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- User Since
- Jul 23 2014, 12:11 AM (553 w, 6 d)
May 10 2016
Is this any different from the arsenal? You can use the arsenal in Eden.
I really rather just have it kept the way it is...
I thought you had to hide them using : MARTA_hide = <array>; - Groups which will be always hidden for given unit.
player setvariable ["MARTA_hide",[group usmcPatrol]];
I don't think the Military Symbols module "works" with
For the record, there is no auto-aim in the PC versions of Call of Duty or Battlefield...
All the Reporter wants is a way to change the transparency of the crosshair, and the ability to change it to a dot.
Forget the whole "Call of Duty" thing. It doesn't matter.
Auto aim doesn't work that well on PC, in my opinion.
Transparency and different crosshair types really won't hurt the game. You don't want it, you don't use it.
There is already a feature request for this :
Happens in the Arsenal too.
Works for me.
Shoot anyone without any body armour from any range, they'll die in one shot, from the waist up.
I think people are thinking about what they might change when implementing DX12.
I highly doubt this is going to happen anytime soon. Especially in patch 1.50...
The mod creator gets to decide if he wants to sell their mod or not.
If the creator supports free mods, they'll make it free.
Really, even without the Steam paid mods, people can still sell mods as long as BI allows it.
Shouldn't this be under "Feature Request"?
It has the resolution has "Duplicate".
Alright, well then, this is the funniest thing I've seen on this feedback tracker.
Feedback that won't get you anywhere. Though you may get a laugh out of it.
The launcher is optional. If you don't like it, don't use it, simple.
Well, I know they have a friends and recent filter/list in the dev branch right now. I can't remember the other ones they added.
There's a special version of ASDG Joint Rails for the dev branch :
Bohemia can't do anything about it.
When the FPS is low, the menus take longer to update.
There's a special version of ASDG Joint Rails for the current dev-branch :
It should fix your crash.
I can put 1 9mm bullet into a modded character above the legs and he would die.
Are you sure the file isn't being deleted after your verify your game data?
What did you try so far?
Did you try to verify the integrity of the game cache?
ArmA doesn't come with any mods.
You can check the ArmA3.cfg file. It should be in your Documents\ArmA 3 folder.
Don't foregrips, in a way, decrease recoil because your "pulling down" the weapon, and gravity is also forcing it down...
Something like that...
Are you running any mods?
All the BLUFOR vehicles were crashing for me when I had jointrails enabled.
As far as I know, you can't modify the group names and have them change in the menu too.
Modules are setup after the mission starts, so it won't affect the multiplayer screen.
As far as I know, some scopes cannot be used with NVG on in reality.
I'm not sure if it's true though.
OCP or not, they can't use the name.
Also causes the Garage/Vehicle arsenal to crash.
It would probably have to be a variant/separate weapon.
With this many down votes, Bohemia isn't going to do anything like that.
Your best option is to get a mod or find a way to enable the debug console in single-player, then use Killzone_Kid's method, change the "this" on the right of the = to player, then it should work fine.
Though, there may no be a mod that enables the debug console in the campaign, and you may need to do it yourself...
It would be fine if they added it as a difficulty option that would be enabled only on Recruit.
I have the same problem. Probably caused by the changes in the attachment system.
Well, can you run the game without the launcher?
Hasn't this been in ArmA since it's first release?
It's been there since OFP or ArmA 1, I just saw it in ArmA 1 yesterday. It brought out my binoculars though.
Also, yeah, this should be on the forums.
Won't that be a little difficult, though?
I haven't seen any game that has UGL's work like that.
They always have it work as a separate weapon all together.
I think the new sounds are better.
At least with all the effects in the dev-branch.
All thumbnails are black for any UI element that works like the arsenal. Like the ammobox/cargo editor in zeus.
It has been in the dev-branch for a while, no one seem to have reported it.
It was fixed in the dev-branch like more than a week ago, so it should make it to the next update.
Well why didn't you just make a form post!?
I don't exactly understand what the issue is.
On the top of the mouse cursor, you have the grid number.
All 6 digits show, with no space in between them.
At the bottom of the cursor is the height/z-axis...
I'm on the dev branch though.
Yeah... I agree with MulleDK19.
It's pretty easy to tell who the group leader is even with 2 units in a group...
I'm just saying that having a separate fatigue and sway slider/script command will allow us to still make AI/players with high skill while having low or high fatigue.
