BIS_fnc_isCurator doesn't work, because it checks the wrong variable.
The function is:
private ["_curator"];
_curator = [_this,0,objnull,[objnull]] call bis_fnc_param;
gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _curator >> "simulation") == "curator"
But it should be: ("displayName" insted of "simulation")
private ["_curator"];
_curator = [_this,0,objnull,[objnull]] call bis_fnc_param;
gettext (configfile >> "cfgvehicles" >> typeof _curator >> "displayName") == "curator"
So every script, function, ect which uses BIS_fnc_isCurator doesn't work correctrly.
Because of that also the SEIZE and DEFEND Gameplay-Modules don't work with the configuration listed in SHOW-INFO