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Jan 5 2020, 4:36 PM (237 w, 5 d)

Recent Activity

Wed, Jul 17

TheRealTDog added a comment to T182910: Downgrade in lighting and shadow quality.

100% fully agree with this. Something the devs need to look into. Unfortunately you’ll probably be ignored.

Wed, Jul 17, 6:32 PM · DayZ

Jun 19 2024

TheRealTDog created T182236: {FEEDBACK REQUEST} Fireplace HologramData.
Jun 19 2024, 2:17 AM · DayZ

Jun 3 2024

TheRealTDog added a comment to T181655: Zombie awareness levels at nighttime. .

Hello again.
Just to clarify.
The infected hearing has been increased for this update. This has been intentional decision by the devs.

We do however hear your feedback and we are currently looking into possible improvements.

Jun 3 2024, 11:51 AM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T181655: Zombie awareness levels at nighttime. .
Jun 3 2024, 11:50 AM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T181655: Zombie awareness levels at nighttime. .

Change. It. Back.

Jun 3 2024, 10:19 AM · DayZ

May 28 2024

TheRealTDog added a comment to T160062: Loot .

@Geez ^ 🤯

May 28 2024, 8:11 PM · DayZ Xbox

May 20 2024

TheRealTDog added a comment to T180098: CE Parameters not working.

@Geez Does that include what I said here?

May 20 2024, 1:36 PM · DayZ

May 6 2024

TheRealTDog added a comment to T180166: Feature request | ban by device id.

This is a very important feature that needs to be implemented.

May 6 2024, 11:42 PM · Arma Reforger Xbox, DayZ Xbox

Apr 5 2024

TheRealTDog created T180355: Feature Request: No log zone using cfgundergroundtriggers.json.
Apr 5 2024, 4:07 PM · DayZ

Mar 25 2024

TheRealTDog added a comment to T180098: CE Parameters not working.

I mentioned some stuff with dodgy events in this ticket here Have to swipe down to the bottom to see my bit but it’s there and may relate to this.

Mar 25 2024, 3:36 PM · DayZ

Mar 5 2024

TheRealTDog added a comment to T179630: You guys may as well do a full wipe!.

Playing 5 years and never seen a glitch this game breaking? Where you been for the past 5 years? 😂

Mar 5 2024, 2:55 PM · DayZ Xbox

Mar 1 2024

TheRealTDog created T179524: Dead Player Despawn Timer.
Mar 1 2024, 1:10 AM · DayZ

Feb 19 2024

TheRealTDog added a comment to T179177: New Spawning System.

Nothing but the truth. Devs, why are we trying to fix something thats not broken? Why are we keeping freshies to a certain area for a certain amount of time. Imo this new system just aint it. Old system was completely fine. What if the rotation is down south and your boys are up north? Then what? Wait 30 mins? There are a lot of people I know that very much dislike this but don't voice their opinions. We are the very few many people that do. Address this. Make a change. Don't swipe it under and try to hide. Listen to the players who love the game for what it is.

Feb 19 2024, 2:16 AM · DayZ Xbox

Nov 29 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T177518: [Conflict Feedback] "Transport request to objective" capability needs to be removed.

I also hate this. This feature is stupid. Needs to go.

Nov 29 2023, 6:02 PM · Arma Reforger
TheRealTDog added a comment to T177470: Feature Request: Base Raided Notification.

Sounds like it depsawned. Did you have a flag? It can’t just vanish….

Nov 29 2023, 5:58 PM · DayZ PlayStation
TheRealTDog added a comment to T177498: Not all Guns are available in Pristine.

That’s how it’s supposed to be

Nov 29 2023, 5:56 PM · DayZ PlayStation
TheRealTDog added a comment to T177455: server move notice when didn’t change server.

Base should’ve been accessible from the outside.

Nov 29 2023, 5:54 PM · DayZ Xbox

Nov 22 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T177326: Unconscious and dead players shouble be able to hear in game talk.

Dont consider. Hearing whilst uncon is unrealistic.

