The character incorrectly holds in his hands the weapons VK-18 (скриншот).
Персонаж неправильно держит в руках оружие ВК-18 (screenshot).
The character incorrectly holds in his hands the weapons VK-18 (скриншот).
Персонаж неправильно держит в руках оружие ВК-18 (screenshot).
1)Взять в руки оружие ВК-18.
Hello Robert_Shepard.
Has this issue occurred on experimental or stable version? And do you possibly have more specific reproduction steps? As we are unable to produce the issue by simply picking up the weapon, so it is highly possible that this issue occurs under specific conditions. In case you run across any additional information on how to produce this issue, please let us know in the comment section here.
@Geez EN: This is a stable version 1.04 and I myself did not fully understand how it happens. Almost always, when my friend picks up a sniper rifle in his hands, it does not show correctly. What does a friend have to show it correctly, but other players don’t.
RU: Это стабильная версия 1.04 и я сам не до конца понял, как оно происходит. Почти всегда, когда мой друг берёт какую-либо снайперскую винтовку в руки, она показывается некорректно. При чём у друга это показывается корректно, а у других игроков нет.
This happens with all guns by the way Geez.
I do not know how to reproduce as it is solely based on the server synchronization between clients. (On your end/client you can hold the gun perfectly fine, but for other people, it appears skewed)