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- User Since
- May 20 2016, 9:08 AM (461 w, 3 d)
Mon, Mar 17
It would be nice if recent changes to audio and sounds were re-evaluated (and maybe also the people who are in charge of it). I get that DayZ isn't necessarily supposed to be pleasant, but using the technical aspects of the game to make players miserable shouldn't really be on the table.
Wed, Mar 12
Yeah it feels like any time the game's inherent lag kicks in (such as the client being flooded by the vicinity), it now causes the rubber-banding since the lag-switch mitigation is holding players in place.
Dec 6 2024
I have this ALT-Tab/Black Screen issue when I am set to native fullscreen with NVidia Filters enabled. If I disable filters I can ALT-TAB back and forth with no problem, so that may be a good place to start. Or perhaps try Windowed fullscreen mode.
Nov 26 2024
@Geez All good now. Thanks!
Nov 15 2024
Experimental client running on Steam account with key that I purchased this morning:
We're finding that people with early access keys can't join, but post-release keys seem to be recognized.
Oct 23 2024
@Geez Allow us to help you reproduce the issue. The sound seems more pronounced at higher wind magnitudes when your character is near a conifer. It's a constantly repeating "tsh tsh tsh tsh..." sound. I don't see how you can miss it. Video below.
Oct 22 2024
Oct 20 2024
I believe the way it is now is the way it was always intended to be - the restock timer triggers when an item his its <min> value, and one of each item is spawned at an interval of <timer> seconds until it gets back to <nominal>.
Oct 18 2024
Oct 17 2024
This also happens on Sakhal, so likely not map-specific. Hopefully not intentional as it would be a very strange decision in a multiplayer sandbox to use ambient sounds to imply humans or animals that aren't actually there.
Sep 27 2024
Aug 17 2024
Would like to echo some of the sentiments regarding the CE changes. If there's a philosophy behind these changes, please let us know. If it makes sense, many server admins may like to remain in line with vanilla.
Aug 6 2024
Aug 5 2024
This is a good point, I think. I'm not sure how extreme the planned reductions are, but maybe it's a bit onerus in forcing players down a specific path when outfitting their characters.
Jun 27 2024
@bhaal Some servers use providers that proxy Steam query requests from AnyCast POPs all over the world, so the "latency" reported to your client will be that of the AnyCast POP closest to you.
Jun 3 2024
Leaving it out of the patch notes was likely just an attempt to get pure feedback without preconceived notions. I can kind of understand that, as long as they accept the feedback.
May 31 2024
Intentional or not, I think it's strange that the developers aren't noticing a difference, unless I'm misunderstanding Geez' reply.
May 30 2024
@Geez Noticed this ticket was marked as resolved. Just curious, did this get fixed for an upcoming update? Thank you.
@WeirdXone I think DayOne just had some weather persistence weirdness when going from vanilla weather --> cfgweather.xml. This was done to make it always sunny (which DayOne often does with Livonia), but we could sit there in Community Online Tools and watch the rain value increase despite overcast was pegged at 0. We even set the reset flag in cfgweather.xml to '1', and we were stable to observe the same issue.
May 29 2024
@DeGrinchy I think his issue is that he can't assign the same RCon port to an instance bound to a different IP. In terms of how IPv4 works, using the same port on a different IP address should absolutely be possible. If RCon doesn't allow for that, then it's a bug or limitation with how RCon is implemented and/or configured, and worth reporting to the developers (or Battleye).
May 28 2024
May 27 2024
Can confirm that 'clientPort' in the server.cfg does not appear to work. Tried connecting using the Official launcher as well as the in-game browser, and the client is still using a Windows ephemeral port. This was verified with Wireshark running on both the client PC and the server.
Mar 23 2024
Nice work. The issue with the restock setting has been reported for nearly 4 years. Maybe your ticket will bring it back to attention.
Mar 1 2024
This is happening as of today's update and it's killing server performance towards the end of the restart cycle.
Jan 7 2024
Dec 5 2023
Dec 2 2023
We also have several reports of this issue. There doesn't seem to be any pattern to it which would help us identify a cause, as it only affects a subset of players, but it seems to affect them consistently. Usually trying again using the in-game server browser (provided the proper mods are loaded) works.
