Hello! We run some fairly popular PC Livonia servers, and have noticed some strange patterns in player spawn behavior. We would like some clarification on if player spawns are pure RNG or if they are "weighted" in some way.
First of all, these are the spawns we have configured. Mostly vanilla spawns, but we borrowed a few "Hop" spawns to try to spread people out a bit more:
As you can see, they are pretty evenly-distributed across the map from West to East.
As of 1.09, we implemented a log entry which logs the coordinates of a player when they spawn in with a new character. We then generated a heat map (modified version of Sumrak's Deathmap) to show the tendencies:
As you can see, spawns are weighted pretty heavily to Brena and Kolembrody. Grabin and Sitnik, despite having numerous spawns configured, are not getting much love. To clarify: the heatmap is coordinates of players at the moment they spawn in, not player movement after they spawn.
Is there anything I can do to make the player spawns purely random? I think the stock answer would be "add more spawns where you want players to spawn", but from what we're seeing, that may be futile(?).
Thanks for any pointers you can give!