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- Mar 12 2013, 12:44 AM (627 w, 3 d)
May 10 2016
Same issue here (dev and stable), It starts, but then freezes up completely. Need to restart the pc after that cos the exe keeps running and I can't shut it down in taskmanager. Tried verify cache, but no luck.
I never mess around in the registry so I wasn't planning on doing that now either.
I never had crash issues before the last update.
I Think this idea of dedicating the stances to the scrollwheel have been mentioned and discussed by several community members over the months already. Not so sure if the devs want to pick up on this idea.
The scrollwheel should ideally be used for you to scroll through different stances easy, quickly and intuitively. The only point I want to add here.
I have the same issue. I also read about more people with te same issue. This all happend after the last update, never had any crash issues before that. Both dev as stable version with the same result.
edit: I just reinstalled DirctX from the arma folder and still get a complete freeze after the intro black screen.
I ran the arma diagnose (see attachment) and only see some arrors of the dlc.
c:\w\dev\futura\lib\steammanager\dlcmanager.cpp(73)(func: Steam::Dlc::DlcManager::UpdateDlcItems) [AssertRLS] MainThread=2656 Game: 107410, DLC index:0 of 9 AppId of the DLC is invalid:
c:\w\dev\futura\lib\steammanager\dlcmanager.cpp(73)(func: Steam::Dlc::DlcManager::UpdateDlcItems) [AssertRLS] MainThread=2656 Game: 107410, DLC index:8 of 9 AppId of the DLC is invalid:
Edit2: I switched to Arma3Legacy136 and that is working fine.
Sounds like a big project to create such a module. I rather see that 3D editor :)
Edit to add: That adding your own decorations and customizing the map is actually fun and even creative (imo)... if it wasn't for the tedious drag to do it with the 2D editor with icons that does not match the actual object you are placing on the map.
Ahh sorry about that, nothing showed up when I used search.
I will already be extremely happy if you guys add wind guts to fixed wings, can't be that time intensive to implement right?
I agree, it looks and feels weird. I hope there will be better implementation of this. For one, instead of slowmo a soldier could move more irradic and run slower for 10 meters to catch a deep breath and then run faster again for a short time up to a point you can't walk standing anymore and you fall on your knees and can only move crouched a little bit further.... or something! something better then this slomo walk in any case.
Fatigue is okay unless you have to control an AI team. If you have units in your team it needs to be visible on screen what their amount of fatique is. Now it is impossible to see and causes issues if you send an AI team from A to B over a longer distance... they keep running and then go into the slowmo animation instead of stopping to refill their stamina and keep going to the next waypoint.. becomming easy tasrgets.
I really want stance adjustment on the scroll wheel, current stance keybinding is cumbersome and not effecient (the new sub-stances).
No issues at my end.
I always liked this feature. It's as good penalty for being a dumb ass that shoots at friendlies.
I have freezes/stutters as well when doing CAS runs with the main cannon. It only happens when I am zoomed in while approaching the target. Once I get in 1000 meter range it starts to stutter (while firing). I have a pretty slow Gcard though, so it might be that it has trouble rendering the incomming ground details fast enough.
I do miss the old first aid modules.
Visually it not always look like they are observing the right direction, but they do. I have no issues in custom scenario's.
Awesome video. I agree after seeing it!
I think I misunderstood you after reading it again now, sorry. You mean purely the actual HUD display on your screen and visible range of the 'dots'. I also thought you meant the range AI can spot/detect other AI (cos thats determined by viewdistance).
You are right thus :)
If you have distance at 2km then you won't spot a thing in the air + lock range is also limited by view distance. Radar in amra does not work like a real radar (360 degrees scan) it depends totally if a unit visually spots the aircraft (thus view distance), aircrafts don't automatically show up on radar within a range, but only when it has been actively spotted.
Correct me if I am wrong, but it seems to work like this.
Increase your view distance. Voila, more range.
Soo... any progress on fixing it yet? It's been quite some time since I reported this.
They could add a delay of some sort that will give you 3 seconds to eject when damage is 100% instead of dying and exploding instantly. If you did not eject in that time then the pilot will get killed as well.
So: damage = 100%, do warning sound - sleep 3 secs - check if pilot is still in jet - if so then pilot is dead too - do jet explosion.
Getting stuck I only have on altis main airport at one of the hangars (1st one by the taxiway). I had it with the wipeout a bunch of times that it started to move again after I stopped, had to keep holding 'Z' or turn the engine off.
It is a surpressor, not a silencer. From that distance they still could have heard the direction of the shot. Ideally they should do supressive fire in your general direction instead of accurate shots.
I made a stealth mission some months ago (Silent Justice) and I do not get over accurate AI, infact they tend to flee, because they can not pinpoint where the fire is comming from (I always engage from 300+ meters)
What accuracy setting did you had the AI here?
There is already a ticket, almost a year old :)
AI can not walk over docks. Spawning AI will spawn under the dock.
When you are a pilot you can not properly rearm the blackfoot. You have to switch to the gunner seat to select 'reload'. Manual fire has no effect when reloading from pilot seat even though the blackfoot has been fully rearmed..
Now also fix/implement GPS _video pls! ..Been assigned since alpha!
The Wipeout is fine and fun(ArmA is not a flight sim). I only miss heavy breathing sounds when pulling a lot of Gs (immersion). Though it would be nice if flying would be more difficult then it is now. I would love to feel wind guts that would make aiming, landing and taking off more of a challenge.
