Should be added to ambient life, that still only has rabbits...
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May 10 2016
I experienced getting stuck under water today with SCUBA, but the only side effect was that sound above water was muted.
Though i can confirm that i've drowned without water despite being on the surface.
You have to keep pressing X every second otherwise you slowly start sinking.
Well, i've seen them fall through terrain as well, and concrete areas on the airport so yeah upvoted.
Sure, will do. Might post vids, have to dig up the game image first :P
I wouldn't know about that! That was the last proper flight sim i've played, and it released in 1998 or something. So it is possible and likely that these days it's very different.
The system you describe sounds like it does the querying automatically and keeps a track of it. Correct?
Hey about the IFF:
The last proper flight sim i played a lot was F/A-18 Korea. It implemented IFF like this:
You have radar (that's not on the HUD, but a separate radar instrument panel), and you can select targets on that radar. You press a button to query IFF, if it's friendly it'll emit a tone, if it's not you don't get a response.
I believe logic behind that was that every every friendly unit is fit with an IFF transponder, and if another friendly queries that transponder on a specific frequency, it'll reply.
Sounds good for Arma?
EDIT: The radar had three modes you could toggle: Air to Air, Air to Ground, Air to Sea.
I see, thanks for the info! :)
@CincoSete: But you'll be dropping stuff from the air, right? You're not going to land "behind enemy lines" in a C-130!
@DennisModem: Thanks for clearing that up. My military knowledge is limited to video games, Discovery/Nat Geo/etc. and general reading, don't have actual experience with this stuff.
Ah interesting thoughts + calculation. Of course, i meant light tanks as well. You make sense, but i was just thinking of the different situations or scenarios that could be created if you had something like a C-130. Air drop 2 or 3 Humvees, or APCs. Or a huge number of troops.
Correct me if i'm wrong, but won't a helicopter landing at night giveaway your position? Whereas air-drops could be relatively more silent. I'd imagine a pretty big "thump!" when the vehicles land, though...
p.s. I understand SI better than imperial units :D
@CincoSete: But they won't fit vehicles! At least not tanks...
Rivers! Why no rivers in ArmA?
Aww. But i meant, more like the sea?
p.s. Does the engine even support water properly? I mean, the sea barely looks like's like a plain texture you can fall through, looks blue and changes gravity.
Did i just describe water? :D
I meant to compare to the water in the likes of CryEngine.
Well, that's how it works in America's Army as well, and i think it's better than the instant throw from the CoD/BF games.
Plus yeah, i have accidently hit thown a grenade...but i'd like to see the two step implementation more because i'd like the ability to cook a grenade.
So G equips a grenade, holding the left mouse button readies (but doesn't cook), tapping right click while ready cooks it.
This is exactly like america's army 2, if anyone's played that.
Ah yes. Happens in America's Army too.
Removed it. Ever heard of "sleep with the fishes"? Both are valid plurals.
Thanks for being condescending, btw. I just pointed it out as a "thank you", really, i though ambient life didn't respond to bullet hits.
Ah. Interesting. Very interesting. Thanks for the link and explanation!
But...i dunno. I mean, smoke still shouldn't just drift casually through spinning rotor blades, should it?
Could be, though i didn't have that problem before entering splendid camera.
Agreed. This is also an issue when "hold breath" gets activated while zooming in with binoculars or non-zoom sights.
I think the rate of exhaustion is a bit too much, in the combined arms showcase the AI is almost at the top and i'm only 1/3 up the hill (during extraction) and my character is wheezing and my vision is fading...
And downhill movement shouldn't be as exhaustive as normal or uphill movement...though i don't think you'll be able to run full sprint down hill with a load without falling...
BTW they have made some tweaks in the Beta dev build, apparently, i'm on stable so haven't tried.
Oh so that's what was wrong. I have terrain set to high, stuff floats on hills (Beta)
^^^Helo is instantly destroyed (burned?) when it hits the bottom. Which shouldn't happen, of course.
One more thing, hope i'm not repeating this: Try and sink a helicopter slowly, like, lower it into the water while hovering.
Engines die, bla bla, you get out (or get stuck inside and die, not important here), and watch the heli.
It sinks, intact, without any visible damage, and then the moment it hits the seabed, it instantly changes to look like it's been blown up and burned. Seriously?
Also, if you're going at a speed and your wheels (JUST the wheels) dip into the water, shouldn't you simply skim the surface? Currently the heli becomes all slow and flips over.
