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- User Since
- Aug 23 2018, 6:36 PM (338 w, 5 d)
Nov 4 2024
Agreed. The bullet snap sounds should also be improved and returned to their 0.59 or 0.61 glory. The supersonic cracks of bullets were extremely immersive, stressful, and adrenaline-inducing. I think DanceOfJesus articulated it very well starting from 18:18 in this video:
Sep 8 2020
Sep 7 2020
This is also mentioned in T149811 , which has more detailed information on the bug. So please refer to that ticket as well, to try and reproduce and fix the issue.
I had the same problem with the SKS (along with the issues with holding R mentioned in T153569 ). I would want to see this fixed before 1.09 goes to stable, otherwise keep it in experimental.
Sep 5 2020
I edited my comment, and the link should work now.
An example of something like this, but more refined would be awesome.
Hello @Geez This issue is still not fixed as of 1.09.153372.
@freerider3434 Has there been any update on your ticket?
I had this issue too. Sometimes reloading with R can be unresponsive, and you have to retry it a couple of times to get it to work.
Was going to make a report on this.
In stable branch of 1.08.153228, the wolves howl will trigger for one player, but for the others, they will not hear the wolves.
May 19 2020
I think you guys should seriously consider Ragdoll for fixing this. I know it has it's problems for you guys development wise, but it would fix a lot of issues many people and I have in the game :)
Sep 30 2019
Yeah, seriously what's up with the Amphibia and VSS issues.
Sep 10 2019
It sounds awesome now and I do think proper adv. attenuation is in too now? Which is amazing.
Sep 4 2019
That's what cars and bikes will be for Kappa.
Aug 28 2019
Maybe get the dudes working on ARMA 4 to develop it, and backport it to DayZ ;)
This happens with all guns by the way Geez.
Aug 26 2019
If interested, this was the footage of me overlooking from Zub Castle.
Hello Geez,
Aug 22 2019
Aug 21 2019
Hello, @Geez I don't think this is fixed yet of 1.05 EXP (still have to test)? This has been in games for more than 5 patches now, (since 0.63 stress test 50) but no rush if it's a really hard bug to find/fix within the codebase of EDEN I'm guessing.
つ ◕_◕ ༽つ GIB RAGDOLL つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
The issues above that Beavis talked about the bullets being desynced, is the one that leads to very bad hit registration issues. Hope to see this get fixed soon :)
Yes, would be nice. I really hope they fix the irons sights issue not popping up on viewing through the scope.
Aug 16 2019
just press G to throw
Hello @Geez Update as of 1.05 first update to Experimental.
We do have fade to black but I don't think it's as good as it was in 0.62 if I'm being entirely honest.
good prediction @EnterThePug but my main concern is that they really need to reduce the general player speed at <50% health.
also flares tend to fall through a lot too.
Aug 15 2019
If you look at this youtube video you can see how the leaning severity was prior to .63
Aug 14 2019
well the consoles all run on AMD GPUs btw, weaker than the RX480 and Vega 56
Aug 12 2019
and to expand on @EnterThePug having increased despawn timers to atleast 20+ minutes is a must, and should be high priority for you guys.
While you are also at it, make the unconscious "ragdolls" (quotes because of GIB RAGDOLL つ ◕_◕ ༽つ ) more random and unique.
Yes on latest Stable verision
I get the same issues.
Aug 8 2019
Aug 7 2019
Hi once more again @Geez
I think you guys may be aware, but if you didn't. There is differing animations for people on the client, vs. how it's synced on the server.
Aug 2 2019
Hey just an additional thing, I saw this post on the DayZ Reddit and it echos a similar sentiment and is a change that needs to happen. thanks :)
Aug 1 2019
something really interesting I've seen suggested is to do it Escape From Tarkov route.
Jul 31 2019
Here is another graphical issue that many have been facing, from source redditor u/RifleEyez
@Geez Any comment on this?
Jul 30 2019
Jul 26 2019
Jul 25 2019
This might be something good to fix before Survivor GameZ @Geez
This has really been bothering me as well.
I saw an instance of this happening in Survivor GameZ, and this person that TheRunningManZ killed, had an MP133 shotgun in their hands while climbing up a ladder with an IZH-18 and fire axe shouldered
TRMZ was unable to access the shotgun in hands.
Jul 24 2019
Hello again @Geez
There is also another method to reproduce this animation glitch and that is by
Jul 23 2019
Something that also is of concern is hit feedback and damage system
Jul 17 2019
T142388 this could be a side effect/result of these network issues on these servers @freerider3434 was talking about. very game-breaking with gunshots being silenced without a suppressor!
@Geez Please, can you let us know if you guys are either aware of this issue or acknowledge/have it assigned already?
Jul 16 2019
Jul 15 2019
Jul 11 2019
On the topic of jumping, I would also like to mention that you can
Jul 10 2019
I honestly believe you should be automatically forced into 1PP and have the HUD disabled as soon as you enter unconscious.
yep big issue, especially since it breaks the reloading system, and you have to relog
Jul 9 2019
This is the weapon collision in Escape From Tarkov.
This system would be great as it's more gradual and less frustrating if you guys can implement this, it would be AMAZING!
Jul 8 2019
Hey @Geez on a further note, this can also be reproduced after sprinting, coming to a jog to try and reload from the hotbar or Press 'R' to rack the gun.
and yes while you are at it. Makes unconsciousness in melee a possibility again.
Jul 7 2019
it works? try a different server
report these hackers to the server admins too. They are the ones who can monitor the logs and ban this player. Then send the Player ID to devs + evidence.
Jul 4 2019
thank you for the response Geez :)