I'm afraid I',m unable to reproduce this.
init.sqf, initServer.sqf, initPlayerServer.sqf and initPlayerLocal.sqf are executed as they're supposed to on default build 124.125979
Does it work on hosted server? Or in SP? Are you running any mods?
I'm afraid I',m unable to reproduce this.
init.sqf, initServer.sqf, initPlayerServer.sqf and initPlayerLocal.sqf are executed as they're supposed to on default build 124.125979
Does it work on hosted server? Or in SP? Are you running any mods?
I cannot disable the slot, but I can add another set of rights: "None"
It will effectively turn the moderator into a spectator.
Duplicate of 19549
Thanks, it's been already fixed, see 19467
Fixed in dev version already, will appear in the next default build update.
Duplicate of #19467
Not all uniforms have a weapon holder, but the person always holds a pistol in his hands ;)
Double-click on the item when selecting it.
Automatic switch would be too annoying and wouldn't work when the time is stopped.
Cannot reproduce, I can't see these uniforms in the Arsenal.
They are supposed to be hidden, maybe one day they were accidentally visible.
Please check if you can still see them.
ok, I got a bit confused. Some of the uniforms are no longer there (Kabeiroi Leader's Outfit, Novak's Leisure Suit, Scavenger Clothes, ...), so I took it that it's fixed.
But you're right some of them are still duplicate (e.g., Commoner Clothes 4-6). Assigning to encoding king pettka.
It's not clear because the button text is missing (reported in #19452). Will be fixed once Arsenal is released to the default build.
Should be fixed in the next dev build update.
Present only in the dev build, will be fixed once Bootcamp Update is released to stable.
Will be fixed in the next dev build update
That's intended, we want targets to remain virtual.
Cannot reproduce in 125.125903, the file was fixed some time ago already. Please verify integrity of the game cache.
Fixed, the output can now be used in init fields. In the future, we'd like to introduce an option to pick from init, sqf or config output types.
However, the code is not intended to be used in description.ext, it's composed of scripting commands. The output cannot contain full explanation of how to use it (that would be pretty lengthy), it requires user to have at least basic knowledge of scripting.
Should be fixed in the next dev build.
The condition is correct, it is supposed to check for 'simulation' attribute.
Not sure why you suggest 'displayName', but since it's different in every language, it cannot be used for comparison.
The function works as intended, it returns true when called on Zeus module, false when called on anything else.
Could you give me exact repro steps, including position you chose and artillery vehicles you're using?
I just tried it with M4 Scorcher and Mk6 Mortar, and both fire at the waypoint position correctly.
TRANSPORT UNLOAD waypoint seems to be broken with Zeus units, we're investigating what's wrong.
UNLOAD waypoint works fine for me.
FIRE MISSION and LAND waypoint should be fixed now.
Fixed in the dev version. When one Zeus is controlling a unit, another Zeus won't be able to take over it.
Master85 is right. Object is returned correctly, but it's deleted before scripted executed by execVM starts. Use 'call' instead.
Duplicate of #18377
Player list can still be opened by RCtrl+P, as in any other MP mission (for key binding see Controls > Multiplayer > List of players).
Should be fixed in tomorrow's dev build update.
Should be fixed in tomorrow's dev build update
This is because the current technology doesn't allow editing existing briefing entries. The module reflects it by deleting the module after you confirm it.
We'd like to look at the briefing structure in the future, but I'm afraid this issue will have to remain until then.
The radar IS compass ;)
New FIRE MISSION waypoint added.
Select artillery units, give them a waypoint, edit the waypoint and change its type to FIRE MISSION.
I added a custom channel for each side in ZGM missions (e.g., BLUFOR can now communicate with Zeus without other sides hearing it).
Duplicate of #14585
It's "Zeus" key, the same one which is used for opening / closing Zeus interface. It's the first item in "Zeus" controls category.
Could you please specify how does it not work?
Zeus category was added only recently, before only the 'Zeus' key was available in the 'Common' category.
Fixed, should appear in the next... stable build ;)
It's up to mission designer to set whether interface is forced or not. All official missions have it forced, because player has no actual presence in the world (i.e., he's not a soldier). But when creating a Zeus mission, you can set it in Game Master module arguments.
Duplicate of #0017478
When does this happen? In the editor? On a hosted server? Dedicated server?
What kind of error? Do you have a screenshot?
I'm unable to reproduce the issue. I fixed it on March 28 (or at least I though I did) and it seems to be ok in Steam dev version.
Were you server or client. And if client, on hosted or dedicated server? What position did you pick - respawn on side vehicle respawn point, or on the vehicle's current position?
Zeus placed the respawn inside the object geometry.
While the respawn system tries to detect a collision and find an alternative position around, the ghost hotel building is too large for it. I'm afraid that only solution is to ask Zeus if he could move the respawn point elsewhere (e.g., to one of the hotel's floors).
It's not a problem, it's intended behavior. It shows where will the group return to.
Fixed, should appear in the next dev build update.
Fixed in the upcoming dev build update
What is "Crossroads character" according to you?
