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- Nov 16 2014, 2:00 AM (539 w, 5 d)
May 11 2016
I'm all for variety.
If you want to regress that far, your entire life cannot be verified to be 'real'. You could be hallucinating everything you think you know from inside a coma. You could be in an elaborate simulation. You could be an artificial intelligence in a computer program.
DZ has been designed to be as realistic as is possible for a computer game. It's intended to simulate a brutal survival scenario where resources are scarce and you have to make hard decisions about who to trust. Magic popularity badges are out of line with that design.
That you would suggest morality or NPCs at all is indication enough that you haven't been listening to the Devs and are out of touch with what DZ is supposed to be. The only things that should tell you if a stranger is nice or not are their actions. You won't get any magic badges that tell you how many people Joe Survivor has killed and eaten today, that isn't something you can tell just by looking at a person.
What condition was the bottle when you made it?
What firearm were you using?
Just happened to me three times in about an hour. Very unnerving.
Isn't there already a 5 minute timer?
Are you in stable or experimental branch? .55 is still experimental.
A quick-play option into the best populated server would be great. I'd like it better if any server info (name, pop, latency, etc.) were in some alt text or a small box next to the button. It's just cleaner looking.
Modeling the LRS with a rail makes it look better when 'attached' to a rifle. And you're right about the Mosin, there isn't any way you would be able to mount anything but a PU (which was manufactured to be used with the side rail of the Mosin or SKS) without additional hardware and possibly having to drill out part of your receiver.
If you look at the way the LRS sits on the Mosin currently, it actually covers part of the bolt, right above the magazine. You would have a very hard time inserting rounds, and FORGET about using stripper clips.
Just another quirk of an unfinished design.
Survivors are immune, already established by devs.
LRS does not a 'sniper' rifle make. If a Mosin with iron sights only is good enough for Simo Hayha, it's good enough for the rest of us.
But as you say, the Atlas Bipod has nowhere to attach on the Mosin. Picatinny rails only.
A thousand times yes. This has been one of the carry-overs from the mod that I can't get over. I get why it hasn't been a priority, but it kills the feeling of the game to see the two most important items I carry (aside from clothes or bag) floating over my back. Requiring an investment of an item like rope or cloth in order to keep your hands free fits the flavor of the game perfectly.
We're about to see a 'hold to use' system for item use, so you only drink or eat as long as you want to. :D
+Craftable Turtle Armor
This is set to become a common problem very soon if we're being encouraged to test out blood bags and regeneration. Having the bag automatically identify itself would be the most convenient (Built-in blood test?) and easiest to implement.
We're going to need more buttons for all of these gestures.
I can do both just fine, you'll need to elaborate.
But that's a violation of the rules, Joss. Public servers are public, and if this clan doesn't follow the requirements for owning a public server, they don't get to keep it.
I've been kicked at least twice by these same guys. It's disturbing that their admin would actually seek you out by name on Steam to scare you off.
Golden Rule of DayZ: Don't get attached to your gear.
Requires balancing with a weight limitation. Being able to carry two full mountain backpacks would slow you down quite a bit and burn your energy crazy fast.
Too bad. TTsKO isn't waterproof IRL. Gorka suits aren't, either.
I've been dealing with this for a while. I tend to hear it over my left shoulder.
I liked the stance system that ArmA3 used, for what little time I got playing with it. Obviously, the posture is super 'operator operating operations', but a civilian version of the 'stand higher/stand lower' two-button system would be awesome for DayZ, opening at least one button underneath WASD for other uses.
I couldn't help but notice you didn't attach any proof to back up your accusations. I believe this is libel?
Survivors are immune, already established.
The B95 and Repeater don't have the right mountings (or any mountings) for optics. The CR527 does!
Awful lot of train cars on the tracks still, and it'll take a long LONG time to fill an engine with enough diesel to get things cleared. Just a thought.
Ponchos and hoods are tough to model well. Lots of geometry issues in the neck area, is what I remember the Devs mentioning. It would be a great addition, make no mistake.
Maybe if you kept the hood down on the model, it could work as a shirt/coat replacer while worn, but the sail you get on the hanging material would have to be done very carefully.
The raincoat is a good idea, I like this. We'll fit a solar purifier in there somewhere. :D
I'm fine with boiling water, though I won't naysay this if it does get in.
I'd be more excited for a placeable rainwater collector.
If you used it outside, it wouldn't do much, but it does provide a little heat. Something would be nice.
I still see my hotbar with all the items whited out after I die. It's just another thing that needs cleaning up.
I noted that I didn't think to count the impacts. If I find another handgun and magazine I'll try it again, but it's hard to do by yourself through the muzzle flash.
Server/client lag makes sense to me. A max shot counter should be simple enough to implement client-side as a fix.
This has been bothering me, too. It's excessively noisy as well.
+1 for visibility.
Brush off some of that salt, it isn't helping you.
If you disconnect as soon as you realize the server hasn't connected to the hive properly, it won't overwrite your character. I've dodged this problem multiple times, still have all my gear.
This is... Confusing.
There isn't anything stopping players from doing this now, why would you need to encourage it? Food is a more convenient way of regaining blood in my opinion.
3rd person exists because the mod had it, the mod had it because ArmA2 had it. People like seeing their character. There are plenty of hardcore servers around.
An alternative solution would be to move the 3rd person camera in closer to the player, so it's more over-the-shoulder, limiting the corner look advantage.
'Press X to Navigate' is not something DayZ needs to be doing. Brutal realism has been the goal since the start, meaning if you want to use a map and compass, you learn how to actually use a real map and compass. There isn't anything that can be done to keep players from using Steam overlay or VOIP, and sacrificing an opportunity to learn an actual skill from a videogame is not worth it.
People will do anything they like, if they think they can get away with it. Don't give them the chance.
How do you prevent unscrupulous server owners from revenge banning regular players using these logs? Recording position data seems like it could be abusable, too.
This is a game that used to see players bind Alt+F4 to their mouse buttons.
Players will absolutely abuse an instant log-out if you let them.
Implementing this for server kicks and high pink seems okay, but how do you prevent someone from combat logging by killing their router on purpose when they're in danger?
Good lord, that's awful. +1 because this is important.
Your steps to reproduce made me laugh.
"Unbalance the map and encourage the old Berezino deathmatch because all the MLG players are rushing down to kill each other for fishing nets in Chernogorsk."
Obvious solution: BAN FISHING NETS
Be thankful, there are starving children in China who would love to eat your shoes.
Also applies to Tetracycline Antibiotics, Water Tabs, and Charcoal Tabs.
These campfires seem to think they're much brighter than they actually are. Might be waiting on the improved renderer to fix up lighting issues.
Very important, since the fire selector isn't usually visible.
Lesson learned, don't loan your hardware to anyone. Especially extended family.
Your only recourse is to contact BattlEye support at Neither BI nor Steam can unban you.
Now that I look at it again, it's also upside-down. Should be rotated 180 degrees.
I'd like to see barrel devices as another weapon mod slot. There are dozens of different muzzle breaks, and they all do different things.
How do you mean 'teleported'?
This sounds like a related issue to other in-hand weapon bugs, but more information would be helpful.
And the gun's gone. No do-overs, unfortunately. D:
Looks like it. The shorter version should be similarly sized to the AKS-74u.
Baskets as a bicycle mod is kinda neat. 12 slots is WAY too much, though. 4 max.
That said, this is already going to happen. Patience.
I would prefer the Empty action be disabled until it has a use.
Isn't the action wheel getting a full redesign soon? I hate that floating text.
There is no stopping and waiting for item spawns, though. Unless you're talking about server hopping, which is a separate issue altogether. Civilian clothing should spawn anywhere civilians live or travel, but the chance to spawn the best civilian clothing can vary by map region, as I mentioned in my reply to Llew. Folks who live in the colder northern areas of Chernarus will be more likely to own more weather-resistant clothing.
We'll be looking for the best clothing, sure, but we'll be stuck with whatever we can find. The really good stuff can be rare, but it needs to be out there. Clothes get damaged, too. The longer you live, the more chances you'll have to ruin your Gorka and need something else.
And neither civilian nor military issued clothing is designed to give you protection from a bullet. Only a ballistic vest, helmet, or plate carrier will do that.
I don't think that top-tier civilian clothes should spawn evenly across the map, there would need to be a higher chance to find quality items the further inland you travel, and a higher chance in isolated towns and single cabins. Folks living in the city wouldn't have as much of a need to hunt or weather the harsher elements. Keeping medical supplies to hospitals and car parts to garages makes sense, but everybody wears clothes no matter where you go.
I absolutely disagree with you about the best gear ONLY being found in certain 'high-risk' areas (Which invariably translates to military zones). Like I've said, keeping military clothing on the top is BORING and promotes KoS. There is no reason why we would not be able to find jackets, pants, and bags that are as good or better (functionally) as a military uniform. Civilians need good clothing, there are (were) private companies that produce good clothing to meet that need, and potentially to a higher standard of quality. What do rich Chernarussians wear when they're cold?
@colonel: The pants do say that, and I cannot figure out why. There are no military buildings in Gorka the town, and the first Gorka suits were made for the Soviet war in Afghanistan. Whoever wrote that description either doesn't know where the name comes from, or is intentionally misidentifying it for some reason. Maybe copyright law?
@colonel: That's a good point, I suppose most of Chernarus is kinda 'country'. Military gear should go down overall while civilian gear becomes more common, even if the really good civvys are harder to find than good military.
'Gorka' just means 'hill', referring to the type of terrain it was designed for. Unrelated to Gorka the town. The suit is pretty true to life, though it's nowhere near waterproof. EMT jackets should be what Gorkas are now.
@Zyryanoff: Following a playstyle is more interesting, but there's nothing 'stupid' about taking risks looking for valuable items. Unless you expect anyone you meet to share. :P
KahLeeb, don't talk about $100 Mosins, it makes me very sad.
Zimtente, that's a great example. It runs directly opposed to the Gorka suit, which is not waterproof AT ALL in reality. The value of these two could easily be reversed (Though I'm certain the Gorka would still be more popular).
It's the principle of the thing, I think. The 'best gear' shouldn't be synonymous with 'military gear' across the entire loot table.
Lenni, I absolutely agree with you about camo. Civilian clothes can borrow profile-disrupting patterns too, though. Haven't seen any digi camo yet. :D
Ballistic helmets are going to be the best in head protection, I'm afraid, but there are still things like rock climbing helmets, wrestling headgear, etc. that could be useful. Vests could come from hunting and fishing supplies, as I mentioned under 'additional info'.
New anticheat is in, gathering data. It'll be activated when they're sure it's working properly.
For now, try private servers and servers with lower populations.
I've been dreaming of these for a while now, but hoods are tricky. The geometry of the clothing around the neck is hard to get right, if I recall an interview a while back correctly. Lots of clipping.
You'll have to contact BattlEye support.
I think they may have removed the grass wrap in favor of the ghillie wrap. Sad day.
Far, far too easy to abuse by reporting anyone who slights you.
Player names aren't fixed, either.
Please elaborate. You can't loot any player bodies at all, friend or foe?
Do you have some screenshots you could provide?
Add a Gun Rack as a vehicle addon. If you've got a extra rifle in your hands when you get in, it's automatically stowed in the rack.
This has excellent potential, though it would be 100% civilian.
Old clothes are a great idea, though I don't imagine they'd be very durable. I'd like to see WW1 canteen reskins, helmets, old ammo pouches, WW1-2 boots with spats, maybe a vintage army motorcycle? None of the firearms in the museum would be functional (and forget about finding ammo), but you'd have plenty of entrenching tools and bayonets.
I REALLY like the idea of black powder guns, though.
Yes yes yes. Yes.
I agree that open garages should be safe, but any sort of house or fully enclosed structure comes with the risk of asphyxiation from smoke, not just risk of fire.
The Makarov is exceedingly common, having been manufactured by many different countries for many years. It's hardly miliary exclusive, and will likely be the most common firearm once loot tables are set up.
I understand, I was addressing the last two lines of your ticket. The Makarov is not a military pistol anymore, .380 auto is not military ammunition. As far as I've read, the Mak wasn't manufactured in .380 auto until it became commercially available after the collapse of the USSR. If there were any candidate for a pistol that you can find just about anywhere in Chernarus, it's the Makarov.
But you're correct, I'm just speculating on the tables.
I would argue, however, that just because the only .380 guns are miltary loot right now doesn't mean that .380 wouldn't be common in civilian areas. They don't have to be married, and it would be a hassle to have to raid military zones just for the second weakest round in the game.
Also disappears when spraypainting. MP133 on back, Mosin in hands, painted the Mosin green. Mosin vanishes.
What? Cut off the stock? You can't seriously be suggesting cutting the front end down.
Accessible storage is a great idea.
Things to consider:
- Enable carrying in hands, but at walk speed only. Otherwise it's too clumsy to move your stash, having to transfer everything to another backpack.
- Lash with sticks and rope to make a lockable backpack.
- Attach a burlap/grass wrap to disguise it or paint it green and black camo.
- Different sizes: square box (4x4), rifle case (7x3).
I agree with V1ruS and snipertrifle on all points, though I don't like a cook time of more than a couple minutes.
Tangentally, cooking meat in the woods sounds like a great way to attract carnivores.
Outstanding suggestion. Folks forget how loud firearms are, I want this implemented as soon as possible.
It would be cool, but that seems a LONG way off.
The new animal AI is in EXP, right?
Should only be a matter of time until it's appropriated for zed AI.
Advanced loot distribution is coming Q1 2015. It'll work out.
Slings! We need to shed this 'magic velcro' nonsense. I don't care if it's easy to make one out of rags or rope, just put a lid on survivors lugging around 3+ guns.
Spawning a mob around a loot cache seems more like a dinner bell than a guard detail. It's an easy tell. If these folks were hoarding stuff, I'd think they would have died with it, so why not pack the building (or room) with zeds instead?
Outdoors, they could be hidden spider-holes. Making an underground room is hard, which is why the original underground player base idea was scrapped long ago, so a trap door model that works like a chest seems prudent. Players could even make them on their own as an alternative to tents, but they would need to be much smaller capacity.
I'll agree with you that more knives should be able to fit in your boot.
However, Mosin and SKS bayonets are much too long to comfortably fit, regardless of what you call them.
May 10 2016
Ruining clothing, like destroying its quality, seems a bit severe. A 'soiled' status seems more appropriate... Something you can wash out.
Actually, a hygine stat wouldn't hurt. Smelly things attract animals and the like, being dirty can make you less healthy. Or harder to see in the brush?
DMYD has the right idea.
A chance of simple loot is good, anything more is overdoing it.
Running uphill that quickly will tear up your thigh muscles pretty fast. A decaying quick run uphill would be good, but running up in the same way we can run cross-country now is too unrealistic in my opinion. Gotta limit it by stamina.
Good news! Armbands are in .53!
Tear up shirt: Create Rags that retain shirt's color/pattern
Use Sewing kit on colored Rags: 'Craft Armband' that retains rag color/pattern
Use another colored Rags on Armband: 'Apply Patch', select a simple geometric shape, adds chosen shape to Armband in color of applied Rag.
Use Pen on Armband: 'Draw Symbol', select a simple icon (letters, numbers, playing card suits), adds chosen symbol in center of Armband or on an applied patch in color of used Pen.
One base color Rag, one color Patch, one color symbol. No opportunity for abuse.
Only one Armband can be worn at a time, on either bicep.
Armbands cannot be disassembled, but can be torn into plain Rags.
Degradation from hits needs adjusting, agreed.
Associating a specific hit-zone with a specific item slot would be cool, but would take some doing. I would require an inventory redesign with it, displaying the actual item of clothing as a 'window' of your inventory screen with item slots placed over the zone of the clothing it represents. Hoping the upcoming menu redesign heads in this direction!
I'm positive that the Devs are aware of the wrong caliber. The Blaze 95 (Blaser B95) takes 7.62x51/.308 Win IRL.
Heirfuhrer, Gorka is 'mountain' or 'hill' in Russian, and the Gorka suits were designed to keep soldiers warm during their war in Afghanistan in the '80s. Not related to the fictional town of Gorka. :D