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- Mar 8 2013, 11:16 PM (623 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Another problem is the incredible input lagg on some servers which gets literally supported by low fps as well, about 3 hours ago for instance, I played some ArmA 3 wasteland on a "laggy server" and I managed to burst a whole magazine out of my EBR into an enemy just to see him walk up to me on my tower near the Stratis airfield, shoot me resulting in the death of my character and then simply dying by the shots he had taken 30 secounds before, the server had a ping around 30 to 50 for me btw.
@HKFlash, one of the purposes of the feedback tracker is to tell the develepers what the players desire, Bohemia Interactive is luckily listening to suggestions by their customers after all.
Here's the wikipedia link, it states the magazine capacity in the box on the right side under the headline 'Feed system'.
Also I have personally shot with an FNP-45 which belongs to somebody I know and I have seen first hand how the magazine is capable of holding 15 rounds.
About one minute before you posted this I posted mine on the very same issue just that I futherly explained the issue, the number is 0012898
I would definitely prefer the alternate option you named.
You should adress this issue with the person who programmed the mission, not the game as the game does actually feature sufficient methods of protecting vehicles such as the possibility of locking your vehicles or throwing people out of vehicles.
This would greatly improve tactical reloads in case they're going to be implemented, imagine for instance you got a tracer round chambered and reload a magazine with different ammo in it, in real life you would have to charge the weapon to get the tracer round out of the chamber.
In my opinion on case of infantry combat there are 3 things that definitely have to be tweaked.
-The fact that you can use scopes together with night vision googles rather than actually having to use special night vision optics.
-The unlimited range of night vision googles, this should also be considered to fix on night vision scopes.
-The grenade throwing animation, currently the character only throws out the grenade without pulling the pin or anything like that.
D wolf: The Namer APC which is basically a big Merkava without a turret is already in the game as the new Blufor APC, unfortunately I'm unsure wheter or not it has the trophy system installed in real life.
I would personally like to see something like this:
<Common> chat/radio channels, editor shortcuts etc.
<Infantry> infantry movement, stances, weapon handling.
<Land Vehicles> For all Land vehicles such as Cars, APCs, IFVs, MBTs, and ATVs.
<Helicopters> for all helicopters such as the AH99/MI48.
<Fixed Wing Aircraft> for all planes/jets such as the F35(if it's in the game).
<Ships> For all boats and ships.
<Underwater> For Divers and the Seal Delivery Vehicle(SDV).
Problem with that would be that in real life the pilot is supposed to bring down the helicopter safely and that most helicopters do not have an ejection seat, however in the game it would imply that most lesser qualified pilots would just eject and let their passengers/crew die rather than saving everybody.
If I understood this post correctly then he says that any weapon gets damaged once it touches water, as somebody who's been shooting several types of weapons ranging from .22LR to 7.62x51NATO and who also has conducted Over The Beach tests with most of the weapons I'm shooting I can tell you that this is incorrect, some weapons such as the HK416 or the civilian version MR556 can even be just taken out of the water and then fired without any problems.
Good idea to implement this tank as the Green Army is already using the Strider vehicle which's real life equivalent is called Fenek, however it's actually spelled "Schützenpanzer" or "Schuetzenpanzer" in case the "ü" letter isn't available.
That feature was implemented in Operation Flashpoint Cold War Rising, it's a shame that they've taken it out for some unconceivable reason.
I've noticed that as well, the 9mm rounds are way too weak and slow making it nearly impossible to hit a moving target even if it's right infront of the gun, while the .45 rounds are just overkill, killing anything with only one bullet.
I'm not suffering from epilepsy myself, regardless of that I still think this is extremely annoying and should be fixed.
@Byrgesen I noticed that as well, however I and probably most other players as well would like to have the possibility to carry their equipment while parajumping without any other tools such as the Virtual Ammo Box.
@b101uk, I see what you mean and I also understand that in real life as well as ingame a paratrooper is restricted from carrying really heavy equipment due to the chute and the fact that they're jumping out of a moving air vehicle, however this is still a a semi-simulator and the lack of a medikit significantly decreases the combat effectiveness of a paratrooper as FAKs do not fully heal you up to 100% again.
