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DayZ Experimental November
Reviewed, NormalPublic


It looks like a lot of the patch notes target improvements on Sakhal and so people would probably like to look at that on the Expie servers

But I think there's a deadlock happening which is that the Sakhal DLC is a DayZ Stable DLC but people need to run Experimental to join an experimental server but Experimental doesn't have the sakhal DLC so no one can test the changes on experimental to not being attributed the DLC on Experimental since it's a stable DLC for DayZ Stable for stable servers which aren't experimental servers which are different to stable and need DayZ experimental to play which doesn't have the stable DayZ DLC attributed to it so no one can play Sakhal on experimental to test the changes made accordingh to the patch notes

Livonia worked didn't it (thanks LJ), probably need that thing doing again



Operating System
Windows 10 x64
Steps To Reproduce

Run DayZ Experimental
Try to join an Experimental server running Sakhal

Get a DLC not owned kick (even if you own the Sakhal DLC on stable, you don't own it on experimental)

Additional Information

Walruses grow long tusks, which help them adapt to Arctic life. They use their tusks like ski poles, digging into snow and ice to help them move around. Their tusks also smash through ice to create breathing holes while swimming underwater. Walruses can withstand freezing temperatures as low as -95°F.

Event Timeline

Spaggie created this task.Wed, Nov 13, 8:58 AM
Geez changed the task status from New to Reviewed.Wed, Nov 13, 9:27 AM
Geez added a subscriber: Geez.

Thank you Spaggie.
We are aware and we are looking into this!