Nov 22 2023, 12:31 AM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T177370: Community Server Owners NEED Your Help PLEASE! .

Check rpt logs when you try and start the server and it loops. It should tell you what's wrong then just fix it from there. What I did when 1.23 released.

Nov 22 2023, 12:28 AM · DayZ Xbox

Nov 16 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T177172: [Feature Request] Add ability to test microphone in-game.

There is, voice threshold in settings. When you talk, you’ll see the bar move up and down when it detects your voice. If you see nothing, mics not working or game is messing up (likely game because voice chat is pretty unreliable to work at times). I’ll grab a video later.

Nov 16 2023, 1:22 PM · DayZ

Nov 10 2023

TheRealTDog created T177003: Feedback/Idea - Allow Us To Set LootSpawnAvoidance To Specific Buildings In MapGroupProto..
Nov 10 2023, 8:46 PM · DayZ

Nov 8 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T176837: "spawnGearPresetFiles" Custom character.

I at least ask this gets forwarded on to be checked at. Thanks tho geez

Nov 8 2023, 8:17 PM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T176837: "spawnGearPresetFiles" Custom character.

So there is no way to implement a way for players to use their own customised character when this configuration is being used?

Nov 8 2023, 6:54 PM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T176837: "spawnGearPresetFiles" Custom character.

@Geez That’s the thing. Why are we as server owners choosing what character they spawn as? Why can’t it be the custom character we set in the main menu? Really odd parameter and I just don’t get it. If we set all characters to spawn in like in Step 2, they will just get rotated between all of them. I don’t want to force a character upon a player when they enter our server & I want players to be able to have freedom on who they choose.

Nov 8 2023, 3:42 PM · DayZ

Nov 7 2023

TheRealTDog created T176837: "spawnGearPresetFiles" Custom character.
Nov 7 2023, 9:09 PM · DayZ

Nov 1 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T176654: Feature Request - spawnGearPresetFiles linked cfgPLayerSpawnPoint.xml spawn group..

I back this

Nov 1 2023, 11:38 PM · DayZ Xbox

Oct 6 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T175945: [1.23 Experimental] Players can silently coast in vehicles for more than 5km.

The coasting doesnt seem like a bug.

Oct 6 2023, 5:19 PM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T175956: missing 1.23 ver. of cfggameplay.json and cfgPlayerSpawnGear.json in Experimental Server files . .

Was about to make a report on this. Where's the file?

Oct 6 2023, 5:16 PM · DayZ

Sep 19 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T175499: Nitrado hosted server keeps crashing for unknown reason.

I had the same crash. it was related to an event i just added.
Have you made a recent change in any of the xml or the json files?

Sep 19 2023, 7:03 PM · DayZ Xbox

Sep 18 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T175497: Alternate account timer.
Sep 18 2023, 11:43 PM · DayZ Xbox
TheRealTDog added a comment to T175531: Immediate damage.

You didn’t die?

Sep 18 2023, 7:05 PM · DayZ

Sep 13 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T175441: Console Community Server 1st Person Only Search Filter QoL .

I agree with this.

Sep 13 2023, 3:16 PM · DayZ Xbox

Sep 11 2023

TheRealTDog updated subscribers of T175335: 1.22 damage issues with buckshot.


Sep 11 2023, 4:53 PM · DayZ

Sep 10 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T175315: DayZ Server Vehicle or Vehicles parts? (VERY EASY FIX).

They do this on purpose. I believe its so the items only spawn as a proxy and not in buildings.

Sep 10 2023, 3:43 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ

Sep 3 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T175071: Major audio bugs with gunshots - 1.22 stable .

I agree. High Calibres are too quiet. Makes no sense. Need to be loud again.

Sep 3 2023, 12:14 AM · DayZ

Aug 27 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T174898: Feature(s) Request For Server Configuration.

Very good ideas. Especially the admin controls. Console needs more configurations. Also this isn't necessarily a config but we need to be able to allow what fresh characters spawn in with. Like on the ArenaZ exp servers. Different kits each time you spawn and depending on where you spawn you get a certain type of kit.

