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There are continuous footsteps-like sounds next to trees!
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In the video of this post can be heard that there are continuous footsteps-like sounds all the time around trees. I remember there was some before that resembled footsteps, and it was fine, but this is too much. It isn't as it should be, please put it as before, this makes myself and others too (as seen in comments around) going nuts!

I have only played in Chernarus, so this is at least in that map, I have no idea about Livonia or Sakhal, although if happens the same there it should be changed.


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Windows 7

Event Timeline

Geez changed the task status from New to Awaiting internal Testing.Oct 17 2024, 11:36 AM
sileed added a subscriber: sileed.Oct 17 2024, 2:54 PM

This also happens on Sakhal, so likely not map-specific. Hopefully not intentional as it would be a very strange decision in a multiplayer sandbox to use ambient sounds to imply humans or animals that aren't actually there.

It seems to happen pretty frequently too. Definitely hope this will be changed.

endreu added a subscriber: endreu.Oct 18 2024, 8:45 AM

anti campers ambient footsteps i guess

Traqu added a subscriber: Traqu.Oct 18 2024, 4:43 PM

This isn't footsteps sound though

This isn't footsteps sound though

I think the point is it sounds strikingly similar to footsteps.

Geez changed the task status from Awaiting internal Testing to Reviewed.Oct 23 2024, 1:45 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello everyone.
We have tested this thoroughly but we were unable to reproduce the issue.

Hello Geez.

This sound is not exactly player footsteps, that's not what I wanted to mean, sorry for the misunderstood if that was the case.

As some people pointed as well here, the sound is one very similar and repetitive (continuous in fact) that plays as an ambient sound when close or inside a bush/tree. In the video, the sound is present from start to end.

It is so repetitive that it becomes noticed instantly in this new update (when in a bush/tree).

Before the last patch (1.26) it wasn't that repetitive at all.

I remember there were very rarely from time to time some sounds that seemed a bit as footsteps, but they were totally fine to the ambient or place the player was.

To clarify again, this isn't player footsteps but a very similar sound, that could resemble small game footsteps, as a rabbit of some short.

Also, I play with a headset but tried it without just though the computer headphones and hear it as well. In the video of the ticket, they are easily heard with any of the two ways I mention (headset or not).

Hope you can revert or mitigate such continuous and repetitive non-related to bush/tree sound footsteps-like repetitive sounds.


Kathosky renamed this task from There are continuous footsteps sounds next to trees! to There are continuous footsteps-like sounds next to trees!.Oct 23 2024, 6:09 PM
Kathosky updated the task description. (Show Details)

can confirm.
There is "A Sound" probably supposed to be sticks falling, cracking ect...
that sounds like steps.
If you're around a few trees, the sound happens more often.
it's enough to mess with the players perception of their environment and keeps them on edge when there is no threat at all.

@Geez Allow us to help you reproduce the issue. The sound seems more pronounced at higher wind magnitudes when your character is near a conifer. It's a constantly repeating "tsh tsh tsh tsh..." sound. I don't see how you can miss it. Video below.

I for one welcome these new ambient sounds. I'm with @Geez here. I can't reproduce player footstep sounds at all. All I hear is dear Mother Earth's breath, exhaled amidst her rather prickley body.. hair..

Didn't know the Running Man is aware and annoyed about these footsteps-like sounds when in bushes/trees. Thank you for sharing.

@Geez Allow us to help you reproduce the issue. The sound seems more pronounced at higher wind magnitudes when your character is near a conifer. It's a constantly repeating "tsh tsh tsh tsh..." sound. I don't see how you can miss it. Video below.

Nice self-explanatory video.

@Geez I am surprised you cannot hear the "tsh tsh tsh tsh..." footsteps-like sounds as they seem to be quite obvious for quite some people, including TRMZ if you trust his stream more. I realize more and more they interrupt the playing "experience" to some degree and make me hate these new sounds, so in other words these are becoming quite a big deal for me the more I hear them. My humble proposition for you devs is that the tree/bush ambient sound should be reviewed and get these steeps-like sounds removed completely, they don't belong or relate to a bush/tree.

If you need any more information, let know here, will be glad to help. Thanks for your time.

Geez added a comment.Oct 24 2024, 9:50 AM

Thank you, will forward all of the provided information to the QA team and they will have another look

Geez changed the task status from Reviewed to Confirmed Internally.Oct 24 2024, 10:19 AM

Confirmed! :)

nadz added a subscriber: nadz.Oct 29 2024, 10:05 AM

i myself have experienced this especially on the new frostline map in high wind environments it sounds like a barefoot player doing short quick sprints its driving me crazy my friends are worried im developing paranoia i have very nice headphones with custom sound profiles specifically to hear small noises and it's making playing dayz bad for my mental health genuinely can send clips as evidence if requested

This comment was removed by Geez.
Geez closed this task as Resolved.Dec 11 2024, 11:20 AM
Geez claimed this task.

Resolved for 1.27

Happy to hear its resolved! Wanted to add, this caused by the 2 new tree ambient sounds added in 1.26: WindTreeLargeEvergreen_1 and WindTreeLargeEvergreen_2. If you listen to the files, you can hear the foley artist hitting branches together to create this rustling thoughout but there are particular spikes in volume and presence around 2/3rds through in each. The volume, rhythm and tone of these is very similar to that of running footsteps. Since these sounds are repeated by all large, bushy evergreen trees, they are heard all over and the rhythm repeats often. I personally was working on a mod to remaster those sound files when I thought to look up if it had been reported. Hopefully these kinds of things are a priority for the audio team, you're often alone in DayZ, so we're keenly alerted by player-like sounds.

This comment was removed by Pdstonks.
nadz added a comment.Jan 10 2025, 3:03 AM

the issue is not resolved it still happens if anything it's slightly quieter but its still there

the issue is not resolved it still happens if anything it's slightly quieter but its still there

It Says 1.27 🤦‍♂️