arma 3 is already playing and looking splendid. It is apparent that the devs plan to deliver a more polished product and proof of that is the beta, which already plays and looks amazing most of the time.
But while basic infantry combat and light vehicle gameplay easily surpass prior arma games in every aspect (bugs aside), there are still some aspects of arma that truly need more refinement:
1.) Helicopters have two conflicting GUI elements. There is the nice looking HUD which is native to the helicopter (or the pilots helmet in reality)and there is the white arma interface used for targeting. The proper Helmet HUD is still bugged (in free-look hud-elements like crosshair and target-boxes move with the view), so the white game UI is the only way to target enemies.
The proper Helmet HUD should be improved, so that it can replace the generic game UI at least for targeting.
Furthermore, like in reality, the HUD could help with navigating, showing waypoints even when waypoints are turned off via the generic arma UI.
It could also be considered to tie the HUD to the pilot's helmet, so that the Helmet would be required to effectively fly the vehicle.
Please also see this ticket for considerations about helicopter targeting: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=10323
2.) The driver, commander and gunner view in the APCs is still a disappointment. Not only concerning GUI, but also gameplay. Even without having detailed interiors, it should be possible to give them a more authentic feel.
Make the crew feel like they are in command of a high-tech vehicle. Kill the ugly black mask and build a new UI. Not necessarily proper interiors, but only GUI. Incorporate pip-elements like rear view, or gunner's view, or custom views, to give the driver more situational awareness.
Incorporate more vehicle specific information like digital heading and turret bearing indicator. Make the GPS part of the UI and most importantly give it some kind of look, some kind of feel!
The game battlefield 3 did a good job in conveying a certain feel with their tank sights.
3.) Same for the sights of the portable guided missiles launchers. They look dated and the combination of semi-functional sight and overlayed, generic white arma UI for targeting (dull white diamond) is an immersion-breaker. Ace-mod in Arma 2 did a good job in making targeting with javalin missile more realistic and more immersive by using the actual seeker sight and audio feedback for seeking and lock confirmation without any dull white diamonds.
4.) Some general thoughts:
<b>Try to get rid of the white, generic arma ingame UI for everything that can be visualized through HUD or GUI systems specifically designed for each vehicle or item.</b>
Consider using the pip-capabilities of the rv-engine as a gameplay-element to realistically enhance target identification and locking with guided weaponry.
Use generic arma UI only for info, that could not easily be communicated through other means of feedback.
Use audio feedback in vehicles and guided missile launchers.
Thank you for reading. {F20580} {F20581} {F20582} {F20583} {F20584} {F20585} {F20586} {F20587} {F20588} {F20589} {F20590} {F20591} {F20592}