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Feedback for 1.13 exp
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Hello, after playing a few hours of experimental 1.13 I have came across the following points:

  • Plate carriers seem to tank too many shots (unfortunately there is no video recorded), I know it should protect as it is now less common but it does not seem consistent.

I have been shot in the chest 1x by a LAR and I've fell unconscious for 5 seconds while having a plate carrier. A friend has shot an enemy with a plate carrier 4x in the chest with a Tundra seeing the player flinch all 4x but he's still managed to survive without falling unconscious.

  • Chernarus seems to be way colder ( DayZ EU - DE 3536 (Experimental/Unstable) ), not sure if the server time is set to winter time.
  • There's times where the character would not be able to aim down sight (it is a problem since at least 1.10 but not being spoke about too much). To fix it it's needed to spam right click multiple times until it stops "locking" the character into aim down sight stance and not allowing the character to move. This issue can be very frustrating and make anyone lose a character because they were stuck with that locked status.
  • Sprinting zombies have quite a lot of range on doing the sprint attack, possibly decreasing the range on those attacks would be great.
  • PLEASE, try and wipe the experimental servers (map and player) on each patch so people can experience how vanilla looting is and how it can impact encounters depending on what they've found. It seems like some have characters from other patches that are fully geared or have a base full of items and that kind of impacts the progression and the idea of how the current loot table feels

I will not give feedback on how to fix the issue because there's no way us players can tell how to exactly change it. I'm talking from a point of view from a couple of players that are more PVP focused, that is why I'm passing the tweaking on to you guys as you have the bigger picture of the game.

1.13 does seem like a good patch and looking forward to see what tweaking will come with it.
Zombies are great, not too hard and not too easy to deal with and combat seems to be better with less unconscious state but it is still present!


Operating System
Windows 10 x64

Event Timeline

NAyRAM created this task.Jun 20 2021, 1:53 AM
Nate_LapT added a subscriber: Nate_LapT.EditedJun 20 2021, 2:16 AM

Agreed, the Hand bug is annoying and has caused way too many bugged deaths. I thought my mouse was broken the first few times.

Zombies are in a much better state than 1.12 was! Stealth attacks actually work now! I was even able to quickly jog up behind an infected and stealth attack by planning a little with crouch sprinting until I was close enough.

Experienced the Commander Zed last night at kamensk military. Got attacked by at least 9 infected.

The infinite blocking though feels a little too much, I just need to keep blocking until I find somewhere I can lock up the attacking hoard. Almost bled out trying this. Better to be knocked uncon and bandage as they leave your body alone.

The new sickness effects are neat. Got to use the iodine last night.
Blurry vision and new shock damage is a nice touch.

ADS Bug is such a bummer. Why this isn't the focus vs making dayz a armor meta game is beyond me. Basic quality control should be applied internally before releasing to the public.

Spaggie added a comment.EditedJun 20 2021, 5:36 AM

The screen scaling bug is still an issue in inventory, I think it's to do with people who run 125% Windows desktop zoom. I don't know why DayZ is letting desktop settings +even night light) affect the full screen game

And just incase you think this doesn't impact you, it makes for a set of quite interesting advantage exploits, especially on nVidia cards

Zombies still have ESP

Can't loot this body

ADS bug. To add for me this occurs when I try to raise my weapon. I don’t tap r to go straight to ads. I always hold r to bring my weapon up, then middle mouse to ads as needed. There are times when I hold r to raise weapon and nothing happens. It happens much more when crouching or prone compared with standing. But I will be holding r and nothing happens, sometimes I have to hold r 2/3 times to get my weapon to raise. Often I am dead before I can do this.

Spaggie added a comment.EditedJun 20 2021, 9:04 AM

Puffer Jackets often spawn in and can't be picked up, this is a pretty frustrating bug when trying to get warm in the early game. They're usually on the floor, I've seen them stuck on ground floor and first floors

Here's a ladder house example

GonjZ added a subscriber: GonjZ.Jun 20 2021, 9:23 AM

-The infections from rags that are not disinfected happen immediately after applying them. The infection take no time to "set in"
-The "disinfected" state for rags seems to be temporary. I'm unsure if this is intended.
-Breaking one long stick only yields one short stick.