Currently the helicopter sinks and then explodes suddenly looks like its exploded, once it hits the bottom.
Lol that's why i didn't want to compare it. It's a bit too much.
Plus i'm sure DICE has more funds thrown at it than BIS currently has, but i don't know much about BIS so i won't comment further.
Edit: There a few people requesting Ageia/Apex/PhysX in game, and i thing water can use this too. Might be a solution.
The water doesn't respond to downwash either. I mean, sure, a lot of particles swirl around as spray, but the water surface doesn't react at all.
No, more like, more realistic water. That reacts to wind, etc. (there's another ticket that complains about gentle rolling waves when gusts have been maxed out).
I hate to say this, but look at Frostbite 3 as an example.
Confirmed, encountered this with the submarine as well.
Basically, if PIP is enabled, and you press RMB to enter proper optics (instead of looking at the PIP screen), you'll still incur a perf hit from enabling PIP, despite not looking at any PIP screen.
If you turn PIP off while using optics, you'll see performance increase.
You can keep pressing V to traverse the object.
Absolutely required. Can't believe that this has just 6 votes! At least it's been reviewed.
We need this, BIS! Preferably one for each island, with lots of towns and cities shown.
But, even if BIS releases one or two runs through Altis it would be sufficient, as if you can run Altis well, Stratis shouldn't be a problem (unless there are bugs).
^True, really.
Yeah i though i was the only one who couldn't get it to rain.
Missing in Beta (0.70) as well.
PIP low to high there's barely any difference, but the effect from disabled to low is HUGE.
Interestingly, divers CAN'T crouch or go prone in shallow water, they keep standing up if crouching/going prone submerges them.
This is still an issue, and still looks ugly. Heck even Borderlands 2 does it well, if anyone would like to know of an FPS example.
@antoineflemming: Agree completely.
@Vulcanexius: Not just about scopes, but other glass surfaces. Either make them transparent without reflections, or have proper reflections.
@Laqueesha: you could consider making this a general thing about reflections, not just weapons scopes in particular.
Here, take a look at reflections in NFS Shift, for example. They're not 100% accurate, but enough to look good.
@Nicolii: Of course, not suggesting that it reflect everything, but at least the general environment and about 50m of objects.
It may even come in handy in combat (what if you saw some movement in a reflection).
And it's just plain odd to look at a helicopter when it's overcast (see attached picture).
@Kid: FC3's map is probably as big (if not bigger than) as Stratis.
Yeah it's more obvious with vehicle windshields.
Perf hit shouldn't be much, NFS Shift (for example) has this for the entire car (proper reflections) and they don't do anything (negative) really.
Was about to report this, it's sooooooo annoying.
Haven't they added this now?
Lol of course if you can carry a huge ****ing launcher, another rifle should be equip-able.
Almost all military shooters allow this, including other mil sims like America's Army (which is developed by the US army so arguing against that is odd).
Ah, a 50 cal round does go through a shed like this, and the walls (in the game, i mean).
There is, however a shed near the Agia Marina petrol pump which has an impenetrable roof, even with a sniper round.
Yup, i've been thinking of requesting these be added for a while, upvoted.
Yeah was about to report the same thing. Even if they do explode under water, not sure if the smoke should come out. Wouldn't it dissolve/diffuse? Not sure.
Confirmed, especially bad with chemlights (lit up an entire ATC tower by throwing the light on the top floor).
Yeah would be a great feature to be able to carry a wounded team mate to a safe place for treatment.
May 9 2016
AI doesn't even respond to "Watch direction" properly, they may even look south if you ask them to look north...
@AD2001 Yeah it is.
I think this issue has been fixed for the military vehicles, civilian ones are still too floaty.
LOL wasn't this the biggest "issue" with adding female characters to the game?
"OH NOES UNFAIR ADVANTAGE" because they "must" be made shorter and thus have smaller hit boxes
"OH NOES UNFAIR SOMETHING SOMETHING" because the pixel of difference in body shape would mean a change in hit boxes etc. giving some advantage or disadvantage or something vague.
But suddenly here it's fine.
Honestly, female characters should be added before something like this is done (if at all). While you can add those without changing the gameplay, this definitely will.
Edit: @RogerMcAllen: Trust me, char models are the last thing that'll add to lag in such a messed up engine. Agree with the rest of your note though.
If you're under shelter rain looks like it's falling far away...also no visible raindrops on vehicle windscreens or helmets/goggles.