Aug 27 2023, 8:07 PM · DayZ Xbox

Aug 7 2023

TheRealTDog created T174596: [Suggestion] Mission File Definitions .
Aug 7 2023, 6:53 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ

Aug 6 2023

TheRealTDog updated subscribers of T174358: Vehicles Lifetime is 0 when spawned by CE (Events.xml).

@Geez To add to my statement and findings, I've found that what the event is actually doing is getting the lifetime from types.xml. So for me at that time, my lifetime in the types.xml for Offroad_02 was 0. However, if you change the lifetime of the vehicle child to anything else (more than 0) the event will take that as the lifetime and then despawn the child when it hits 0 without the need to take anything out of the vehicle.

Aug 6 2023, 6:59 AM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T174568: Workbench Plugin QOL Changes.

I approve of this message

Aug 6 2023, 1:26 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ

Jul 29 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T174358: Vehicles Lifetime is 0 when spawned by CE (Events.xml).

I was just about to make a ticket on this. I support this ticket. I've also discovered that when you spawn a vehicle in via events.xml, the lifetime is zero. However, when you take an item from the boot/cargo or whatever, the lifetime that is set for that event will then be taken into account and begin the despawn process. Obviously, that is if the deletable="1" is set to 1.

I have a video here showcasing the vehicle spawning with the lifetime not being set (Top Left). I can then get in the car, drive it around and the lifetime will not be triggered or be in effect. Only until I take something out the back will the lifetime take into effect. I feel like whenever the car first spawns in, the lifetime should be in effect straight away or until someone interacts with it. Opening the car door or getting in for example. This should be changed imo.

Jul 29 2023, 2:20 PM · DayZ

May 29 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T172816: 1.21 Stable NVG bug in Dambog Bunker (Livonia).

Can confirm I receive this bug when I created my custom bunker

May 29 2023, 8:19 PM · DayZ

May 26 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..

That’s absolutely fine. Thanks for the response.

May 26 2023, 12:28 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..

Do you need more info? @Geez

May 26 2023, 3:23 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ

May 23 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..

Also forgot to mention we did this on console. When you go into a position of where the water SHOULD be but is VISUALLY fake. Your character does go into a SWIMMING animation but it will SINK to the bottom. (this was done in the main valve room) Obviously this is hard to visualise without photos and videos but I’ll get them to you once im home.

May 23 2023, 1:13 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..

I’ll try and explain this easily so you understand as well but this may be long. I am using the DayZ editor to spawn these assets in and use the Object Spawner to add it into the server. I currently have the Land_Underground_WaterReservoir building set to 90° Yaw as I have rotated the whole bunker for my creation and placement. When you do this, the water moves with the object. However, when you do this, the water you see is visually fake. When the object building is set to 0° and the water spawns with it, that is the true placement of the water. Currently I’m not home otherwise I would provide videos and photos. To simplify this, WaterReservoir placed in at 0° at a certain position. Rotate the building 90° Yaw in the same position. Export Object spawner and load into the server. Water moves with object at 90°. Building is fine, water is not. The water is still at 0°. If you need more information please let me know.

May 23 2023, 1:11 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
TheRealTDog updated subscribers of T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..

Refer To Here @Geez

May 23 2023, 3:56 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
TheRealTDog updated the task description for T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..
May 23 2023, 3:55 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
TheRealTDog merged T172575: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug into T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..
May 23 2023, 3:48 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
TheRealTDog merged task T172575: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug into T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..
May 23 2023, 3:48 AM
TheRealTDog created T172575: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug.
May 23 2023, 3:47 AM
TheRealTDog merged T172574: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug into T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..
May 23 2023, 3:44 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
TheRealTDog merged task T172574: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug into T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..
May 23 2023, 3:43 AM · DayZ Xbox
TheRealTDog created T172574: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug.
May 23 2023, 3:42 AM · DayZ Xbox
TheRealTDog merged T172572: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug. into T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..
May 23 2023, 3:37 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
TheRealTDog merged task T172572: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug. into T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..
May 23 2023, 3:37 AM
TheRealTDog created T172573: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..
May 23 2023, 3:37 AM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
TheRealTDog created T172572: Land_Underground_WaterReservoir Bug..
May 23 2023, 3:16 AM

May 13 2023

TheRealTDog created T172376: SurvivorF_Baty has FaceCover_Improvised model bug.
May 13 2023, 6:46 PM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T172345: Experimental Version, 1.21 special mission problem.

