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Dev(s) in coalition with hack suppliers for shares of monthly subscription fees???
Closed, ResolvedPublic


After so many months playing DayZ it is becoming more and more evident that one or more devs don't intend to do anything against hackers but seem to be actually working in coalition with hack-developers who are providing the community with monthly subscription-based hacks to make more money through shares of said subscription fees. This becomes even more clear when the game is supposed to be server-side hack-protected and yet we see hackers in DayZ every day and BIS is not doing enough about it. Why? Because one or more devs are profitting from it through shares of the monthly subscriptions of hacks.

I encourage everyone to investigate the matter on their own and draw their own conclusions. If you come to the same as I did put the word out to discourage this business practices and boycott their games in the future to put pressure on the developers to get their act together. I certainly will expose these practices in reviews all around the interwebs since BIS is not doing enough against hackers.

Additional note: some of you have been asking for proof. It's not as simple as that. The developer who leaks loopholes and the provider of hacks are two separate entities. It's not like they are developing the hacks in the game studios (d'uh). In any case how do you think anyone could prove it? Do you expect investigative reporters to stalk every employee and to take note of every contact they make? You're silly if you think that's how investigative work is done. However I've spoken with people who used to be in the hacking branch and they have confirmed this is common practice, especially in the lower ranks of development, to leak known loopholes or even to manufacture them and give the details to hack-providers.

Eventually of course they ban the hackers but they let them play around and have fun for a while before they do so. And it is evident that they are taking their sweet time in DayZ. You cannot join a populated server without having at least 5 hackers in them these days. If the system was automated to detect hacks it would not take so much time to ban them but it would work rather quickly.

Hacks will always be there, no matter what you do. The best thing a developer can do is to hire a group of admins who actively monitor servers.

Especially in a game where hacking should be minimized due to server-sided protection it shouldn't be such an issue like it is now in DayZ SA.

And there is no need to hate on me - I'm the one empowering you with this information so you can make an educated decision in the future whether to support such devs in the future or not.


Legacy ID
No Bug

Event Timeline

app0815 set Category to Multiplayer.Jan 27 2015, 6:38 AM
app0815 set Reproducibility to Always.
app0815 set Severity to None.
app0815 set Resolution to No Bug.
app0815 set Legacy ID to 3595904802.May 8 2016, 9:18 PM

Unless you actually have some proof this sounds like "out of frustration" attempt to pull in a company into an argument.

Let me find an article for you to understand more into it.

These are the tools I am hoping get put into the punch.

Punkbuster also allows server admins to take screenshots of what players see. If the server admin captures evidence of cheating, he or she can submit the proof to PBBans , a global database of hackers, making it very difficult for that hacker to join any Punkbuster servers.

Along with ACI they are handling other games I play and I am a member of or was at the time. I have contacted them but its up to BIS to make the move or addition to them. It takes time, and restructure of things.

So it isn't easy to just do everything during Alpha. Don't expect this to happen over night if at all during beta.

"Slayer said that Zero's $1.25 million a year was a little inflated, but that I could come up with a rough estimate of Ultra Cheats' annual revenue by gauging the size of the community.

On March 20, over 2,500 members logged into the Ultra Cheats' forums, almost all of whom are plainly listed as paying for standard or more expensive cheat packages. At an average of $10 per user a month, Ultra Cheats makes $300,000 a year"

30 million on alpha plus vrs getting revenue at 300,000?

are you kidding me.... and I am not an employee lol maybe I should put in my resume at dayz... I could make more with dayz.

Just don't turn out to be an
Rage cheaters and closet cheaters person!!!

I've come to my own conclusion and that's you're an idiot.

Care to explain the bans I see popping up on screen for hacks?

I couldn't help but notice you didn't attach any proof to back up your accusations. I believe this is libel?

app0815 added a subscriber: app0815.May 8 2016, 9:18 PM

Oh no it's actually common practice nowadays but it's hard to prove because the providers of hacks are usually separate entities so it is hard to prove the cooperation between the two. A developer provides them with loopholes in the game and in return the hack provider gives them a share of the monthly fees.

If you had any idea of this you wouldn't be talking sh#t RageDrew. Obviously you don't have a clue what you're talking about.

I have spoken independently with multiple sources who have been in the hacking branch and they have confirmed that this is a real thing these days. At some point a hacker will get banned but they let it slide for a while to make extra cash on the side.

And for those who think a developers income is anywhere close to the numbers the haters above threw out - you're delusional.

If you don't believe any of this go ahead and look up Extra Credits on youtube and ask them about this issue - or any other trustworthy dev for that matter.

Franzuu added a subscriber: Franzuu.May 8 2016, 9:18 PM

1 thing is for sure, the accounts that cheaters re-buy could very well be paying for the AC solution in games.

This is not forum.

Hi app0815,

Apologies, but it seems that there is not much more than just allegations here, which would not really warrant an investigation on this subject. I understand that you are dissatisfied with the speed/level at which security measures are implemented into DayZ, but work on the security measures has not been finalized and will most likely be ongoing throughout the development cycle of DayZ. If you read through some of the several past status reports from the dev team, you will find that the subject has been touched upon numerous times:

Also, our producer Brian Hicks has recently given a statement regarding the road ahead for development of the security measures:
"Throughout our Alpha and Beta phases the core engine that powers DayZ is created. During this process new engine functions are introduced, deprecated functions are removed, and the general nature of how a great deal of systems operate can completely change. Within normal closed development this would not be an issue, however developing DayZ in the open and updating the primary branch with any reliable frequency can leave us vulnerable at times.

Individuals focused on identifying, and exploiting vulnerabilities during the development process -will- find holes. No amount of closed testing within a time scale that allows us to update the primary branch with reliable frequency, and keep to our target of a two to three year development cycle will stop this. However, Early Access does offer us an unparalleled opportunity to identify, and address potential vulnerabilities with how DayZ functions prior to the 1.0 that traditionally we would never have. Vigilance as these vulnerabilities are identified, and addressing them is critical to the stability of DayZ 1.0, and will serve to make the final product that much more of an enjoyable experience."

I'll close the ticket since there is no bug or support related issue here, but please feel free to discuss this subject further over on the DayZ forums if you wish to do so.