P.S. Also you don't always get to loot dead enemies, for instance if you're getting amubushed by a superior unit your aim would be to evacuate from the area rather than killing every enemy which implies that you also might not have the opportunity to loot an enemy.
This is closely related to this:
Also there is no warning sound for incoming missiles.
I think the damage of the 5.56 should definitely be increased, once I even had the embarassing situation on a multiplayer pvp server that I shot an enemy three times in the chest while he was standing only 3 meters(10ft) away from me, instead of just dying he just shot me and subsequently bandaged himself.
Also the recoil is much higher when you're firing in semi or burst firing modes.
The SDV has a retractable sensorhead/periscope as well which also works ingame, it's a pitty that the Strider doesn't have something like that (yet).
Yeah noticed this aswell, nice steps for reproducing btw. xD
Technically a gear selection is already in the game, there are several scripts making it possible to chose your equipement before respawning.
@Dr Death: I'm currently in Germany and several people from Germany have told me that the US-Army was/is using military police units in Germany. I'm certainly not sure if it's the same for Afghanistan though.
I've seen a sign emitting dirt after getting hit by a bullet before, not sure if it was that in Agia Marina though. /Upvoted.
I think the radio-protocol is the second worst thing of the game currently, while the worst problem is the fact that the AIs always know where you are while acting really stupid while on the other hand using "aimbot like" aiming mechanisms.
It's also impossible to use your rifle/pistol while being on a boat.
Apparently in ArmA3 bullets are simply stopped when entering water except for underwater ammo, they just completely lose their momentum when hitting the water surface.
Actually everybody is able to reproduce this with simply pressing "look around" which is usually bound to "Alt", I have already noticed this bug even though I'm not not (yet) using TrackIR.
I think it's a great idea, however the player who receives the ammo clearly should be able to deny the magazine/belt/grenade though, otherwise there would be people spaming the inventories of other people all over the place.
I just tested it again, it seems like mil dots equal 80-120 meters depending on the distance, this makes it obviously kind of unpredictable to hit at certain distances. > Who would remember all the different mil dots in order to fire accurately ?
Yes you can, these are the settings of the scope: 300m, 400m, 500m, 600m, 700m, 800m, 900m, 1000m, 1200m, 1400m, 1600m, 2000m, 2300m.
One, I have to agree with this, I've seen a lot presumable cheaters lately, yesterday for instance I fought a whole group which was not only acting incredibly stupid but also has never taken any casualties even when I clearly shot some of them several times, on the other hand however I have to emphasize that this description is extremely "detailed" and thus will surely help the developers to fix this issue.
Same appeals for the Boonie hats, you'll only see them in Khaki Camo.
I got two more, but unfortunately I am unable to provide screenshots.
The first one: 1st Person in a car, have only seen it in a Hunter though, your character has his eyes on the belly, making it impossible to drive or anything, seems like this happens when your character looks dead while being still alive inside a vehicle.
The second one: 1st and later any person in a car, only seen it once in a Hunter though, you can litterally see inside the textures of the car and when you exit the vehicle you will fly for a few meters hitting the ground hardly and hurting you.
@Scorpion, I know that silenced weapons don't absolutely have to use subsonic rounds, especially not sniper rifles, however in case of short range weapons it is advised to use subsonic rounds.
I just tried out hitting a fence in Agina Marina with an Ifrit, it resulted in all passengers being critically wounded and the Ifrit combat ineffective, and we're actually talking about a small metal fence here which in real life could never be able to stop a military vehicle like the Ifrit.
This issue is really annoying and should be fixed immediadly, I can't fire the KA60's minigun for instance without being anxious about serious hearing problems as long term effects. Btw: I got a Logitech G35 7.1 Headset.
@AD2001: And right after that the soldiers formed a flashmob and tried to overwhelm the enemy, that was a real massacre xD.
upvoted as well.
I will upload pictures of my video settings in a couple minutes, they will be linked in the ticked itself.
Ahh sorry, I kinda missed that :(
Related to 0007755.