You can add a respawn loadout of BLUFOR officer and set callsign of his group to "Crossroads".
I'm afraid Sites are completely incompatible with Zeus and cannot be used. However, I'd like to add new waypoint types PATROL and RELAX, which would achieve the same (e.g., you place a group and give it RELAX waypoint. Soldiers will read terrain and nearby objects and find suitable positions, play some animations, walk around, etc.)
There is a way
Use setMousePosition to set the position
Getting the position can be achieved using mouseMoving / mouseHolding UI event handlers added to the display (adding it to a control will return relative coordinates, not absolute ones)
Will be available in the upcoming dev branch update.
Also added to Zeus
Will be fixed in Monday's update
Repairing vehicles is already possible in attributes (double-click on the vehicle), resurrecting soldiers is impossible due to technical limitations though.
Inaccessible inventory is already reported in #17753
Resolved itself (somehow :)
The repro is incorrect, the keyboard shortcut is RCtrl+P, not Shift+P.
You can already spawn an explosive charge and detonate it, simulating the suicide bomber.
I don't think it's so important feature to deserve a module.
It doesn't exist. CfgRanks config is used only for scripting and UI purposes, the engine doesn't recognize "General" rank. Programmers would have to implement it, and since ranks are interlinked with many other parts of the game, it might not be trivial tasks. Its benefits are questionable, so I'm afraid nobody will look into it.
None of Arma terrains can logically support brigade size units, so there's hardly a need for general rank.
Zeus (or any mission designer) can call any person a general for story purposes, player will see the rank only when in group with the unit.
Duplicate, closing
Duplicate of #17844
Sorry, it seems it didn't get to today's (March 19) update, hopefully tomorrow.
His Lordship fixed the bug, but refuses to share the details, because their nature is too embarrassing :)
Duplicate of #17844
Using BIS_fnc_setCuratorVisionModes funcion.
Example which will enable normal, NVG and TI vision:
[myCuratorLogic,[-1,-2,0]] call BIS_fnc_setCuratorVisionModes;
See function header in the functions viewer for more details about available vision modes.
There already is thermal view. ZGM missions have it by default and ZSC as a reward for completing optional challenges.
I'm afraid I'm unable to reproduce the issue. Could you please provide more exact repro?
play zeus
What does this mean? Some specific mission? Editor? A custom mission?
select some fia classes
You mean in BLUFOR tab?
check other factions
Immediately? Or after clicking OK and returning?
Ok, setting to resolved. Thanks for info.
Will be fixed in upcoming standard dev branch update.
BTW: Fog altitude is based on module's height above sea level. The higher the module is, the higher the altitude is. It wassn't clear enough, I've added a tooltip.
Should be fixed in today's dev branch.
Should be fixed in the next dev build exe update.
Duplicate #17753
Honorable Duke of Pettkaberg, please teach CfgPatches to behave.
Press 'Backspace' ;)
Duplicate of #17351
The tank should be back
Should be fixed in the next dev build exe update.
Was fixed a few days ago.
What server is the mission running on? Hosted, Windows dedicated or Linux dedicated?
Stance setting added to group attributes.
(example: https://twitter.com/KarelMoricky/status/449847475403120640)
Seems resolved then.
Fixed when Zeus himself is in the vehicle.
However, I wasn't able to reproduce it with another player. When he's in cargo, Zeus takes over pilot correctly. When he's a pilot, remote control is not allowed.
Fixed a few builds ago.
Added to ZGM missions.
ZSC, Seize and Defend won't have it though, because it would break the balance.
Should be fixed today.
Fixed, should appear in the dev build tomorrow.
Should be fixed now.
Not Zeus related, category adjusted.
Please investigate. Deleting all units in a group should delete it as well.
I'm afraid this won't change.
It's there for technical reasons - editing units when camera is looking up is currently not possible, and limiting camera movement is only way how to prevent it.
Place a waypoint on the building and raise it to desired height (drag it whih Alt held). If it's on a floor, AI will try to get there.
Duplicate of #0017477 and #0017556
Fixed, ETA tomorrow.
Should be fixed in today's dev build.
Once "entering" animation starts, placing another Remote Control module will have no effect.
Duplicate of #0017488
I'd like to, but Shift + Tab is by default used to bring up Steam overlay, so I cannot interfere with it.
Some people preferred camera positions, so it's difficult to say what;s more useful. However, storing camera presets cannot be simply moved anywhere else.
You're right that at least some keyboard shortcut would be handy, so I implementing browsing editing modes by pressing Tab (or Ctrl+Tab for going backward). There are only four modes, so each one is max. two clicks away.
Please check if the solution is good enough.
ETA Tuesday
Category changed to "Zeus - Modding"
Not sure I understand, could you please provide exacts steps?
Zeus works in SP, as vantyto explains (only you don't need to synchronize the module with player, syncing has no effect; and default Zeus key is 'Y', not 'Z').
Duplicate of #0017558
Duplicate of #17503 (or perhaps #17347, the message is sadly not clear enough).
Should be fixed now