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Magazine Type/Quantity Not Saving
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I was out today remaking my loadouts from VAS into the Virtual Arsenal. I have a few mods so that may be the problem, but every time I go into Vests and set the magazine quantity for my guns that the vest holds, it will always switch it to the "recommended" amount of magazines rather than the one I saved. Let's say I have a G3 rifle with an M203, and I put in 7 20-rd 762 mags, 3 3-rd 40mm HE clips, 1 3-rd Yellow Smoke clip, and a Yellow Flare round. That turns into 4 of the mod's version of the 20-rd 762 mags (the ones at the top of the list) and I only have a couple individual smokes and no flares.


Legacy ID
Virtual Arsenal
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Choose a rifle in VS
  2. Add magazines/GL grenades to vest
  3. Save
  4. Load that save
  5. Magazines are different

Event Timeline

Cyteak edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Jul 6 2014, 12:19 AM
Cyteak edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Cyteak set Category to Virtual Arsenal.
Cyteak set Reproducibility to Always.
Cyteak set Severity to None.
Cyteak set Resolution to Duplicate.
Cyteak set Legacy ID to 1414274356.May 7 2016, 6:54 PM

Duplicate of #19467

MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 6:54 PM

Mass closing tickets marked as resolved more than 1 month ago.

If the issue is in fact not resolved, please create a new ticket referencing this one and ask for it to be re-opened.