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M3S disappeared?
Reviewed, NormalPublic


M3S locked in base when I logged off, when I logged back in it was gone. Base was not raided, no other loot was touched. Truck just disappeared all truck parts were fine would not have despawned


Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

It’s locked in a base between a gate & another car. Base was not raided. Truck simply disappeared, on the other side of a couple gate is an ada that was knocked back, not sure exactly what happened but the truck magically disappeared

Event Timeline

Wuanted created this task.Tue, Sep 10, 4:07 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Tue, Sep 10, 4:37 PM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Hello Wuanted.
Unfortunately there is no way for us to tell what happened to your vehicle.

If they can get an angle on the engine or the fuel tank, they could’ve ruined it causing it to despawn.

Potential base raiders. Can they get an angle on your engine or fuel tank?

No it’s literally in the core of my base that’s why I’m so confused

Nothing was damaged, you can’t throw anything inside, all my other vehicles around the truck are fine… all loot untouched besides the loot that’s gone with the truck.

Any gates that were left unlocked near the truck that could swing open or doors nearby that can swing open and touch the car? I had my car locked away in a corner of my base, but had a gate that wasn't locked and a metal door to the building, since some of those randomly open sometimes, when with a server restart or player proximity, it swung open, pushing the car just a bit into my gate and upon server reset my car was gone, happened right before my own eyes.

That’s actually exactly what happened, my gate near the truck was left open and made the truck somehow despawn… not sure exactly how this is happening but yea that’s what I assumed happened lol