The fading texture transition on trees and bushes is very cool, but the 'lonely tree' dead tree texture transition now pops very badly in comparison

Trying to kill a zombie for it's backpack has a very high chance of ruining the backpack

The ADS bug appears to be a desync where the server recognizes the command, but your client does not. This is why if you get the bug you will also be forced to move slowly - the server is correcting your movement speed to be what it would be if you were *actually* ADS-ing.

Tap again and the server "lowers" your gun and you can once again move normally.

Tap a third time and finally you are ADS on both client and server.

The bug does seem to occur most often when attempting to ADS (or raise your weapon) while transitioning from different stances.

Yeah, netcode needs some refactors, passes and optimisations

The blur. I won’t be able to play because of my TBI, PCS and migraine history any more. Possibly an option to turn that off? I can not imagine people who suffer Epilepsy not having issue as well. Especially the knock out flickering. I’ve almost vomited on stream because of that.

JerryK added a subscriber: JerryK.Jun 20 2021, 4:14 PM

I've experienced difficulty picking up items from car seats (read: I wasn't able to pick them up, no matter how I positioned myself)

Zed attack range seems broken sometimes, as in, too long of a reach.

Two things I found so far. When you unload a pistol, and it was in the chestholster on the vest, the pistol will not go back on it automaticly.
Second thing.
When having pouches in your inventory and you have items in them.
They fall out if you relog.

Love all the changes so far! Great work as always

  • At the moment it feels like everyone gets shot unconscious wakes up in 4-5 seconds, does not matter the calibre, shot by .308 or .357 or 7.62x39 they all take the same time until waking up.
  • All the shots to the head with a helmet seems to make a player go unconscious (happened with 7.62x39, .357, 7.62x54 and .308) and the unconscious length is all the same.
  • Gun sounds from a distance seem a little off, an AKM from more than 200m approximately sounds like it's shooting closer than that. a FAL from above 200m approximately sounds like it is way further away. They also seem mixed up (not sure if intended), for example: a mosin from far sounds more like a BK-18 shooting.

ADS bug. To add for me this occurs when I try to raise my weapon. I don’t tap r to go straight to ads. I always hold r to bring my weapon up, then middle mouse to ads as needed. There are times when I hold r to raise weapon and nothing happens. It happens much more when crouching or prone compared with standing. But I will be holding r and nothing happens, sometimes I have to hold r 2/3 times to get my weapon to raise. Often I am dead before I can do this.

You can replicate it repeatedly just by doing these things over and over again in test servers. It happens more often in a full server though under load. It is very game breaking.

GonjZ added a comment.Jun 21 2021, 4:58 AM

Ruined knives aren't dropped from the players hands and can be picked up and used to melee after being ruined. However, they can't be used for any crafting, or can opening.

Geez changed the task status from New to Assigned.Jun 21 2021, 10:29 AM


Rage reckons he opened a can with a broom, that's seems an incorrect class. I think the baseball bat opens cans as well, this feels wonky?

Beavis added a subscriber: Beavis.EditedJun 21 2021, 11:02 AM

Smashing open a can of peaches with a baseball bat (or a broom...) would be awesome if it had an animation... Leave 10% of the contents or so and it is okay :)

A couple of things I have found:

  • Breaking down long sticks only gives one short stick.
  • Hit zones on heavy soldier zombies seem weird. I shot one in the head point blank with a 1911 4-5 times before he died, but afterwards the helmet he wore was still in "worn" condition. Normally when you headshot zombies wearing helmets they will go ruined.
  • Repeated blocking seems a little overpowered. I suppose arm fractures are coming eventually to make this less of an issue, but if not I suggest forcing the block down (so player will have to re-raise hands to block again) after blocking a heavy attack.

Commences testing

I made a fire place in Kamyshovo near the PD during night time but the zombies did not seem to take any notice of the fire, I also made a fire in the green 2 story house to the right of the PD with the same result.

Clip of the fire in the road

mrdarn added a subscriber: mrdarn.Jun 22 2021, 12:11 AM

Puffer Jackets often spawn in and can't be picked up, this is a pretty frustrating bug when trying to get warm in the early game. They're usually on the floor, I've seen them stuck on ground floor and first floors

Here's a ladder house example

@Spaggie the workaround for me is to hold f to pick it up to your hands. Might help until fixed.

