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XML.file error
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The are errors with the spawnabletype.xml that I found when validating the default files


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Windows 10 x64
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Steps To Reproduce

Validate xmls

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Need to be fixed is causing major issue when modifying servers

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T162076: XML.file error

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Geez changed the task status from New to Need More Info.
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Hello ManicMurdera.
Can you please describe the problem in further detail?

ManicMurdera added a comment.EditedNov 25 2021, 9:12 AM

The validator I used said there was an error the fisrt error it comes up with is in line 875:9 it says "The string "--" is not permitted with comments. Then once i do what dayz modding community suggest and edit those -- out it comes up with another error saying something to do with the </cargo> is incorrect it says "1006: 4 The element type "cargo" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</cargo>" it's causing serious errors when editing that make all changes to cargo and attachments load in

Geez added a comment.Nov 25 2021, 9:53 AM

Hello again.
Can you please copy the exact errors? Also, how do these errors affect the gameplay on your server?

First error.
Errors in file xml-schema:
875: 9 The string "--" is not permitted within comments.
Second error.
Errors in file xml-schema:
1006: 4 The element type "cargo" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</cargo>".

It stops mags from spawning in guns and it makes it so they spawn without attachment and also makes it so that vehicles don't spawn with all their attachments and cargo like they should as well as backpacks are empty when they are supposed to be full of gear. Until I can get everything working properly I can't let anybody play my sever so there is really no point having one until it's fixed I had no issues in the pas before 1.15 updates

Geez added a comment.Nov 25 2021, 10:05 AM

Thank you.
Can you please send us the whole xml file with the changes you made?

Geez added a comment.Nov 25 2021, 3:57 PM

Hello ManicMurdera.
The problem possibly lies in missing </cargo> end on line 997

		<cargo chance="1">
			<item name="AmmoBox_545x39_20Rnd" />
		<cargo chance="1">
			<item name="DogFoodCan" />


Geez added a comment.Nov 25 2021, 4:00 PM

Also please double check if there are other mistakes as these could be causing the trouble.

The first error regarding the strings of "--" in the default cfgspawnabletypes.xml is something that would need to be fixed on the DayZ dev side. While it does not prevent the configuration from being read, it does cause validation to fail which can be a bit of a headache for modded/community servers.

Most validators won't have an issue with two dashes in succession, so maybe consider replacing the lines resembling

<!-- -----------------------------NBC------------------------------ -->

with something like

<!-- NBC -->

I fixed the errors in the lines myself on both the default file and on my modded file and then it comes up with this for both
3: 17 cvc-elt.1: Cannot find the declaration of element 'spawnabletypes'.

Errors in file xml-schema:
3: 17 s4s-elt-invalid: Element 'spawnabletypes' is not a valid element in a schema document.
3: 17 s4s-elt-schema-ns: The namespace of element 'spawnabletypes' must be from the schema namespace, ''.
3: 17 schema_reference.4: Failed to read schema document 'file:///xml-schema', because 1) could not find the document; 2) the document could not be read; 3) the root element of the document is not <xsd:schema>.

I have no idea what any of this means really I am hoping someone else does