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- User Since
- Mar 25 2013, 5:35 AM (620 w, 1 d)
May 10 2016
Seems like what ACE have done in ArmA2, many complex actions are grouped into RWin and RMenu key.
But still a traditional action menu should be use for some quick action,at least it's the way we used to.
Yes, I know that. At that time, many viewer requested them to show that, but developers said It's not fully done yet....and not yet now......
As for VBS....Well,there are tons of things without secrecy that VBS has while ArmA not...
I'm not a programmer,but, is it that hard to get the already exist syntax such as "adduniform""addWeapon""removebackpack" into some sort of GUI stuff?
I know there is a IFF issue if I've changed the uniform in Editor, if it's the only problem with this Inventory Editor, just ignore it!
What's more annoying me is that if you pressed the switch weapon key(Default";") with SDAR in your hand, your SDAR goes unusable and can't be switched back under water.
confirmed with Dev1.07.112828,just after one carsh of MQ4 even without in AI's sight. but didn't happen with AR-2
Right now we don't have options to edit/assign keys and controlers for fixed Wings as well as submarines(
Also,Thrust,break and reverse axis should be separated(in A2,Thrust and break are combined)
duplicate to part of
What's more annoying me is that if you pressed the switch weapon key(Default";") with SDAR in your hand, your SDAR goes unusable and can't be switched back under water.
Since ArmA3 enhanced the sea, That's something it should have
May not be that hard, I'm modder for both FS9 and FSX, FS9 dosen't got this while FSX do. To build a scenery like an airport for FS9 you can make one flat plane as a 3km long runway, for FSX, you need to make it within about 100mX100m squares individual poly, that means a runway with 30+ polys. BUT, you still keep it flat in Gmax and with these sections you made, FSX will AUTOMATICLLY covert it to stick on it's curved ground.(if you use only one poly for a 3km runway,it works in FS9, but in FSX, it will stuck into the earth).
So just upgrade the engine and there would need no changes for the model of the map.
following you repo instructions doesn't cause it either.
maybe you just restarted your engine by Rising your collective,which I've repoeted here:
Try shut down engine completely with setHitPointDamage ["HitEngine", 1]
Can't Confirm;
I've tryed with tail losed MH9 UH80 and PO30,none of them still spin with engine off or destoryed
I do fly BMS4(and DCS\LOFC\FSX...) still I did't get the point of firing multiple missiles AT THE EXACTLY SAME TIME.(I only release multiple unguided bombs at the same time)
The "Magic Radar"in ArmA is Unrealistc because it is so DAMN GOOD at multiple traget tracking,it tracks everything in it's range.
BTW slightly off the topic but the ACE for ArmA2 do have RWR,Ejection seats,coded LGB,CCIP systems and much more.
Currently,ArmA's Heli Radar can do multiple traget track and Track-While-Scan. All possible Targets are shown on the miniradar above even with you locked at one of them.
And to say a multiple target engagement means your missile have Fire-and-forget ability(ArmA do have), thus you can lock and fire towards another target before your previous missile(s) hit thier target. NOT firing multiple missiles towards diffierent targets SIMULTANEOUSLY.
Now in ArmA, the Aircraft's radar can Truck multiple targets even when lock on one of them. And you can unlock and lock\engage another target after missile released and that missile can still hit your previous Target (That's what called "Fire-and-forget")
This is......OK,I'm not saying that Radar and fire system in Arma is realistc,but this is closer to realistic "multiple targets engagement" than what you want.....
There are some techniques to prevent Fuel leak form single or even some more bullet holes(like use some kind of rubber or glue lining).And explode is even more impossible.
UpVote,very annoying since you can't even bring your hand compass as Driver or Gunner in APCs
Just add a HDG bar at top of the view when inside those vehicles.
It can be done now with some scripts and tons of CLASSNAME........
So just make some GUI for it,BIS!
Then why no SCAR,why no mk18,why no LSAT,why no XM109....
Tons of weapons that USArmy MIGHT use at 2035.
They totally can be done well with mods.
ArmA is a mod platform like FlightSimulator or rFactor ect.
If something can be done well with a mod,why not.
