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The current spawning system makes it really easy to cheat in the beginning
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The cheat technique is simple: keep killing yourself and respawning. Since you're likely to be spawned in the same vicinity, you can loot your corpses for the starter items to get a quick boost. For example on Chernarus, you spawn with food and a bandage. This can add up quickly and lead to an easy start once you've killed yourself enough times.


Operating System
Windows 7
Additional Information

Please stop spawning players in the same location when they die as a fresh spawn.

Event Timeline

etwas added a subscriber: etwas.Nov 6 2024, 10:06 PM

i second this. people managed to meet up in the game for 10 years already with different spawns - i dunno why it had to change.
theres also a lot of "meta" going on with the new spawnsystem - yea well, this was all pointed out already, here and elsewhere.

Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Nov 7 2024, 11:01 AM

I’ve banged on about the spawning system for ages. Nothing is going to happen. It’s only to cater to the new players who can’t find their mates.