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Restrict Arsenal to Corporal in Conflict
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Right now there is a lot of toxicity, team killing, abuse of vote kicking and general negativity at the start of Conflict matches because of a divide in starting mentality between new players and experienced. Experienced players understand that building an arsenal at the start of a game is self sabotage as players will quickly drain the base of supplies and anyone who hasn't gotten on the vehicles that spawn at MOB get stranded because they have no supplies to spawn vehicles with. Experienced players will usually try to correct players building arsenals at the start of the game but they usually end up getting team killed / voted out of the game because they're seen as imposing on how other players want to play the game. This issue has been a thing for a long time now, before the massive surge of new PS5 players which have understandably greatly exacerbated the problem recently.

I really appreciate the amount of player agency that is afforded to you in Conflict but I feel like this simple change and all of the problems it would fix at the beginning of a Conflict game are a far greater good that greatly outweighs the negatives of not having that freedom to build an arsenal as a private anymore.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

With the next update, some gear and weapons will be restricted to higher ranks. We will see if that changes anything.

I agree.
I think everything except maybe stuff like ammunition and bandages should be locked at first.

Unfortunately I don't think rank restricting individual items will alleviate the toxicity and griefing at the start of games because it's a matter of the arsenal being the first composition built at the start of a game that gets people at each others throats. Draining supplies while more difficult in 1.3 is still possible with the items available at private rank

Unfortunately I don't think rank restricting individual items will alleviate the toxicity and griefing at the start of games because it's a matter of the arsenal being the first composition built at the start of a game that gets people at each others throats. Draining supplies while more difficult in 1.3 is still possible with the items available at private rank

What I mean if a rank 2 builds an armory, those items should be available for rank 1 players using that armory.

Oh yeah I agree @byNautiic I should've clarified I was replying to @purechaos and just commenting on the 1.3 changes in general 👍

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Jan 3 2025, 4:34 PM

please devs i cant stand these players building only an armoury at simons wood and then not building anything else

In 1.3 this problem will be mostly fixed

Partially related to T182860