Then they should make a UI slider for it. All those sliders use the script command anyway. Linking skill with fatigue makes it hard for mission editors
to have low skilled AI with normal fatigue.
I rather just have a script command to set a multiplier for the fatigue and sway per unit.
Did you try forcing the groups AI behaviour mode to AWARE?
Also, you forgot to vote.
They can also use any "throwable" weapons like smokes, grenades, etc.
Which would be somewhat hard to achieve while falling...
Why? He wants it as an option. Like a parameter or a variable for servers/missions.
So even though civilians are on a separate side, they act "with" the independent side?
This would get out of hand if they did shoot at civilians who are armed/shoot at them. They would probably switch to a side that is an enemy side to the person they shot which would make the civilian allied to that side...
Yea, BI, if you can, please make a script command to allow us to force lights on AI. Attaching a light isn't really useful when there is already a light...
I had this issue in the dev branch, but it seems to be gone now.
I think they fixed on the dev branch, I'm not sure though.
Wait, this only happens to single-player, the "Team Switch" menu in single player(after you die) doesn't open when you click on it. What does this have to do with the Multiplayer Issues Central Hub?
+1 ...
It's only on the latest dev branch.
I think third person and the crosshair still exists so people can play the way they want.
He simply wants a way to tell where he's shooting in first person while behind cover. The first person camera doesn't render the same way the third person camera does, if you know what I mean.
And even if he did have a lack of intelligence or "common sense" about how scopes and weapons work in real life, there's no reason he should go play some other game. How would he learn if that was the case?
It's disabled because they have different models. If I used a mod that placed a faction with the NATO uniform as their "base" uniform(just with a different texture) as an OPFOR faction, I would still be able to change into that uniform as NATO.
Choose a higher difficulty then. Like Veteran or Elite. There might be a mod that totally disables the crosshair but you'll have to search.
"•Added: New script commands for manipulation with channels - enableChannel, channelEnabled, setCurrentChannel, currentChannel, getPlayerChannel" - From the development branch change log.( I don't know how they work or if they are even public.
If server admins can forbid this, why not have it stay the way it is?
If they want it, they allow it. They don't want it, they don't put it in the server. It's pretty much the same thing. Just the opposite.
I thought it was always like this. Don't you just double click on a asset in the menu, such as a weapon, then it will change the stance?
The spam isn't happening to me on the latest dev-branch update.
Are you using a custom world/map? Seems to only happen to me on some custom maps. Apparently it has something to do with certain objects.
Well, I think they should have a use button and keep the action menu...
ArmA has so many binds already...
Well, you can dismantle it then put assemble it again facing another direction to the enemy.
Don't you need a reportingIP for you server to display on the server browser?
So who else voted up? Are they having the problem to?
No one else has seem to have gotten this issue before... makes it difficult.
Can you take a screenshot with steam? By default it's F12, I think.
It's pretty much like this for everyone...
Even though it may be true, there's no way their going to redo all the voice-overs just for that.
If you use a snap-position, and order AI to move there, they'll fire out the window once they see enemies.
I just placed AI in a building too, they fire from windows. They do it by themselves. If I command them to as a squad leader, they do it.
You can change to Nightvision, Thermal, etc. in the dev-branch.
Happens with 'F' too.
They always do for me. Even in combat mode.
Happens to cars too in latest dev branch.
Did you use a module or the unit as the strobe?
Also on the latest dev branch.
It probably will be in the 1.38 update.
Yea, they work a lot better on the dev branch.
Try using the smoke grenade module, make it permanent, disable the AI move ability and see how the AI can see through the smoke.
They would have to spawn an AI in the helicopter once you disconnect. If they didn't, it wouldn't look nice...
It should work if you port forward the right ports. Did your friends try to use Remote IP Connection?
Well, you could always do <b>player in units group</b>...
It gives the same result you want right?
I believe it depends on his damage variable. If its greater than some number, he tells his squad that he's injured.
I was just about to make a ticket for this. Would be good if BI added this, If they can.
I agree, but for now, you can just go to your text file (arma3.cfg) and delete the mods from there until they add this feature.
I don't have this problem, not really. In general, frames are lower in multiplayer then single player.
I agree with the difficulty settings but things like shadows being forced by the server, it's going to make a lot of players with low-end computers find other servers/leave. Shadows have a huge performance impact in this game.
Also, some settings made available to server admins may cause mission editors to lose "control" over their missions if their settings in the description.ext and whatnot don't override the server settings.
But I really think server admins should be able to customize the difficulty settings.