Let BIS focus on some platform issue like improve overall FPS,Relistic wound system,Rail attachment system ect.which a 3rd-part mod can not done.
not fixed yet at DEV.71.107302
The Vermin with SOS can work as a sniper rifle,kill people form 500M with no more than 2 rounds.
OFP1's tank has it's interior 3D Cookpit,althought it's useless for gunner,but very impressive.3D cookpit for APC\Tank Drivers is fantastic,and much better than just a rectangle Window now in ArmA
Upload some pics to recall BIS how it should be done
Maybe make the mouse move as a freelook at the time, for better SA.
And move should cancel it.
Seems like what ACE have done in ArmA2, many complex actions are grouped into RWin and RMenu key.
But still a traditional action menu should be use for some quick action,at least it's the way we used to.
You tweak or bend chemlights to active them before using, that collapse a grass capsule inside it, so chemicals mix together make it glows,it won't extinguish untill chemicals inside used up,also not reuseable.
I don't like hanging out with a glowing chemlights with me, that makes me a good target at night……
Although I post the tickit of not breathing while moving, I still know that in key settings,hold breath and zoom is already separated since ArmA1,Just I don't have any more key to setup
I mean hold breath while moving is totally unnecessary,but when been static, it's useful,and save keymapping.
In America Army 3 and RO2,LShift is use for sprint while moving or hold breath while static(With slightly Zoom in),but it can't be setted right now in ArmA.
Even more awesome option, like have to start a car with item "key" or ablity to force start a car
Related to this by Helicopter's part
BTW,will there still a "human AI" inside a Unmanned Vehicle like it in Arma2?
I think riise's idea means add a special passage for modders to send their work to devs, so if you'd like to send it that way, it means you permit devs to use your code.
Maybe a license for it.
FreeTrack works fine to me(with freetrack interface), apart form that "CTD at first start" Issue.
Seems it fixed for dayLight,bt still feel something there at night or with TWS mode
It might be consider to get some dirt overtime in game?
Althought Dirt on lens itself should not have a clear focus.
Russian style....
The HK417 in R3F French Weapons Pack did this(at least in ALPHA), so it shouldn't be a hard one to be done.
duplicate to
Such wooden doors only need a kick for unlock.
Does the railgun act so different form a traditional KE cannon that a mod can't achieve it without proper engine suppot?
I don't know yet, but as long as electromagnetic projectile devices can be tweak form "guns" in the game, it shouldn't be a problem.
Add a "sight lock key".
Maybe just leave the LAlt key to do this job if the game detected a HeadTrack(TIR\FreeT\OR ect...) is in using.
I think even for the fake "Zoomed in" scope, it should allow some mount of Zoom change with HeadTrack's tZ-axis like it for non-powered sight. just set both the upper and lower limit higher. It won't totally fix the problem That HeadTrack is too sensitive with high zoom, but it may makes player feel better if our zoom is not stucked.
There is a "female voice" you can use in ArmA1, although not in 2.
BIS sells it as a item in Deluxe edition
I've tryed this on my house floor(without Tactical wear though) , I find that if you use your left hand for support,you can aim your gun up to 90 degree, my upper body hold at about 30~45degree,but the gun and my head can pivot on shoulder and rotate form level to vertical, although it's very unstable to hold your gun with just right hand and shoulder, but it can.
So maybe just add some animes?
Why would do so is just why players would pull their mouse up.
It's not so yoga,I haven't trained, but when I trying this and aimming upwards as required, it is very nature for me to use my left hand and more importantly,rotate gun and head only, rather than bend whole upper body.
It's not better than urban prone or high prone, but that is player's choose.
But the problem should be--divers are not wearing SCUBA on their face...
Now the "3D Scope" do this a little.
unlike the Red dot which have already been poper simulated,the reticle of 3D scope is on the scope it self,so if you look at it slightly from one side, the hit point do will hit the opposite form the aim point.
but the shadow is hard one, realistic optics of lens is impossible for PC now,even with PIP scope,it would be hard to make.
somehow it happend again when I switch back form DEV version.
I'll try Dev path again, but in stabled virsion 1.02 it is missing.
EDIT: confim it is still "stream friendly UI enabled" problem,when it disable,all ok
Somehow,it back for me,without update(still DEV.71.10707)
The only things I could remember which might related to this is I just opend my Profile file(Without edit and save),and I played around with ArmA2OA Before this try.....