I was actually shot in shallow water from the AI patrolling the base in the SCUBA showcase. I really don't think that you can see that far below the surface at such a angle (less than 20 degrees), and at 100+m.
Yup, very useful, too many games have a contextual vault and not having it in Arma III wouldn't be a nice thing.
It would add a whole new dynamic to gameplay.
Another thing to consider is that there's no "jump" action which fulfills the vault role to some extent in other games without vault.
I think core game functionality (which i consider this to be) should be the devs' responsibility, not modders'.
Smoke can go through walls as well.
And, it doesn't react to rotor wash unless the helicopter is in the air.
Wonder if i should post a separate bug report for this?
Downvoted for now.
Can't reproduce in the Beta.
What i think is happening is that when you enable PIP, it removes FXAA or other post processing that made the grass look blurry previously.
Try zooming in to see the grass before you enable PIP. Nothing happens.
Lol of course most armies (NATO included) are out to kill, but if you have a choice you'd want to capture, for intelligence, for example.
@Woodpeckersam: i dunno i think all regular armies will want to capture...
No, i think i read/saw/heard that pretty recently.
EDIT: Yes:
"Tensions rise as NATO peacekeeping forces begin to leave The Republic of Altis: a strategic fault-line between crumbling European influence and a powerful, resurgent East. But when a key radar facility drops off the grid, a Mediterranean flashpoint risks escalating into global conflict.
Caught up in a situation beyond their control, a botched withdrawal traps the men of Task Force Aegis and a clandestine group of UKSF operators in a fight for survival. With only a crippled local resistance to turn to, they must rapidly adapt to overcome an unforgiving environment and defeat a brutal enemy."
Plus it'll be noisy as hell.
Might activate a Crysis like animation for a rear approach, but in all cases you must have the knife explicitly equipped.
Probably just add a knife in the inventory.
Yup, confirmed. Apparently a hard problem in computation, Intel had some solution to this around CES via some proprietary DX11 extensions. Can be implemented without them as well, apparently.
Here, video:
Did some more testing using the bullet cam script ( and saw the following behaviour with a .408:
- The bullet can pass through stone, concrete walls at 500m, people as well.
- Can't pass through the tin roof, so might be an issue with the material they've defined.
- Bullets do pass through doors as well.
However, behaviour on meeting a closed window seems to be random, once it got reflected, once it passed through. Same with concrete houses.
Yeah i fired a .408 through a thin tin roof at 200m, nothing happened to the target.
This *still* happens. Can't believe it.
Especially switching to/from a sidearm shouldn't bring you to a halt...
I've had them land a shot near me from 500m away at night. When i'm invisible at that distance, even on thermals. At least, splendid camera didn't show me on night vision.
But yeah i've seen this not-turning around-but-shooting problem too.
AI is odd, they suck at close quarters but have almost perfect accuracy at longer distances.
Well their mysterious ability to see you under the water surface from a hundred meters during sunset and from an acute angle seems to have disappeared least, i wasn't shot at in the SCUBA showcase in 0.76...
But yeah, their accuracy and spotting ability at long range is crazy. I've been shot dead (in three or four shots) from the opposite hill in the commanding showcase, despite having only half my head sticking out behind a rock.
At close range they just stare at you, and appear to lose accuracy.
I suspect BIS uses some weird linear feedback control system that doesn't get time to work at close range, but works very well at long range, especially since it's harder for players to shoot from a long range, buying more time for the algorithm to work.
"Hurrah: Call Of Duty Has Women Now, Also Multiplayer"
“The game industry has a history of depicting female characters inappropriately. Often, they are stylised to such a degree that they become sexual objects: While their male comrades are clothed, armed and armoured to fight, the female character is notable for the lack of any clothing at all.”
“This is not good enough, and it’s not a trope Unknown Worlds will entertain. Games are legitimate cultural influences, and game developers are responsible for the message they choose to convey to players. The Natural Selection 2 female marine is first and foremost, like her male colleague, a soldier. Her armour puts function before form, while adopting the science fiction, melee combat aligned design ques that have made the male marine so uniquely recognisable.”
@rogerx: You may have had some decent posts, I haven't read them, because well, this thread is too long (and depressing) and i had stopped coming here for a long while.
But your last few before my "misogyny" post didn't come off as funny, and i snapped at the "bloody girls" post. If that was funny, well.