He just told you, official characters carry the same character. This isnt community. If you want the new loadout, your character needs to die.

May 13 2023, 6:40 PM · DayZ

May 5 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T172127: Events.xml restock value .

Josie is the owner of the GCode discord. Have you tried adding a second coordinate, say 200m away? So the event switches between locations?

So what you’re saying it I need at least a nominal of 2 and 2 event locations for restock to work. Or do I just need a second coordinate?

May 5 2023, 1:43 AM · DayZ

May 4 2023

TheRealTDog added a comment to T172127: Events.xml restock value .

Josie Garfunkle and Dabz Doritos have confirmed that restock works for their events after speaking to them. 🤔

May 4 2023, 9:45 PM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T172127: Events.xml restock value .

How much distance apart are the other eventspawn locations you have? Could they not be spawning in because your player is too close etc?

I am only testing one event and I’ve set the parameters so I can be next to it and it can respawn.

May 4 2023, 9:45 PM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T172127: Events.xml restock value .

It doesn't work like that. It only restocks if you have more than one event instance. Your max/nominal values need to be higher than the minimum value, in order for the event to restock in intervals, using the specified value back to the nominal.
It works exactly like the types.xml Restock tag.

May 4 2023, 7:33 PM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T172127: Events.xml restock value .

What are the event min/max values? It works just like the types.xml file. It will need to reach the minimum and restock back to the max value. It will also depend if your limit is child, parent, mixed etc.

May 4 2023, 2:22 PM · DayZ
TheRealTDog created T172127: Events.xml restock value .
May 4 2023, 12:54 AM · DayZ

Nov 4 2022

TheRealTDog added a comment to T168755: Bonfire Json.

@TheDevilsKnock It’s 0 and was 0

Nov 4 2022, 4:34 PM · DayZ Xbox
TheRealTDog created T168755: Bonfire Json.
Nov 4 2022, 12:02 PM · DayZ Xbox
TheRealTDog added a comment to T168744: DayZ KB&M Support Fail.

Does the server you're playing on have it enabled?

Nov 4 2022, 11:46 AM · DayZ Xbox

Oct 27 2022

TheRealTDog edited Additional Information on T168598: Movement Data Is Determined By Random Character .
Oct 27 2022, 4:12 AM · DayZ Xbox
TheRealTDog edited Additional Information on T168598: Movement Data Is Determined By Random Character .
Oct 27 2022, 3:58 AM · DayZ Xbox
TheRealTDog created T168598: Movement Data Is Determined By Random Character .
Oct 27 2022, 3:56 AM · DayZ Xbox

Oct 24 2022

TheRealTDog added a comment to T168512: Handbrake automatically applied upon crashing. .

The rpm drops to zero, the engine seems to stall, but it is not displayed. This problem is also on 1.19 stable, It also happens when going uphill.

Oct 24 2022, 9:40 PM · DayZ
TheRealTDog created T168513: Feature Request. Horn plays upon death..
Oct 24 2022, 7:44 PM · DayZ
TheRealTDog created T168512: Handbrake automatically applied upon crashing. .
Oct 24 2022, 7:26 PM · DayZ
TheRealTDog created T168507: Movement Data cfggameplay .
Oct 24 2022, 5:10 PM · DayZ Xbox

Oct 23 2022

TheRealTDog added a comment to T168389: 1.19 player gets heatbuffer bonus automatically.

Cars heat you up now. They are supposed to give you heat buffer.

