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Urgent need for Whitelisting for Admins/Moderators!
Feedback, NormalPublic


Game Version number: recent
Modded?: No

Issue Description:
Once a Server is full, Admins are unable to join a server quickly, whenever needed. In combination with very limited information and tools available via RCon (Battlemetrics), this makes it almost impossible to moderate a Server!
Also, Servers for the game are rather expensive. If we could extend Admin Whitelisting to communities, Server Owners would have an option to generate some donations for it by offering Whitelisting to donators/patrons. Community Servers really keep the Game alive, so it would be a good bonus.

This could achieved by adding a whitelist.cfg to the Server Files that is based off Steam64 or ReforgerIDs and potentially the option for 1 Reserved Slot on the Server, that could be kept empty for Whitelisted people to join first - or simply let them move them to the front of a queue.


Operating System
Windows 11 x64
Feature Request

Event Timeline

OctoBear created this task.Dec 17 2024, 7:29 PM
OctoBear updated the task description. (Show Details)Dec 17 2024, 7:59 PM
Geez changed the task status from New to Feedback.Dec 17 2024, 8:19 PM

It's true. Maybe there should always be two "extra" slots reserved only for GM / admins?

It's true. Maybe there should always be two "extra" slots reserved only for GM / admins?

Squad, for example, has two empty Slots for those with whitelisting, 98(+2). If two whitelisted joined, the Slots are full - once someone leaves, the whitelisted Slots are freed first. This is a quite simple way, that allows to join the server quickly in 99% of the time. And if its completely full, you still skip the queue to the front. In emergencies you can always kick one person then.

In Reforger right now, you'd have to kick however many people are in the queue+1 to get inside.

Yes, this facility is important to maintain a healthy community on community servers

I agree 👍 +1

100% necessary.

Cultti added a subscriber: Cultti.Jan 7 2025, 8:17 AM
OctoBear changed Category from General to Feature Request.Jan 19 2025, 4:34 PM
Scally added a subscriber: Scally.Jan 22 2025, 7:03 PM

Just adding an enthusiastic +1 to this as a new 128 player server admin with an eager community 👍

Can this please be added especially now when every server if pretty much full with a 30+ queue on an evening, I'm about to launch my own server and don't want to be locked out of my own server if I need to get on to make some changes etc

Can this please be added especially now when every server if pretty much full with a 30+ queue on an evening, I'm about to launch my own server and don't want to be locked out of my own server if I need to get on to make some changes etc

has it been added? or is there a script to add a donor whitelist?