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Experimental Mortar Feedback
Feedback, NormalPublic


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Game Version number: (Steam)
Modded?: No

Issue Description:
The mortar is good however the range dials on the scope makes the book you made useless imo.
Automatic Estimate Range Dial Calculator Below

What's the point in the book if that's there?

I strongly recommend you get rid of it so you can make people use the book you made. Don't make it too ui friendly. Make people use their brains.


Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce


Event Timeline

Markoo added a subscriber: Markoo.Dec 17 2024, 12:11 AM

Additional bugs and feedback on mortars

  • if two guys are shooting same mortar in tandem one can get stuck in "animation" by just standing still next to mortar
  • if someone is aiming the mortar and other loads shell, the shell will fire for the "aimer" but it wont fire for the loader until the "aimer" exits mortar
  • sometimes shell charges become desynced, the guy who shoots it will see it flying as expected, but for everyone else and the server shell will fly at charge 4
  • mortar sometimes glitches and starts rapidly snapping up/down, this does not affect the aim tho and is purely visual
  • sometimes mortar gliches out completely, can be fired but not aimed, needs to be dissasembled

Otherwise they feel and work great IMO.

Hud Info provides you basic info about the distance, which is quite useless if there is some vertical difference as well. If you want to compute with vertical interval you need the range table.

Therefore an addition to the tutorial and more info in the field manual about how to compute firing solutions with the range table would be great, so you don't have to search for in other resources (or did I miss it ingame?).

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Dec 17 2024, 8:37 PM