Hello, so I've played a good amount of 1.26 EXP now on both an official and private server and want to raise some concerns with the updated loot economy on Chernarus.
1. AKM
The AKM is now a Tier 4 spawn but despite checking all of the Tier 4 Military spawns like Tisy, West Evac/Tri Kresta and Lopatino, I haven't found a single one since the update, yet I've probably found 15+ DMRs across those same locations.
Is the AKM even spawning? And if yes then is it supposed to be this rare? Is it intended that the AKM has a restock of 3600 while the DMR has 0, even though they're both Tier 4 spawns?
Naturally the 3600 restock would make the AKM rarer but it seems strange that I haven't been able to find a single one in an entire week. Is it possible that the restock is causing issues with the AKM spawning, or have I just been getting extremely unlucky?
On Chernarus the ASVAL has a nominal/min value of 0, causing it not to spawn at all.
While I understand there is an intent to split the east/west weapons across different maps (which is an entirely different topic for another time) it was said that Chernarus is supposed to have a mix of both, so I'm confused as to why the ASVAL has been removed?
I absolutely love the ASVAL and would like to use it on Chernarus so this is very disappointing to see. If this is intentional then could you please reconsider this change? I could understand and happily accept the ASVAL being made much rarer on Chernarus, like having a nominal of 1-2, but completely removing it? That's such a shame and I really dislike this approach, I want to be able to use the content that I like on the maps that I like!!
3. M70 Tundra
The Tundra has been removed from Tier 3 and is now a Tier 4 spawn only, however there's only 2 feeding shacks on Chernarus that are within a Tier 4 zone, one of them is located north-east of Vavilovo and the other one is north of Novaya Petrovka.
In my (very limited) testing, it appears that as a result these 2 feeding shacks are now guaranteed Tundra spawns. So far I've had 100% success rate, I checked the shacks 2 times each and walked away with 4 Tundra's.
I wanted to bring this to your attention in case it was overlooked, as I imagine you probably don't want weapons having guaranteed spawn locations, but if this is intentional/not seen as a problem then that's fine.
4. Various items not spawning
Certain items have had their nominal/min values set to 0, even though they seem like items that should be spawning(?).
ASVAL (as mentioned)
Boxed .357 rounds (AmmoBox_357_20Rnd)
Loose .357 rounds (Ammo_357)
Loose 5.56 rounds (Ammo_556x45)
Loose 5.56 tracers (Ammo_556x45Tracer)
P1-87-L (KashtanOptic)
1PN51 (KazuarOptic)
Kobra Sights (KobraOptic)
PSO-1-1 Scope (PSO11Optic)
PSO-1 Scope (PSO1Optic)
GlassBottle (Seems strange that this would spawn on Livonia but not Chernarus)
That's everything I wanted to mention, thanks guys.