundreds of km rather than 30)

Bohemia added a subscriber: Bohemia.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

I changed my name just so you guys know but will monitor this in-case it gets attention

yep same results as them

tyl3r99 added a subscriber: tyl3r99.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

full agree needs 64bit regardless... why have 64bit compatibility if your not going to Finnish the job?

you have upscaled the terrain by a huge amount but left us with the same shitty resource limitation

Dritwox added a subscriber: Dritwox.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

We all want that to happen, but lets face it, Arma 3 has a different focus compare to DCS or VBS in terms of consumer base and goal, right now it's just not worth it in almost every perspective.

Cypher added a subscriber: Cypher.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

From my understanding, if it's changed to 64-bit, 32-bit users won't be able to access the game. It doesn't seem possible to have the option between the two (although I really hope it is), and if it isn't, it'll pose a very big problem due to the incompatibility.

Maybe BIS should create a poll to see how many of us would be affected by this.

It's easier for BI to burn the Feedback tracker than create a poll with this subject

Not sure what you mean by "burn".

That's a negative... as you said its "your understanding" so you aren't arguing right or wrong so I will say as well

  • it is my understanding...

a majority of games these days have a way to execute 32 and 64 bit
ArmA is one of few that DO NOT

  • SYSTEM (windows in most cases these days) limits the amount of resources and calculations
  • backwards compatibility has been resolved years back

BIS needs to optimize for newer tech and software regardless

  • per ALL the -maxmem/VRam= Param will roll back to 2047 (or 32bit limit) no matter what you put
  • rather 32 or 64 bit... that's the Player's responsibility to upgrade his/her PC
  • BIS either needs to stick with smaller maps optimized for 32bit or raise the limits for these redundant benchmark maps

Heres something I just found... which I as a 64bit user also encounter because of the 32bit limitations (out of memory: mem_leak) which I haven't seen in years because BIS has used smaller maps and other games are 64bit

which is why BIS advertised the following

  • BIS ArmA3*32 Requirements ---

Processor: Dual Core | Quad core
Memory: 2 GB RAM | Memory: 4 GB RAM

  • which are *32bit limitations
  • 32bit can only effectively use 1-1.5GB of RAM in a process such as ArmA because the rest is either used or cached for Windows which itself only uses 3GB of that RAM due to related background Process caching.
    • EXAMPLE ---


  • ArmA3.exe (Altis_DOM) = 2,315,584k (nothing going on)
  • ArmA3.exe (Altis_Editor) = 1,792,120k (40 AI)


  • SVCHost (windows) = 202mb
  • Steam/Steam_Service= 180mb
  • DWM (windows) = 80mb
  • TaskHost (windows) = 75mb
  • Explorer (windows) = 50mb
  • SVCHost (windows) = 25mb
  • SVCHost (windows) = 20mb
  • SrchIndex (windows)= 20mb
  • Sidebar (windows) = 20mb
  • TOTAL +- = 700mb

Windows + A3_DOM = 3.0GB (minimum)
Windows + A3_Edi = 2.5GB (minimum)

that's IF you are lucky enough not to encounter a (Out_of_mem) (mem_leak) error causing the game to crash during the process

... wow that was a lot :P

....... think he means ignore, deny, etc... basically close the ticket without resolution

Is it even legal to make an already purchased game unplayable afterward, without any sort of agreement to it? And if it prevents any users from playing, I highly doubt that BIS will do it since they'll lose revenue. I'd really like to hear if it's actually feasible though.

As stated for those of us running 64bit systems above

  • we are limited to the 32bit limit therefore the performance issues and errors which make the game unplayable

PER THE BIS_DEV in the link posted (note above)

he/she stated the simple fact

Altis versus 32 bit OS
The default virtual memory limit has been increased to 1.2GB to make sure the game has enough memory to run Altis with proper performance. This limit can be changed with the -maxmem shortcut parameter, but note that virtual memory takes only 3/4 of this number.

Example (sets virtual memory limit to 1.2GB):

arma3.exe -maxmem=1600
Since processes on a 32bit OS are limited to 2GB of memory, the game might become unstable because of the increased limit. Try decreasing the limit if Altis is running fine but the game is crashing (possibly with an "Out of memory" error). We welcome your feedback to find the ideal sweet spot of this default value (for those running e.g. Vista or Win 7 32 bit - especially with 2GB RAM only).

you mean just like THIS...

