The new Parachute system of ArmA3 is way better than the one which was previously used in ArmA2, however I noticed a big flaw which could be considered potentially game-breaking for paratrooper units.
I noticed that it is impossible to carry a backpack together with a parachute, this implies that Medikits, Toolkits as well as most reserve ammo for an AT/AA launcher cannot be carried on parajumps making it literally impossible for a paratrooper unit to operate autonomously as they always would have to meet up with their Mediks, Engineers, EODs and AT/AA Soldiers on the ground.
My suggestions in this case:
Simply make it possible to carry a backpack additionally to a parachute.
P.S For a Medik it is possible to carry first aid kits instead of an actual medikit, however this lacks the ability to heal a soldier up to 100% of health again.