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- User Since
- Mar 5 2013, 6:54 PM (627 w, 1 h)
Oct 30 2024
Not a bug, it's an engine limitation at the moment.
Jul 27 2021
May 24 2021
Any news on this?`We noticed it yesterday again, meaning a good chunk of our vehicles won't have their tracks moving :o
Sep 1 2020
- When asking to remove the limit, do you mean the hardcoded limit of 4?
- It might be worth checking if cfgSoundCategories still applies to stuff that uses the "new" soundSet/soundShaders stuff. This kinda sounds like a pre-sound update config entry and SoundSet/SoundShader tech usually overrides everything.
Jul 11 2020
Attaching myself to this, could be _very_ useful
Jun 19 2020
Sorry for the terribly late response, I simply forgot to reply!
Yes, the environmental one would be "global" for all envSounds but run locally on the player's machine only.
Jun 7 2020
Boy oh Boy, I didn't expect to see anything to this - thanks for acknowledging it! So let me hype you with my hype. :)
Feb 20 2020
Still not fixed, unfortunately. :(
Oct 3 2019
@Wulf , additionally, it will always return 0 when not in the UAV's turret controls.
Jul 24 2019
Jul 23 2019
@razazel I'd like to bring this issue up again because it's been bugging me and many others countless of times.
Updated with example video:
Jan 12 2019
Jan 9 2019
@fire-39_1 this has nothing to do with port forwarding or a static IP, but people switching (or being forced to switch) to the new IPV6 Protocol which ArmA doesn't support. :-)
Jan 8 2019
@Bohemia Any chance of this becoming a thing? A growing userbase can't host private servers anymore.
May 10 2016
It's already a thing, the feature itself sure won't be abolished but the different stance directions now have unique keys - And you cannot use your middle mouse button in combination with another button.
Dayum, you're right.
I searched for "Soundmap", haha.
This can be closed then. :)
Give up guys, some people are resistant to learn and akowledge facts.
Dude, play another game if you want "balanced gunplay".
God, I hate this.
And yes, effecitvely, using a sound suppressor will always be the best choice.
If you want to think about using suppressors or not, join a community that aims to play in a realistic way and takes into account that issuing silencers simply costs money.
A serious question (not wanting to provoke):
What makes it hard to fix this?
Is the animation itself flawed and would require new mocaping?
So, I checked it and it's been around 0.002 secs for ~30m or so.
Thanks for pointing that out, mate, I'll see if this fits my needs. :)
Hm, I by far am no master to sqf, but this looks performance heavy.
I'm aiming for a solution that will be called for each shot.
Do you think this is a practicable way?
(Can't test it right now)
Hm, I've never been into vectors (shame on me and nothing I couldn't learn, right right) but it seems as if this is pretty much the same as using a setPos loop - just with more options. Which is exactly what I'm trying to avoid.
A short explanation:
I'm working on a mod that simulates reverb created by firing a gun moving through the environment, based on terrain. In order to get the reverbs (using a #particlesource as a dummyobject) to move I'm using a setPos loop that uses a 0.2s sleep between each step to save performance.
But oh well, using so many setPos loops really has a noticable impact on the framerate.
I've already written a leightweight script that deletes old dummyobjects in case there are more than fifty floating around, but it still gets laggy sometimes.
Sorry, got longer than I thought - and please correct me if I'm wrong!
Thanks for your efforts anyway, really appreciating it.
Fixed and can be closed.
Using the stance adjustment keys seems to be a great solution for such things as you could "switch" between the states and change the animations accordingly.
Great and reasonable idea!
AI may be unable to finish reloading its gun Picking up magazines from the ground may cause them to disappear completely
Not thinking about Altis Life or any other random game mode, this still would be a nice, immersive feature.
I think it's fine, people just tend to not realize how fast/slow they move since they're not in the game. In many situations the characters are still too fast compared to what a regular soldier with combat loadout could do.
The new fatigue system is great and makes you more depending on vehicles - as in real life.
Nope, the muzzlebreak softens the recoil extremely, however the thing itself is damn heavy which is why he thr guy in your video has to lean back and is also not struggling to handle the (not very immense) recoil.
Look at this, it would be very heavy if it wasn't for the muzzlebreak of course.
Ah, I see. I used ATLtoASL in order to convert the positions and it seems to work just well, however the positions seem to be 6m above my head. But well, it works, so thanks for the heads up, mate.
Are you playing with blastcore? If yes, the error most likely comes from it.
Even inside an SDV?
Works fine for me usually, but it stutters horribly in MP.
Any chance to make the feature fully MP-compatible?
Flying in players with a pre-recorded path would solve a lot of designing issues.
This is important.
Fast forward = nose tilt
Increase thrust = speed up
There's no such thing as an afterburner in the stock game.
Also, some people here might want to watch their language and how they behave towards others a bit. It might be tempting to use the internet to unleash one's inner child, but please, _please_ don't.
Still hoping! :)
I wonder, is it possible to stop the stuttering of the vehicles when using unitplay in MP?
Still occuring.
Any news on this? This bug renders every kind of projectile tracking for grenades useless...
Shit, this explains a lot!!!!
^ this
oh, all them casuals
here, have a look at around 5:45
The crowd formation sometimes crashes my VBS2.0 tho, so it may still be buggy in the original form meaning more work for the devs...
Yes, no doubt, but the real vehicle is faster, no matter what you think.
duplicate of 0002510
Helicopters are loud, deal with it.
It'd be nice to have.
However, more furniture means less performance, so there should be a module to add it.
Not reproducable.
Great! Very nice that it's already assigned. :)
Nice Idea.
AFAIK the eject option is disabled at the moment because there are no parachutes avaiable in the Alpha.
I meant "thick" not "thin".
Wish this would be looked into :(
Please don't or make it optional if you do, since this is very disturbing when playing large scale coop missions.
May 9 2016
Great Idea!
^ fake
@nikolas, you're a little late there, buddy, it's confirmed since quite a while :P
BIS, if you really do this, you'd be my all-time heroes.
Damn guys, thank you, I didn't check that.