Gamer sues Sega and Gearbox over Aliens: Colonial Marines quality

yes Id say it is VERY LIKELY someone will take this up their chain-of-command if BIS doesn't re-think their strategy

Reality of it

  • we should all be reimbursed if they don't implement 64bit because a majority of PCs are 64bit_OS now unfortunately for them but fortunately for us!

... I didn't get all those years of military training and take up gaming PC building years ago as a work-related hobby to have my beloved BIS_OFP/ArmA LIMIT MAX REQUIREMENTS of a $1000+ gaming PC to requirements a $500 PC would meet and STILL NOT BE PLAYABLE REGARDLESS

I understand its BETA_DEV stage and a lot of these issues will be resolved

  • but performance limitations and 64bit integration IS STILL NOT one of those!

and for those of you not aware I am JGFARRELL1106... I changed my name because somehow it was my email (prob from buying the game)


I'm 100% agree with you, BIS takes a lot of risks with a little team to make many projects in the same time : A3, DayZ and Take on Mars ( I think Arma Tactics too ). The fact that lot of time we heard that they don't have time ( the release is too early with no campaign and a few content ), the team is too little ( a team separated by the projects too ), many things changed for A3... So yes a 64 bit version is possible, why... Because natively devs work in 64 bits and they spend more time to translate and optimize to 32 bits, but the old versions, the base for the game is in 32 bits. If they do this for VBS ( I think BISim is bigger than BIS ) it's possible to do it, but they need all their ressources...
Lot of wishes of the community is not made, BIS lost is passion since OFP! We are always here and we need more attention...

Nicolii added a subscriber: Nicolii.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong. But wasn't A2 eventually converted to 64-bit?

If so BIS know how to do it. I guess one version is better for maintaining a better product.

MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

Nope, Arma2 was just made Large-Address-Aware (LAA), which is already the case for Arma3.

But LAA isn't the same as true 64-bit support...LAA only extends till 4GB, if i'm not wrong.

Can't we get native 64-bit support post launch? Once you guys have all our monies...

@Dave: true, if they compile for 64-bit then 32-bit users can't run it, but then:

  1. They can barely run the game properly anyway, and the 32-bit install base is quite small now. Dropping 32-bit might not be a bad idea, they could always install 64-bit operating systems.
  1. They could compile two binaries. Crysis does this for example, there's crysis.exe and crysis64.exe.
izaiak added a subscriber: izaiak.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM
izaiak added a comment.Sep 3 2013, 7:58 PM

+1 Arma3.64.exe :D 64bit improvement a dream for performance !

Everyone should contribute to mad dogs ticket
It's being investigated and may be able to improve things for 64 bit users

Luckz added a comment.Sep 11 2013, 6:25 PM

"a majority of games these days have a way to execute 32 and 64 bit"
lol, uhm, no?

" - backwards compatibility has been resolved years back"
you say what?

" - we should all be reimbursed if they don't implement 64bit because a majority of PCs are 64bit_OS now unfortunately for them but fortunately for us!"

a) you have no idea what you're talking about
b) you alternate between lies and threats
c) neither of those are justified just because it would be nice to have a 64 bit version of the game, or even have the game 64 bit only

You, guys, think that making a 64 bit version of 13 years old code is simple, like adjusting some flag in compiler? Heavy real-time, threaded application? Really?


this is a ticket... not a forum. Take your "trolling" insults somewhere else!

  • you are neither educating or justifying an argument

Now that you managed to make it to C in the alphabet...

  • MOST games DO have a way to execute both 32 and 64-bit (research it)
  • YES backwards compatibility was worked out years ago (research it)
  • Im neither lying or threatening

(only pointing out the most performance issues related to *32bit render games of this magnitude unplayable in which they would by law be required to resolve the issue or risk a lawsuit which is simply fact)

and for anyone else whom has the wrong idea

  • I am NOT suggesting anyone sue BIS or ask BIS for their money back

... sure I may bring up the possibilities in a few notes throughout threads/tickets but only when it is related to the fact they have to honor a set of laws regarding all this nonsense about them never fixing/optimizing their games... which Im sure they are more than aware of.
... ArmA, ArmA2, OA, etc all had performance issues at release in some cases rendering them unplayable... however BIS ALWAYS FIGURES IT OUT!

for anyone asking rather BIS is capable of providing a 64-bit platform and optimizing large maps:

  • VBS (research it)

Im asking nicely

  • DOWN/Vote or whatever you wish but don't report here again LuckZ


Luckz added a comment.Sep 11 2013, 8:25 PM

As there's no button to report your account or this ticket for trolling, this is the only thing I can do ^_^

Chomp added a subscriber: Chomp.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

A 64-bit executable isn't some magical fix-all thing. Sure, it'll help with texture loading/swapping but it's not going to magically give you more core-fps.