Nov 20 2023
Nov 9 2023
I understand now that's how it works. "Spawning Gear Configuration" on the Wiki documentation implied to me that it was replicating the functionality from init.c that allows us to force random spawn gear while still allowing the player to choose their character model. If this new system completely overrides the character, that's fine - we'll just keep doing it through init.c. Thank you, as always.
Nov 8 2023
@Geez When we create the loadouts through init.c, the players can choose a custom character model from the main screen and keep that character model - only their clothing/inventory is randomized by the init.c configuration.
Nov 7 2023
Nov 3 2023
@Salutesh This has been an issue since 1.21. Was reported to the FT on June 6 ( - Geez made that one private). Unfortunately it seemed to get worse with 1.22. Hopefully it's been resolved with 1.23 but there's been no mention of it in the Experimental patch notes.
Oct 29 2023
@Klaas They actually fixed this in 1.23. They removed "vehiclesparts" from cfglimitsdefinitions and replaced it with "lootdispatch", which gets assigned directly to car parts in the types file. They removed "vehicleparts" from mapgroupproto.
Sep 25 2023
We are seeing multiple of these "DIVIDE_BY_ZERO" crashes per day across all of our servers (DayOne). The pattern holds with what has been stated above - always after a player disconnects. It *seems* to hold true that the player has recently died, but lots of people log out after dying, so there may be nothing to that.
Sep 8 2023
Unless something has recently changed, correcting the spelling issue in mapgroupproto.xml actually messes up spawning parts like doors and wheels since they will spawn inside cars like any other loot item. With an invalid category ("vehicleparts" without the extra 's') specified, the configured proxies take over and those parts spawn properly aligned with the body of the car.
May 29 2023
May 28 2023
Just wanted to boost this report. The sound is awful in itself, and the volume makes it worse. Please remove or rework this. It's very bad.
May 4 2023
For what it's worth, I have run into this, as well. Say I want:
Apr 24 2023
@Beavis It's possible they are painting areas with the "Historical" usage using the CE editor, and we won't see it until they publish the 1.21 CE files to their Github. We run a vanilla Exp server and the medieval gear is spawning.
Mar 10 2023
Is it presumptuous to assume this was unintentional and will be removed? Can we get confirmation either way, please? Thank you.
Dec 28 2022
Nov 11 2022
We believe this is the result of a mod conflict. This report can be closed. Thank you!
Nov 5 2022
Nov 4 2022
I don't mean to undermine this wonderfully-detailed report, but this was reported nearly a year and a half ago, with a lot of community input and an acknowledgement from the developers:
Oct 27 2022
DayZ Expansion is fixing this on their side, soon.
Oct 18 2022
Oct 12 2022
Noticed that on Chernarus, the StaticPoliceSituation event config had the following flag set:
Sep 4 2022
Jun 16 2022
I can recreate this by running the game fullscreen, tabbing out, waiting a few minutes (maybe go afk for 5-10 minutes), then tab back in. Windows 10 + Geforce GTX 3080, but I know the issue happens with other cards, as well, spanning several driver versions.
Jun 15 2022
Jun 10 2022
I believe Battleye made changes a few patches ago that has caused the ping kick to be *way* too sensitive. Even a momentary blip in connectivity or a small flood of data going from the server to the client can cause players to get dropped. On servers with large queues, it's not currently usable. This results in having *no* max ping setting which opens the server up for laggy players causing issues for everyone.
May 13 2022
@alexsys mentioned they were playing fullscreen. I can confirm I get this issue in fullscreen, but can ALT-TAB for hours in Windowed mode without any issue. Would prefer to play in fullscreen though due to better performance, overall.
Apr 17 2022
It's an odd change, for sure. I'm not entirely opposed to cookware degrading with use, but it should be more at the rate of shoe wear than just a few minutes.
