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- User Since
- Sep 23 2013, 7:39 PM (594 w, 4 d)
May 10 2016
Look at that Ticket:
I found why its not working.
We have to wait until they fix the BIS_fnc_isCurator function
Hm, but why do i get an error, when i use the size or defend modules? Look at this ticket 0019236.
Lol never thought on that.
But its strange, that the engineindicator didn't turn into orange or red.
Thanks for your help :)
So made some more tests with my testmission. Instead of placeing an AT Mine by the player i placed some mines with the Minefield-Module. And now if the enemy tank gets hit, the soldiers don't start searching for enemies. Even if you are hiding near the exploded mine, the AI wont search for you.
This doesn't make sense.
Why they should searching for enemies if the player sets the mine and the tank gets hit. But when the tank gets hit by a mine from the Minefield-Module they dont search for you.
The AI knows if a mine is set by a player or not. How should they know it?
I was creating a mission, but the mighty AI killed me all the time, because they knew allways where I am. So i have made an other little test-mission to demostrate the issue. Just play it an you will see the bug. I haved also used TROOPMONA3 to observe the enemy.
Sorry for my english ^^
PS: I am on actual DEV-build
PPS: And to make sure that TROOPMON isn't causing the error, I've tried it without it and the AI still finds me.
Ok I have now made some more tests with my mission. I tried to hide in different positions and observeing the enemy with the inbuild spectator mode.
Sometimes the AI doesnt find me, depending on the hiding position. But it seems, that the AI is always more or less walking in the direction where I am hiding. And if you try to teamswitch to an enemy soldier you can see, that they are targeting in your direction, after the tank got hit by your mine.
Yes really annoying. I wanted to make a Bomberman remake, but its impossible to play, because the AI allways knows where i am hiding. Maybe it has also something to do with this ticket: