TTsKO Gear is not waterproof what makes it extremly worse, compared to the Ghorka-stuff.
It would be great, it TTsKO can be made useful again.
TTsKO Gear is not waterproof what makes it extremly worse, compared to the Ghorka-stuff.
It would be great, it TTsKO can be made useful again.
Wear TTsKO-jacket in Rain
TTKSO isn't waterproof, while Gorka has some fabrics that tempotarly stop water from entering, kinda waterproof but not waterproof as raincoat and etc :)
and if damaged, causes water to go in. IRL as well. So it is working as intended but TTKSO gets so wet too fast, and your freezing.
btw I died last night from hypothermia LMAO