Apr 13 2022
Been thinking about the ADS bug more with regards to the below code change from 1.07. It stands to reason that the "ghost bullet" issue that this code change intended to fix is essentially the "reverse" of the ADS bug:
Mar 31 2022
Mar 26 2022
The mapgroupproto.xml from 1.16 --> 1.17 seems to have a suspiciously large number of changes, including the following bit which is normally at the top of the file is now missing:
I'm not an expert on the DayZ CLE, but it seems like the system sees that it needs to fill in a certain item, so it begins searching for spawn points and just plops one down as soon as it finds a suitable spot.
Mar 24 2022
Mar 22 2022
This would be a nice enhancement to the CLE. You can kind of get around this by using your server mod to create duplicates of the items (SparkPlug_T1, SparkPlug_T2, etc.) and then create separate entries in types.xml for each one. Very tedious, though. It would be *much* better if this capability was built in.
@gjvdheuvel Based on the logs you posted, the Repeater hits were all arm and hand shots, which will only do 10% damage.
Jan 31 2022
We've received some reports of similar behavior. Most-recently on a Namalsk server running 1000+ server FPS with 40/40 pop. We're not sure if this is an extremely short server-side hiccup or perhaps something is causing the players' clients to be flooded, briefly.
Nov 25 2021
The first error regarding the strings of "--" in the default cfgspawnabletypes.xml is something that would need to be fixed on the DayZ dev side. While it does not prevent the configuration from being read, it does cause validation to fail which can be a bit of a headache for modded/community servers.
Nov 14 2021
Nov 13 2021
Nov 11 2021
Wasn't 1.15 already supposed to rebalance this? It was in the initial changelog:
Nov 5 2021
Please give server admins a way to disable this via config. It might be a good candidate for the cfggameplay.json file.
Oct 7 2021
Looks like the files have been updated. Thanks again!
Sep 30 2021
Thanks Geez!
Sep 28 2021
I have found that if you correct the typo in mapgroupproto, vehicle parts start spawning inside the vehicles instead of properly attached to them. I think it's best to leave the typo in or remove the line entirely.
Sep 25 2021
Sep 9 2021
We had a massive spike in reports of this with 1.13. Battleye seems more sensitive to the time it takes clients to load in, and it's causing people with older or slower PC's to have issues they didn't have prior to 1.13.
Jul 22 2021
Agree with a lot of the feedback on this change. It seems like the intent may have been to make it more difficult to lock up zombies and get out unscathed (?), but it just feel cheap. Really cheap.
Jul 14 2021
Sorry to add more noise, but I think it's worth mentioning that we've been struggling with this bug to varying degrees for quite some time, and we think it can possibly be traced to changes made on 2/20/2020 related to a fix for "ghost bullets":
Jun 20 2021
The ADS bug appears to be a desync where the server recognizes the command, but your client does not. This is why if you get the bug you will also be forced to move slowly - the server is correcting your movement speed to be what it would be if you were *actually* ADS-ing.
May 10 2021
Apr 23 2021
That's a bit disappointing if there's no intention of changing or at least improving upon this behavior. I had always assumed it was "placeholder" to some degree, because it results in some silly infected behavior.
Apr 13 2021
Nov 25 2020
Yes, the 1.10 Changelogs indicate this feature was implemented, but it either does not work, or it is not clear on how to use it. Priority.txt is locked during runtime so it's not possible to edit it on the fly.
Nov 22 2020
DayOne is seeing a 60-70% decrease in server FPS as of the 1.10 patch. During normal operation it is playable, but there is no headroom for the frequent performance dips which result in the typical issues (doors and inventory lagging, players stuttering, awkward zombie combat, desync).
Oct 8 2020
I don't think it will matter, moeb1us. We've already increased spawns around Sitnik, Grabin, etc. with only marginal success. The ultimate goal is to be able to configure the spawn system so that it simply selects spawns using "pure RNG".
Sep 19 2020
Aug 24 2020
It seems like some older persistence backup must have gotten in the way of testing, because after another wipe I can't reproduce this issue. Sorry for the erroneous report.
Aug 23 2020
Aug 17 2020
I did some more testing and it seems that when shooting a dummy with buckshot from ~10m or so away, it only takes 2 shots to kill, but if you walk up to the dummy and shoot them at point-blank, it takes 3 shots. It seems like the spread of the pellets gives it a better chance to hit multiple hitboxes on the player, which amplifies the damage.