I just got a kind of "stupid" question, where can I get this Iranian SF helmet? Is it part of the developement build ?
Agreed, I also added some tags to it so that people could easier find this ticket.
We actually have missiles in the game, the armed version of the KA60 carries missiles that are able to literally follow targets. Source: Helicopter Showcase.
@Kid18120 you seem to not understand what exactly I mean, I mean that it is currently absolutely impossible to attack infantry and empty/hijacked vehicles with missiles, NOT rockets.
@AD2001 Good idea, I will add it to the ticket.
It would also be great to make those displays customizable like in real aircraft, by that I mean that you should be able to choose what you want on which display, for instance a map on display 1 and the weapons on display 2.
In real life you can also hear the bullets flying by at supersonic speed, you can't hear that sound in ArmA.
On the ArmA 2 servers I always play on with some of my friends (some of them are the admins and moderators of these servers) we have Battleye, a Community Banlist and we also check the logs whenever possible to avoid getting hackers on the server. Till now, no hacker has ever managed to hack without being noticed, we definitely need these possibilities on ArmA 3 as well!
Considering that technically they could be equiped with smoke launcher that actually makes sense. /Upvoted.
You also have to take in mind that most rifles in ArmA 3 will fire the new 6.5mm Grendel caliber which has a higher recoil than the 5.56mm NATO.
@Kid18120:By the way, what is the real life counterpart to this rifle? I'm really interested in especially this weapon.
I actually fly like that in ArmA 2 and 3 and not to be selfish but I'm considered to be one of the most capable ArmA 2 and 3 pilots a lot of players have ever seen.
@Kumeda: I found a video where you can see the Merkava MK4M in Arma3, go to 4:35
Kumeda: I definitely agree, as far as I know the Merkava MK4M which is included in ArmA 3 uses this system as well, though the self awareness radar DEFINITELY has to be replaced by a display that tells you from where the missiles are coming.
Definetly a vote up for this!
By the way: Speaking of new or improved vehicle mechanics for ArmA 3: could you take a look at 0007502 please, it is about another important feature which could be considered as important as this, it is about so called "targeting pods" for military aircraft such as the A10 or the F35.
Sorry for the spam btw :( But unfortunately good ideas such as these don't get seen by the developers if they don't get enough votes.
Sure add it, I'll also edit the description because I found one more problem: In order to see the white and yellow markings the fuselage of the chopper has to look damaged.
In my opinion this is a fairly important feature for a military simulator like ArmA 3, so if you don't mind: would you distribute the link to some friends and maybe forums as long as it's allowed in them ?
One could actually connect this to: 0007502, it's about targeting pods which use the MFDs of aircraft aswell.
This is a really nice idea, I really hope it's gonna get implemented.
Great idea, one thing I'd like to add though: you should be able to pull your weapon back in as well.(That just sounds so wrong btw.)
There's another issue with the rotor blades and the rocket launcher of the AH9 chopper, even though I've already reported it it hasn't been assigned yet, the issues are the following:
The fuselage of the chopper has to look damaged in order to see the white and yellow markings on the rotorblades.
Cannot see the rockets sticking inside the pods from inside the chopper while in first person view.
Cannot see the rockets sticking inside the launcher without having entered the chopper atleast once.
I suppose that you're talking about the wasteland game mode, this actually has to be fixed by the wasteland map developer, not by Bohemia Interactive.
One thing I'd like to add to this: What about the ability to get an "empty unit" equip it, give it a name and then save it so that you can place it in the editor later, I think it would make modding so much easier.
It seems to work reliably for me now.
On one occassion I've even seen somebody using this on a multiplayer server to enter the base I had build, it was pretty annoying if you ask me because he literally spawned right next to me.
That was on ArmA2 btw.
Instantaneously upvoted, the current clock direction system is absolutely impossible to use, e.g. where is 12'o clock when everybody's looking a different direction?
It is definitely possible, something like that was shown in one of the VBS2 Trailers that you can see on dslyecxi's youtube channel.
Just btw: VBS2 is literally the "military" version of ArmA, it is used as a training simulator in a few militaries including the USMC.