People will a small bit of knowledge regarding software architecture are literally the worst.

Personally Im just trying to push the issue as many others have done before me.
I admitted in the ticket itself that Im probably poorly informed as I spend most my time building gaming PCs.

As for FPS - was just having that discussion with others regarding the "50+fps" argument... all I care about is 20+fps because that's what is playable however issues like the "memory leak" some of us encountered back in ArmA1 (aka Armed Assault) does render this game unplayable and/or incapable of being executed on a server level.

As this has been an argument for years now plus some - chances are A3 wont get a ArmA3*64.exe

Karb added a subscriber: Karb.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM
Karb added a comment.Sep 14 2013, 4:57 AM

+1 Multiplayer is getting very uncomfortable to play.

Finding that servers with max population of 10-20 are more stable than those of a higher population.

according to steams hardware & software survey, over 70% of users use a 64bit operating system and over 44% of users have greater than 4GB of system RAM.

I think 64 bit implementation would be great for this game considering how complex and vast this game is compared to others. Making a game this complex only to be limited by 32 bit code and 2048 memory limit just doesn't make since to me considering its a wave of the future kind of game in more than one way. I doubt anybody who is buying a next generation gaming machine is going to use a 32 bit operating system anymore. If BIS would convert Arma to 64 bit code this game would be a lot more enjoyable and would improve a lot of our performance issues. That's not to say Arma 3 isn't a spectacular game. I've been playing 8 hours a day like a full time job and having a blast. This game is easily a 9 out of 10 stars rating. Just needs multiplayer performance optimizations and I think a 64 bit arma 3 version should be a necessity anymore. This game could easily be game of the year. Just need to get over that performance hump then the modding community would skyrocket and more people would tell theirs friends to buy this game. Its just a shame to be limited on a game with such magnificent potential.
Arma 3 really brings me back to the days when Swat 3 was out and it was Game of the Year and you could infiltrate buildings with flashbangs and peak around corners. So, I'm loving this game BIS *thumbs up*! Just give us some performance cause I definitely want to see the full potential of this game unleashed considering the talented modders we have around the community. If it takes time which it will so be it. But a game this beautiful needs it!!


Sick of watching my SSD getting smashed while memory tried to load\unload textures. I'm not across compiling for different architecture, but how hard can it really be?

Come on BIS please! This should be given priority, or at least please advise if this is in the pipeline or whats stopping it for the layman.

We deserve to know, especially considering those who paid for the supporters edition. Dont know that they (or I) would do that again. Or those who may have upgraded their hardware in anticipation.

+1 for tOBdavian.

MoreOver, why VBS 2.0 has very good feature it can load lot of player lot of AI with lot of scripts and it still better optimized like arma 3.
I someone has the answer i would be interested by it :) thanks.

X39 added a subscriber: X39.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM
X39 added a comment.Dec 4 2013, 10:46 PM

Compiling for x64 and x84 at the same time is pretty easy
the problem is that x64 can have issues which wont appear at x84 (and so on)
this includes issues which prevents compiling the program correctly (meaning that at the end you could end up in changing nearly the entire code just because you need to change something simple. Its also possible that nothing happens but ... yeah there needs to be a BIDev as i have no idea about their source code)

How much will 64 bit support actually help?

X39 added a comment.Dec 5 2013, 12:44 AM

check that page out
its nothing about arma directly (as the 2GB ram limit is windows for 32Bit + (not sure if rly but should) the compiler because of using 32bit commands)

But how much of a performance improvement should there actually be? 5%? 20%?

X39 added a comment.Dec 5 2013, 2:45 PM

varies on implementation
its not the power at all which would be the big thing
it would be that youre then able to load much more objects at the same time (also includes higher viewDistance and so on in theory)

is there any news from something to increase performance ?

AD2001 added a subscriber: AD2001.May 7 2016, 4:24 PM

So why do the forums get better responses than the feedback tracker we have been asked to use? hmm.

Still no word guys

Amazing how slow BIS is about patching in all these "fixes" we been hearing about since before final release... i gave up on ArmA3 a long time ago.

This is turning out to be another Armed Assault (ArmA1 which is still not fixed)

What a shame... best military simulation and yet another new game broken upon release.

  • what happen to gaming over the years?

The devs are on vacation FYI.

Since when... BETA?

Maybe they should have held off another year to make sure the game worked before release... all these devs releasing unplayable games is going to kill the future of gaming.

