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Add PhysX to infantry - the ability to trip over or slip in certain conditons
Assigned, NormalPublic


Currently it's possible to make very hard turns while running and the player's character moves like in an ordinary FPP game. While it has some merits, like more accessible CQB, it also promotes run'n'shoot gameplay. Running on a steeply inclined terrain, instantaneous maneuvers on gravel or wet grass are no problem, which is obviously wrong according to real experience.

It should be possible to experience certain difficulties, when moving in a difficult terrain in a careless manner. The most obvious example is entering a too steep terrain and sliding or even rolling down with increased speed, which is a real danger when hiking in the mountains. There is a reason, why you won't just run down the hill in real life, which is possible in Armaworld. Also it would make sense to secure key mountain roads and passes and would promote more strategic thinking and acting.


Legacy ID
Feature Request

Event Timeline

armapirx edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 17 2013, 1:04 PM
armapirx edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
armapirx set Category to Feature Request.
armapirx set Reproducibility to N/A.
armapirx set Severity to Feature.
armapirx set Resolution to Open.
armapirx set Legacy ID to 153304486.May 7 2016, 1:41 PM

This is a really nice idea, I really hope it's gonna get implemented.

Like it!


Humlan added a subscriber: Humlan.May 7 2016, 1:41 PM

Sounds good, hope other people think the same!

Great! Very nice that it's already assigned. :)

p00d73 added a subscriber: p00d73.May 7 2016, 1:41 PM

I think you mean "physics" and not PhysX. Limiting this to nVidia cards would be quite weird.

"NOTE Pettka has confirmed that PhysX in Arma3 works fine on systems with ATI/AMD cards. PhysX will be handled by your CPU(processor) and not your GPU (video card)"

PhysX is there anyway, so why not to use it somewhere else, apart from vehicles?