Oct 23 2022, 6:16 PM · DayZ

Oct 14 2022

TheRealTDog added a comment to T155551: Item descriptions sometimes do not fit on the screen.

I cried reading this

Oct 14 2022, 11:39 PM · DayZ

Oct 6 2022

TheRealTDog updated the task description for T168046: Missing P3D's. .
Oct 6 2022, 5:23 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ
TheRealTDog created T168046: Missing P3D's. .
Oct 6 2022, 5:14 PM · DayZ Modding, DayZ

Jun 24 2022

TheRealTDog created T166207: Gun Aiming Sensitivity Glitch .
Jun 24 2022, 3:41 PM · DayZ Xbox

Jun 21 2022

TheRealTDog changed Severity from severity:feature to severity:minor on T166101: DayZ Dead Survivor Inventory Suggestion.
Jun 21 2022, 1:48 AM · DayZ Xbox
TheRealTDog created T166101: DayZ Dead Survivor Inventory Suggestion.
Jun 21 2022, 1:47 AM · DayZ Xbox

May 20 2022

TheRealTDog added a comment to T165022: Typos inside DZ\structures\military\Tisy config.cpp.

Thanks for finding this Gormirn.

May 20 2022, 2:52 PM · DayZ

Nov 10 2021

TheRealTDog added a comment to T161755: Hit markers PC Experimental Update 1.15 - Version 1.15.154306.

@Astalonte Yes dude thank you! Why can’t people understand this?

Nov 10 2021, 7:08 PM · DayZ

Nov 6 2021

TheRealTDog added a comment to T161755: Hit markers PC Experimental Update 1.15 - Version 1.15.154306.

Less HUD use = more immersive game is.

Ideally in my opinion we should completely move away from the HUD in DayZ. It SHOULDN'T be a thing.
Players should get enough feedback from sounds, visual and other onscreen clues (that aren't your typical HUD elements) on the screen.

Guns shouldn't show ammo in the magazine if you fire approx 10-20 shots, you shouldn't know the exact amount of bullets.

Showing all the HUD elements in the inventory is fine tho, but I would love if we could move on from seeing all the stuff all the time. It's going to make the game more immersive.
(this comment is kinda off topic, but wanted to expand my previous comment)

Yes I like this.

Nov 6 2021, 3:04 PM · DayZ
TheRealTDog added a comment to T161755: Hit markers PC Experimental Update 1.15 - Version 1.15.154306.

Hit indicators are a joke. You must know where you’re getting shot from by sounds and visuals. Not by a hit indicator. Removes immersion. Ruins DayZ. I don’t want someone knowing where I am cuz I’ve shot them. Needs to removed from the game completely. No on/off button.

Nov 6 2021, 3:00 PM · DayZ

Sep 6 2021

TheRealTDog added a comment to T150757: Frequent 1,2,3 second lag spikes while driving any vehicle + crashes.

Next gen consoles reduces this significantly.

Sep 6 2021, 5:18 PM · DayZ Xbox
TheRealTDog added a comment to T160062: Loot .

That's up to the server owner. They can do what they want. Unless you are the server owner and this is happening to you when you don't want it to.

Sep 6 2021, 5:10 PM · DayZ Xbox
TheRealTDog added a comment to T160587: Trip Wire Change Suggestion (1.14 Update).

Very good suggestion

Sep 6 2021, 4:56 PM · DayZ Xbox

Jul 14 2021

TheRealTDog added a comment to T159264: Cannot determine the direction of gunshots in 1.13..

Hi Geez,
I use stereo uncompressed for my earphones that I use to play and I’m having the same issue. If you get someone to shoot at you from 100m and you keep spinning in a circle as they shoot you, you cannot tell where the gunshot is coming from. It sounds like it’s all around you.

Jul 14 2021, 3:32 PM · DayZ Xbox

Jul 1 2021

TheRealTDog added a comment to T159495: Direction of animal sounds..

I have been having issues with this as well. Throws me right off.

Jul 1 2021, 3:48 PM · DayZ Xbox