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Cannot mute players as Zeus
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Game Masters and Game Admins in Zeus gamemode currently cannot mute players due to differing map mechanics.

The Zeus map interface does not feature the "Players" tab from which players can be muted.


Legacy ID
No Bug
Zeus - General
Steps To Reproduce
  1. Create Zeus game with another player
  2. Start the game as Zeus
  3. Have other player be really annoying over VON.
  4. Open map
  5. Note the "Players" tab is missing.
  6. Cry little bit on the inside as someone mean from the internet keeps insulting you and you can do nothing about it except lightning strike.

Event Timeline

L3TUC3 edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 15 2014, 1:07 AM
L3TUC3 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
L3TUC3 set Category to Zeus - General.
L3TUC3 set Reproducibility to Always.
L3TUC3 set Severity to None.
L3TUC3 set Resolution to No Bug.
L3TUC3 set Legacy ID to 3979481190.May 7 2016, 6:25 PM

Player list can still be opened by RCtrl+P, as in any other MP mission (for key binding see Controls > Multiplayer > List of players).

MadDogX added a subscriber: MadDogX.May 7 2016, 6:25 PM

Mass closing tickets marked as resolved more than 1 month ago.

If the issue is in fact not resolved, please create a new ticket referencing this one and ask for it to be re-opened.