May still need some looking though
With DEV .71.107070,even a commander don't have any subtitles,
I've checked both game setting and "CXN2615.Arma3Profile" file, they all shows my options are on (showTitles=1; showRadio=1), and in option of LAYOUT, it shows my chat window is in correct position.
But just noting here.
I just tryed this again, Comms and replys' subtitle works fine if I was the teamleader, otherwise nothing shows there.
It missing for me,too.
After update to BETA,I have to setup things again, and after I disabled the toturial hints and enabled vehicle freelook in Game Option, the subtitles never came back no matter how I change settings there.
It happen with any rifle&pistol
Related to
Recoil is just a component of reaction, all guns firing things out do have reaction, but for guns like Vermin SBR,it should have very little recoil,just some vibration.
Currently in game,it do vibration, not just visually, and after a full 30-round,it climb about 10~20 MOA, while 3 burst and semi jump wildly hundreds of MOA every shoot.
I feel the recoil under Full auto is not bad,but too heavy under semi and burst
maybe not time but distance?
Yes, and unable to assign controler device for submarine neither.
I think a more detailed and savable debriefing would do this job and with more realistic way.
Debriefing like GhostRecon1 or DCSWorld would tell you all stuff you want know.
That's how we could have different type of magazines visully, but it there any difficulty for reload anime?
HeadTrack can do this,but not really necessary.
Even with FreeTrack, use Q and E is more convenient for me(at least for firing drill)
Confirm this
Although we take the advantage when doing co-op mission, it absolutely need to be fix
Related to
I set the left Win for switch weapon. and use that key OR DEFAULT KEY ";" makes me stand up then back prone and start switch, when prone and switching from sidearm to main weapon.Even in DEV .61.106341
By Action menu,it works no problem
It's OK when use action menu,but use the keyboard will cause stand up
Wanna AD stuff? wait ACE3~
Head shake should be off as default,I agree.
Some in game "tutorial" have already been there in alpha, as for Editor. I don't expect someone who don't know how or don't want to search the web and get him\herself a bunch of PDF or DOC tutorials, would have patient to play the game. not to say the Editor.
Now the Engine is still poor for CQB, so small Map like CS\COD may cause very bad ingame experience. If you want play some serious CQB game,That's not ArmA's territory,try RainbowSix3 or GhostRecon:Advance WarFighter. As ArmA's standard,stratis and utes are really small map.
Navy Warship and DIY cars are included in 3rd-part addons, they are one of the important part of ArmA series, BIS can't and shouldn't done all stuff alone.
Good looking explosion effect doesn't necessarily mean realistic explosion effect, in real explosion, the fire of dynamite only ignite for milliseconds,the most "effect" you can see is smoke, then after explosion,some other stuff near may set on fire.
Although try to find something you want in a bunch of stuff is painful, that's what happend in reallife.
I suggest add serials of small section in Box\Trucks\Packs and so on... keep things in order is the job of whoever put things into it.
If you enter a vehicle, you should put your weapon to SAFE mode. Upon get out, the AR-style safty turned to semi mode sounds make sense-- or stay SAFE mode as it in ACE2
The Iron sight is fixed on the Scope, when you adjust the zero of Scope,The Scope itself move, as well as the Iron sight
With BETA's dynamic fire range, I feel more need on this one,so please maybe just give us a try?
Shift+W for fast crawl and double W for get up and Sprint sounds good.
Not DEATH, just standing up( and I've tested, comfirm), although it would kill you.....
Ghillie suit should be adapt to the environment, choosing by sinper himself. not decided by side.
This do happen since Arma1(not sure if it's from OFP1).
Need some changes in terrain LODs indeed
Mine do to. But exit with X mark in windowed mode doesn't(but is also doesn't have shut down process).
Lukly all settings have been saved, no other lose, but definitely should be fixed.
Freeze for a long time,but not crash.
after 3~5 min,it continues work again(in menu)
Need fix indeed
Raedek Thanks for that,and sorry for my poor English...
BTW,Telescopic sights also got this issue.And eyes stick in the Scope when running,even when Sprinting.