Tons of players stuttering, the serverdz.cfg network variables don't seem to change anything about it.
I've quickly learned SetSynchDirty and even SetObjectTexture called on server is enough to cause players to lag when those sync's hits since they both trigger PlayerIdentityBase::GetInputThrottle() != 0
There was a new change which I can only assume to be the anti lag switch in changelog causes these awful lag issues that players are blaming me for. I will post a clip in the replies as an example of this.
I cannot explain how frustrating it is to be the one that has to be held accountable for your minimally tested netcode changes. It is literally like a back and forth game where one update the lag is somewhat minimal, still laggy as usual, but nobody complains as much. Then there's this update, where no matter how I interact with my community, it is a constant barrage of "FIX THE LAG", "THE LAG DIDNT HAPPEN LAST WEEK". Its unbelievably frustrating because it has been YEARS of this. There is not a single video I have seen vanilla or modded, where there are not players lagging around, and the craziest part is that people blame the servers/server providers instead of you, so there is absolutely no accountability, and no awareness. And to top it off, now we have 2 more months of this lag until we 50/50 it next update and see if the lag is the same or slightly better.
There is not a single high pop server that doesn't use virtual storage now, it's unthinkable that this game is so poorly optimized that it's better to literally delete and create 1000's of entities every second than it is to just allow them to exist on the server. This on top of it being a known issue for 2 years that bases/contents of bases cause massive player lag, and despite that not being fixed STILL, now we have more problems like just the tiniest sync's triggering it.
I urge you to actually play the game for yourselves as a group and witness the lag. You wont witness it solo, you even client sided driving vehicles (good thing) so you can't see the lag when driving as much now, but passengers definitely do.