As a lot of you might know: most modern day aircraft such as the A10C Warthhog, the F18 Hornet and also the newer versions of the Little Bird such as the AH6I are equiped or are capable of being equiped with a high special camera called a targetting pod.
A targeting pod is basically a high quality all time and weather capable camera which is also equiped with a laser marker, modern aircraft use it for things such as reconassaince and for marking targets which will once marked be attacked by the aircraft itself with missiles or laser guided bombs or by another friendly munition which is capable using laser marks as guidance.
(watch wikipedia links for more information)
The ArmA series hasn't included anything such as that so far which led to the problem that it was impossible or very complicated for aircraft to provide close air support without the assistance of somebody with a laser marker on the ground.
I would suggest:
Make it possible for the co-pilot or gunner of attack helicopters to use a camera with FLIR as well as a Laser marker.
Make it possible to attach a targetting pod to one of the weapon stations of an aircraft.