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The Fast-Forward-Button in Planes, is not working!
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In Planes the Fast-Forward-Button is not working.


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Steps To Reproduce

In Editor place a Plane, be a Pilot and push the Fast-Forward-Button, see the Plane doesnt accelerate, it moves his nose down and dont moves faster!

Please fix it...

Event Timeline

Paramedic256 edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
Paramedic256 set Category to Controls.
Paramedic256 set Reproducibility to Always.
Paramedic256 set Severity to None.
Paramedic256 set Resolution to Open.
Paramedic256 set Legacy ID to 2761683926.May 7 2016, 6:08 PM

the control tool-tip suggests the command is supposed to tilt forward. You are looking for "Increase Thrust" controls, yes?

yes, i do. no left shift is not working too...any solutions?

AD2001 added a subscriber: AD2001.May 7 2016, 6:08 PM

Left shift? Isn't it Q?

no, in my settings its "Left-Shift"...

Try rebinding it to Q (the default) and see if it works.

thx, but its not working...i think its broken...

It works for me, are you completely sure the plane isn't accelerating?

yes! try at the molos airfield, its impossible to start with jet!

oh, i dont meant the acceleration, i meant fast-forward! like afterburner or something like that...! in options, there is "fast-forward", but its not working!

Fast forward is supposed to work like that.

Yes, it is.

try at the molos airfield, its impossible to start with jet!

AD2001 can you F** read and try the f** issues before commenting and down voting them. Because I see your name all over the place and you're obviously not reading s***. Thanks

Right here Paramedic256 is talking about the Fast Forward control configuration in the Plane Controls menu that you did not looked at.

That control by all means should be linked to the afterburner... but it's not.
Instead it is a "Fast Nose Down" control which is completely useless.
When you press it you crash :)

I also talk about that issues in my general controls overhaul ticket :

I confirm it does not work.

That control by all means should be linked to the afterburner... but it's not.
Instead it is a "Fast Nose Down" control which is completely useless.
When you press it you crash :)

I also talk about that issues in my general controls overhaul ticket : [^]

It's supposed to work like that. Q is for increasing thrust, "Fast Forward" does the same thing as it does in helicopters.

So you're telling me that they created a control to enable you to crash your plane faster instead of an Afterburner... Are you a troll ?

Yes, I'm telling you that. And no, I'm not a troll.

Huh? Shift is most definitely the default thrust key. Q and E both control the rudder by default.

They changed it somewhere during the Alpha or Beta, but all existing users kept the same controls IIRC.

Fast forward = nose tilt
Increase thrust = speed up

There's no such thing as an afterburner in the stock game.
Also, some people here might want to watch their language and how they behave towards others a bit. It might be tempting to use the internet to unleash one's inner child, but please, _please_ don't.