ESP Infected

I've spent some time playing with zombies, really liking them in 1.13 but I feel their powers of ESP are too strong, there needs to be a moment where you break the elastic band and they 'lose you', I've had them still chasing me even after breaking line of sight and making no sounds, it seems a bit spooky

Bandages on freshies.
Is there a possibility to make freshy suicide characters despawn faster?

Couse you just can scower the coast, find bodies and grab the bandages from them, then the infection suddenly lost all the danger it would have on spawn.

(trmz idea/question)

Spaggie added a subscriber: Dayz.Jun 22 2021, 3:57 PM

From the lovely @CodayTV

@Dayz is it possible to implement a mute function for the handheld transceiver? Switching between listening only and listening + sending? Many times I am talking with someone via direct communication and want to keep my radio on (without unrealistically sending all the time).

From the lovely @CodayTV

@Dayz is it possible to implement a mute function for the handheld transceiver? Switching between listening only and listening + sending? Many times I am talking with someone via direct communication and want to keep my radio on (without unrealistically sending all the time).

I second this!!!! IRL would be Push to Talk, just because I'm speaking doesn't mean I want to push the radio button. I would love a new keybinding for radio speak, which obviously would transmit local voip too since how else would you speak.

From the lovely @CodayTV

@Dayz is it possible to implement a mute function for the handheld transceiver? Switching between listening only and listening + sending? Many times I am talking with someone via direct communication and want to keep my radio on (without unrealistically sending all the time).

Yes please!
I love listening into the radio, and don't have a good way of "not" talking over it if I meet someone all of a sudden.
Either a toggle or a seperate PTT (which puts you into whisper mode locally but transmits to the radio).

I fully support this!

Beavis added a comment.EditedJun 22 2021, 5:00 PM

Simplest and best solution would be to have voice communication always on and only use push-to-talk for the radio. This would be realistic and make discord/teamspeak meta more awkward, but it would be potentially awful for streamers who need be able to talk to chat without everyone in their vicinity hearing it... Could get around that with two microphones so maybe.

The other option is to give players the option to toggle voice communication while keeping radio on push-to-talk. In effect simply take the radio off the toggle in other words - so even with voip toggled you need to push a key to send on the radio. Then you can add the little squelch burst of static from using the key too, something that is often used in real world communication over vhf radio.

Also about Radios, a Radio right now weights 2kg, not sure if I am the only one thinking that it could be lowered to 1kg.

Also about Radios, a Radio right now weights 2kg, not sure if I am the only one thinking that it could be lowered to 1kg.

Agreed. A real world walkie talkie seldom weights more than half a kilo.

Geez added a subscriber: Geez.Jun 22 2021, 5:23 PM

Hello everyone.
While we do appreciate the feedback and information regarding to the issues on current experimental. Please file a ticket per each issue you come across. Posting them in the comment section not only makes the tracking of the issues much more complicated for us, there is also chance that your issue might get lost in the comment spam.

Geez - 1.13 Chernarus is too cold - 1.13 ADS Bug - 1.13 Zombie range - 1.13 Please wipe expie to test spawn looting - 1.13 Enfusion Screen Scaling - 1.13 Zombie ESP - 1.13 Puffer Jackets and car loot can't be got - 1.13 Disinfection on rags - 1.13 Breaking a long stick only gives one short stick - 1.13 Fading textures - 1.13 trying to kill a backpack zombie has a high chance of ruining the backpack - 1.13 blur and flickr not good for epilepsy sufferer - 1.13 unloading a pistol - 1.13 pouches in inventory - 1.13 Unconscious - 1.13 helmet headshots - 1.13 Gun sounds - 1.13 Ruined Knives - 1.13 Opening cans with the broom - 1.13 Zombie hit zones - 1.13 Repeatable blocking - 1.13 fire places - 1.13 Bandages on freshies - 1.13 Transciever PTT (or mute on whisper) - 1.13 hand held radios too heavy

@Geez don't make me come over there... ;-p

Hello everyone.
While we do appreciate the feedback and information regarding to the issues on current experimental. Please file a ticket per each issue you come across. Posting them in the comment section not only makes the tracking of the issues much more complicated for us, there is also chance that your issue might get lost in the comment spam.


We apologise about that, thought it would be easier to get everything in 1 and everyone could share their feedback. Spaggie and MrDarn has took the time to split everything up into small tickets. Thank you for letting us know!