X39 added a comment.Jan 6 2014, 12:41 PM

the game is working ...
the problem is mostly that missions are not optimized for servers + the crappy netcode which results in the case "bad server FPS = bad client FPS"

  1. keep that crap to yourself... name calling and insults is not permitted.
  1. Just because you can boot the game, start a mission, and play does not mean it works.

Example : your PC boots or your car starts does not imply it works

This is the 2nd time someone questioned my choice of words... in terms of accuracy , efficiency, quality, etc... the game does not work, it is not finished, it is not fixed, nor was it ready for release, etc. etc. etc.

And since this is MY TICKET
Anyone with years of military service would understand my choice of word.
Nothing is finished/complete/working if it is not 100% and NO ONE would be on vacation until then.

X39 added a comment.Jan 6 2014, 6:43 PM

youre not in the software buisness and just to let you know
i voted this ticket up

ArmA 3 just has the problem that the issues the game has are more visible
if you go and check other games then you will see that they are more bugged and so on like this game
also the performance is no reason to not release the game as the performance is fine on the correct missions and SP

yes they know that the netCode is kinda weird but no its not a reason to skip the (usual in soft. buis.) winter vacatation

please exactly name why:
-the game does not work
-it is not finished

for you


Ive had enough of your crap...
you come in here calling people names, picking out little words to start an argument, and now you chose to insult me based on an uneducated assumption regarding my employment history or profession.

Do you see a resume?
Even IF I had shared such information with you - being in the software business has nothing to do with this discussion.

Far as the netcode, client/host performance, or anything else you wish to argue goes - there are tickets out there requesting resolution. Dont waste your breath here...

To make one last thing clear - I do NOT have to explain myself to you of all people. You already lost what little respect I had for you when you chose to call others names.
The attitude you display and the "half-a$$" work ethnic you defend is the bigger part of the problem in todays game development.

This discussion is over and this ticket along with others I have submitted will be closed following this message due to BIS's lack of interest/effort. Someone else can submit a ticket... feel free to use anything Ive posted if you think it will help.

Many other tickets with a 1/4 the supportive argument and twice the VOTES regarding this issue were closed without effort to resolve this issue.

Closed due to lack of resolution.

Dams added a subscriber: Dams.May 24 2016, 10:31 PM

Sorry for my bad english...
I think B.I team on Arma are not alowed to create a 64 bits version of the game its only for the governements (the army), cause a game like this on 32 Bits its just stupid.
When Arma 2 comes, a lot of people had a 64 bit system, today there more gamers with a 64 bits system.
People with 32 bits get often a poor config, (like minimum requirement or under the minimum requirement) for sure this people will give a bad feedback about the game....

So i don t think its the best interest for the arma dev team to receive a bad feedback, but i think arma its a locked version of VBS (32bits) everybody will give a bad feedback :
the 32 bits feedback''the game run bad, poor performance...''
the 64 bits feedback ''the game run bad only 50 % of the ressources are used''

I think its a governement pressure, or a security reason like this the people can t train like a military and get a true experience of the battlefield.... like VBS.

Its like Arma 3 on 32 bits you cant really create a combined weapon battlefield on a huge place....
When i say combined weapon battlefield its give a tool for a commander....
For exemple command a real bataillon (800 men) with heavy armor and logistic (500 men) so 1300 men,
but your locked version just fail....

With the mods (Alive, RHS, Reshman map) you can create a huge battlefield (20 fps minimum if you set a max spawn of 20-30 group) and get a tool for practice a real deployment (1500 men) vs (1500 men).
You can easely recreate what they do in VBS, with 10 civilian if they want to train as commander (5vs5) on each side 1 general, 2 colonels(tanks&infantry) the 2 other can work on things impossible for the AI (logistic and more realistic air support).

The software is primarily used for tactical training and mission rehearsal, though VBS3 can be used for a wide range of training tasks. The U.S. Army has accredited VBS3 for training on more than 100 combined arms tasks.[5] These tasks include entering and clearing a building, conducting an attack, conducting convoy security and more.[6] The U.S. Army also is incorporating VBS3 into other simulators including its Close Combat Tactical Trainer simulator and Dismounted Soldier Training System.[7]

The program director of the U.S. Army's Games for Training Program of Record said that "VBS3 brings the user a modernized user interface, improved avatar fidelity, better path planning for AI, new AAR display and capability, multicast networking and many other new features.”[8]

Now its possible to do this in Arma 3 32 bits, so lets go for an Arma 64 bits....

itsab added a subscriber: itsab.May 25 2016, 2:05 PM