Hello, after playing a few hours of experimental 1.13 I have came across the following points:
- Plate carriers seem to tank too many shots (unfortunately there is no video recorded), I know it should protect as it is now less common but it does not seem consistent.
I have been shot in the chest 1x by a LAR and I've fell unconscious for 5 seconds while having a plate carrier. A friend has shot an enemy with a plate carrier 4x in the chest with a Tundra seeing the player flinch all 4x but he's still managed to survive without falling unconscious.
- Chernarus seems to be way colder ( DayZ EU - DE 3536 (Experimental/Unstable) ), not sure if the server time is set to winter time.
- There's times where the character would not be able to aim down sight (it is a problem since at least 1.10 but not being spoke about too much). To fix it it's needed to spam right click multiple times until it stops "locking" the character into aim down sight stance and not allowing the character to move. This issue can be very frustrating and make anyone lose a character because they were stuck with that locked status.
- Sprinting zombies have quite a lot of range on doing the sprint attack, possibly decreasing the range on those attacks would be great.
- PLEASE, try and wipe the experimental servers (map and player) on each patch so people can experience how vanilla looting is and how it can impact encounters depending on what they've found. It seems like some have characters from other patches that are fully geared or have a base full of items and that kind of impacts the progression and the idea of how the current loot table feels
I will not give feedback on how to fix the issue because there's no way us players can tell how to exactly change it. I'm talking from a point of view from a couple of players that are more PVP focused, that is why I'm passing the tweaking on to you guys as you have the bigger picture of the game.
1.13 does seem like a good patch and looking forward to see what tweaking will come with it.
Zombies are great, not too hard and not too easy to deal with and combat seems to be better with less unconscious state but it is still present!