@Ardyvee: Not enemies, but YOU are a female character in some of those games, and are being shot at. Mass Effect has an entire race of females plus there were a lot of human female enemies too.
@markmck: You can always spot the misogynists, racists, fundamentalists, extremists, etc. Your point is?
@Raoul: No one's complained about Lara Croft, any female in Mass Effect, Star Wars, The Division, Mirrors Edge, Remember Me, Portal/2, Planetside 2, Halo, etc. being shot at.
About resource utilization: There are different parts of BIS working on different aspects of the game, so it's not like character modeling will cut into engine refinement. :)
rogerx: You've come off as very misogynistic so far, probably tone it down? Adds little but spam to a discussion, stop monitoring the thread if you've nothing worthwhile to add.
And about that undies thing: You could easily make female characters wear gym shorts or something similar (i have no idea what they're called), and a t-shirt (like the male character does currently) as a minimum level of clothing.
Where there's a will, there's a way.
@CSR Kryssar: I think he meant "foresee as being viable".
@Kumeda: Not really surprised, though it's the first dev reply i've read here.
Sadly i'm not sure if i felt a positive note in Kryssar's words.
@rogerx says "Do you realize how many guys are going to be running around in girls' lingerie within the game, if such "women's assets" are created?"
- BIS won't sit and make lingerie for models, man. Seriously you're proving the point you're quoting. Modders could do the same regardless, if they really wanted to.
- Even if they are, that's their problem. I'm not sure if you mean we'll have male chars running around wearing lingerie, or them playing as a female in lingerie. Either way it's their call, and they should be above it.
- For what we as a community will gain, it's worth putting up with the scenario you're describing. Servers that want to host proper ArmA 3 games will filter out that mod anyway, so i don't see the problem.
You could chase your tail all day long, but as i said, you're simply proving correct the quote you're quoting.
Again i'll repeat what i've said earlier:
Stop basing the discussion on the US Army, this is Arma not America's Army. Other armies like the Israeli army do employ women in front lines, but countries like mine don't.
You folks have to realise that this is primarily a VIDEO GAME, played by women as well, and they shouldn't be forced to play as a man, just as a man should be allowed to play as a woman.
It would do wonders for BIS' reputation, and the game's sales, if they choose to implement female characters, both civilian and military (but at least military).
colorred, couldn't have said it better.
Leah, i'm actually sad you have to bother explaining all of that. Heck, i'm sad anyone has to in this day and age.
I really hope someone from BIS has read this.
You know, by the time i read the third "note" on the thread i knew what would happen to it.
This isn't a simulation to the extent that you could pick up a gun and fight a war after playing it for a few hours.
It's a game. So the entire "women don't serve on the front lines" argument seems moot. You can pick your character, and if women play Arma then there should be female characters, both civilian and military.
In fact the first thing that i noticed when i was placing NPCs were the lack of females and non-white males, except those three african-american characters.
To that weirdo who said that "i don't want to hear a girl's voice"...well if you play Arma 3 seriously and use VoIP, you'd hear a female voice anyway if one were playing, so it's a moot point. It's completely stupid anyway, why wouldn't you want to hear a woman's voice in a game (or otherwise)? Phobia of some sort?
You don't even have to change anything apart from the character models, except the voices.
I doubt it'll take more than a night's work from the design team to make a few good quality female characters models.
I'm surprised that a community that prides itself from being so open would react in such a sad way to such a simple thing.
Luckily over 60% are in favour.
p.s. Arma is a military sim/shooter, not a US military shooter. That's America's Army. Whether or not the US Army has women in a particular role is a moot point. Arma is available on Steam worldwide, so there's no use bringing this up. It's a combined armed games made by BIS, which is based in the Czech Republic.
I mean for heaven's sake, you can play as a rabbit but not as a woman?
@MadDogX: the PIP thing hasn't been fixed in the beta build, still a huge hit when it's turned on but no perf penalty (or maybe 1 fps at the most) between low to ultra.
When you say it's been "fixed", should i assume that your internal dev build has fixed it?
Another thing with trees: Setting objects to standard makes leaf textures pop in and out of view in the most annoying way possible, only way to mitigate that is to set objects to ultra.
And the moment you set objects to ultra, viola, frame rates drop.
AI pilots/co-pilots usually take the heli too low to jump out...
Anyway, this issue has annoyed me a lot, upvoted.
Happens to other life as well, like turtles, they clip the terrain on slopes.
See: Bug rep. 9722