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- Mar 9 2013, 10:19 AM (622 w, 5 d)
May 10 2016
Please close this report.
I have misunderstood the use of the "raise weapon" and confused it with the default raising of a weapon when using the primary mouse button (after having toggled raise weapon).
I wonder, why would glass in arma 2 and lights in arma 3 require the use of multiple bullets from a firearm?
The description for this bug report seem too vague.
People should be required to cooperate if they want to receive healing/first aid. If they move away, then they probably did not want or care for such assistance anyway.
I am guessing that there is already one or more bug reports for such an issue.
I think pre-made trench positions would help alot, if custom ones are impossible.
I would like to see customizable text messages.
This way, little time is spent writing and re-writing a more complex message, messages that has to be repeated over and over again for some reason or another.
I would take a look at the turning rate of the vehicles while we are at it. Driving the bus in Arma2 had me think the turnrate was awful and annoying, not because it wasn't realistic, but because it was woefully inadequate.
With Arma2 I got the impression that the pilots were positioned too high in their seats, perhaps the pilots are positioned wrong somehow?
I will assume that this need for a fixed gamme stems from this issue having to do with the competitive "nature" of the game, where people will be easily tempted to exploit and cheat their way though gameplay at night (multiplayer only).
In addition to supporting such an initiative, I would stress that the issue that I described is taken seriously, so that the locking of gamma adjustment values are made as tamper proof as possible, if only for discouraging this form of cheating.
Looks like some kind of 3d geometry clipping issue.
May 9 2016
Looks similar to #0002689
I have noticed that the sound of yourself walking is dampened if not completely silenced when in 3rd person view.
What other disticntive differences are there with regard to the sound volume when in 1st and 3rd person view?
@ DisasterMaster
I wonder if perhaps willfull simplicity regarding the game design is the cause of alot of issues that otherwise stand out.
Could 'sound' ingame possibly lag to such effect as to appear from your left side when it later turns out the sound had to have come from your right side? (hearing a sound when turning around to look around)
This seem gamey and unrealistic to me and I don't like it. If however there was a way to throw away your rifle as you were moving and pulled out your pistol, then I might perhaps start to like this idea of switching weapons when moving.
I hope people realize that having the buildings collaps in the same way requiring a hit from more missiles would probably not be an improvement, so the issue seem not to be that the rockets are overpowered but that the building damage model is inadequate.
Aesthetically, I think this issue would best solved if the movements were non linear, so that a character would have to come up to speed before achieving top speed. Same thing with slowing down.
Please fix this, a true blemish on the Arma games.
I wish there was a way to steady the aim further.
For this issue you comment on, I can only say that if mouse acceleration is set to OFF or too low (slider value doesn't seem to save in alpha apparently when its too low, perhaps indicative of the slider being incremental and not eh a linear value), then my aim seem to skip and it is very difficult to aim at anything precisely (like with Arma 2).
This had me thinking. I did check with task manager earlier and my i7 2700k (no HT enabled) only seem to utilize about 60% on core 1, with about 30% on core 2, 3 and 4 roughly. Who knows if this game really uses more core, it certainly looks like it.
I would like to see the doors modeled correctly, so that you can simply tell which way the door will swing by looking at it and looking at the frame around the door. Being able to stomp a door open seem nice, however I realize that it wouldn't work with doors swining outwards, unless you simply smashed the door in the process.
Also similar to #0002689
This request seem to resemble: #0001427
So does a (any) heli have a damage model? Hitboxes? Hitpoints? Armor? Durability? Or maybe nothing at all?
I want to see the devs explaining how the damage (if any) is supposed to work.
My impression was that the minigun was very inaccurate with a large bullet spread. I suspect that one should be able to use this miniguns against targets 500+ meters away with great accuracy.
Either get this right or forget about the whole game, I have no interest in fake "balacing" issues in a game, as if bullet spread now were to become an object for tweaking at the whim of the devs.
So, is the spread of bullets unrealistic perhaps? If a bullet miss a target, it misses its target.
Given that there is here no pressing need for auto collecting items, an auto collecting feature seem to me to be both wrong and detrimentral to the general gameplay that otherwise seem fitting to the context (inventory management and itemization vis a vis immersion).
Q: Is this fps drop linked to mouse cursor movements somehow?
You can test this by playing Wasteland on Arma 3 alpha: open the "player menu" when in the game, let go of the mouse and look at your FPS counter. If the FPS drops to about 10 when moving the mouse cursor and if the FPS returns to normal when you let go of the mouse, maybe that could be a clue to what might be wrong with Arma 3 alpha FPS?
I guess letting go of the mouse could work as well to see if FPS returns to normal.
Presumably, the blue sky would/should not be visible as the cloud cover would hide the blue sky in bad weather.
Realism is not really the issue imho. The whole gameplay experience depends on some degree of suspending ones disbelief, and details matters, so a properly holstered pistol goes offer a more compelling gaming experience that is based on fantasy regardless.