Please make it so that we have to ‘check pulse’ on dead bodies. Currently, we just look at the body and determine it’s dead by the fact that it says ‘survivor’. This is unnecessary meta. It would be so much better if we had to stop a second and actually check their pulse.
Having it say things like it did in the legacy version would be good, too. i.e. ‘No pulse and is warm to touch’.... Then we could determine whether the person died recently.
In all fairness, that last bit would probably be useless in current DayZ because bodies despawn too quickly... Which I assume is related to performance. Would it be possible to just despawn their loot, at the current rate, but keep the player there for much longer? Have them turn into an object, rather than a series of containers. (Easy for me to say, I know). I believe there was talk of decaying bodies. I hope this is still on the table.
The position of a body also tells us if a player is dead (to many... I personally still can’t tell) but I assume that rag dolls, if they ever come, would eliminate this problem.