View distance matters too. As far as I am aware at least the engage/detect distance of AI is linked to player view distance. If I set view distance to 6k then choppers will detect ground units from 6k distance as well. But just as in arma 2 hostile choppers that patrol an area may fly past ground troops several times before they engage, it was never perfect.
It is priotirizing. However I have filed a ticket in early alpha (a year ago) that has been assigned, but nothing is being done with it (GPS_video), while for them it should not be a hard to fix. I do consider that thus as being slow, even though it is a low priority ticket.
You need to do that manually yourself when you create a mission. Imagine Altis with a zillion lights on by default and the fps you will get then.
Out of curiosity, what was the AI amount on the map in the test mission causing the issue? Is the amount of AI arma can handle not dependend on the pc performance it runs on?
I want to revise my earlier comments: After playing a mission for a while now with flashlights they are visible from longer ranges when its dark enough. Only thing is that the AI does not leave it on permanently. the light sometimes flickers or is off completely and then on again for an amount of seconds. The lighty is definitely to weak though (compared to a small campinglight or a carlight that is way brighter).
The flashlight looks like it is emitting light from an old lightbulb, 2035 they should haver discovered led lights or xenon light etc. Also for the fun of it, spawn a small 'camping light' on the map, you can see it from a mile away and it is brighter then streetlights etc.
Not only is the light to weak, but a much bigger problem is that flaslights of other AI/players are only visible up to 15 meters. If you are a bit further away then the light is no longer rendered and it looks like they have the flashlight off.
I am creating a mission atm where I have AI walking around with flashlights, but you can't see them using it from longer distance so you can not spot the AI by watching moving flashlights, which is really a bummer.
Edit: after observing the active flashlight on AI rifles some more I notice now that I can see them from 50/60 meters away, but the thing is that they turn the flashlight off a lot of times instead of leaving it on permanetly. Not sure what is up with the flashlight, but I hope a dev will check it out for himself. Right now AI still are hard to spot when you are scouting and the AI have their flashlight on, you should be albe to see it from a couple of hundred meters away.
And last note, the flashlight is currently a yellow light, it (preferably) should be a white light (like a car light).
Duplicate of:
Great suggestions, specially the mirage I would like to see.
One improvement I first like to see is that if you set cloud cover to over 50% it does not automatically turn in to dark rain clouds. You can not have a very cloudy sky currently without also having rainy weather, cloud percentage and rain condition seems to be linked.
Duplicate, but still a big YES!
Yeah when taking off it goes slighly to the right, easy to compensate though.
Same for rearming AI at an ammobox, they often open their gear at a random ammobox instead of the one you are pointing at.
Altis for gameplay/mission reasons should have had 2 major airfields (like Takistan). That is not the case bacause it is based on a real Greek island, so the least that could be done is to make the small strips usable for fixed wings.
Yes runways are intended for choppers right o_O.
The small airstrips need to have concrete floors, because they are useless now. You can not take off doing the rally cross over the dirt runway, you end up in a bush or tree at the end of the strip.
The spot where the hangars are are not really roads. You can see that by disabling the map texture in the editor. For the AI the road part from the hangars to the taxiway is all grass (even though it visually looks like a road). So those roads do not contain predefined pathing points that the AI will recognise. For my jet mission I simply started the AI jets on the start of the taxiway to avoid this issue.
Pls look at this ticket for a solution.
Had the glitch too. It disapears when you look at it from a bigger distance.
Killzone, place some ammo boxes on the map and see how the opposite side do not fire at ammo boxes... yet they go completely nuts when they see a camo net and stop listening to orders from the team/squad leader and choose to fire at the nest over AI troops. That should be a good hint that this is a bug. Also in arma2 AI did not fire at nets nor other military objects.
I personally think that new nets should be made from scratch instead of these copy/paste nets from arma2. The vehicle covers can not even be used for vehicles, because the arma3 military vihicles are to high for the nets. If you place a panther (or whatever) under the vehicle cover, the cover brakes down on the floor. they are useless for their purpose thus.
Stang69 made a good point. The covers should be classed as 'empty' side and not a faction side. (both sides have identical nets anyway, they are just classed different.
Killzone 'kid', it is obviously not normal that they go mental at nets, even more if they give it a priority over killing hostile AI and that they ignore 'no target' orders if you tell the AI to stop.
Just like in ArmA 2 they should leave buildings/objects alone and shoot at AI, I don't think the camo net will shoot back.
Killzone, it is a bug. Don't go making up a story on how it is supposed to be this way while it is not.
I have made a ticket about that in the beginning stage of alpha... it is unchanged. You basically have to stand on top of the AI body to open the inventory, otherwise you get the rifle.
I proposed to link the rifle into the inventory (like in ArmA2), because how it works now is just annoying.
Yup, it also hardly rearms other vehicles. Addfng custom ammo ends up in the side crate of the truck (small amount). I ended up creating my own scripted service points for the jets, because the trucks are useless.
snakes are civilians too.
Agreed, its a bit annoying. Most of the time you just want a nice cloud cover (55%) and you get constant rain. Keeping cloud cover below 50% removes the rain (less clouds thus). PS, you can not remove rain manually without reducing cloud cover, the sliders are linked.
OP means that the falloff range of sounds is to high. I do agree with that (to certain extent), a jet that flies by you can't hear anymore if he is 300 meters away same for choppers, yet a rescureboat on the water with a tiny motor you can hear a kilometer away. In arma2 you could hear jets over a longer disatance.
I just don't like the new setup in general. Thats mostly because of all the seperate attachments, constant dragging/clicking of ammo that disapears from view (in your backpack/bandolier) and if the weaponsbox is filled you have to scroll witgh every magazine you grab cos the slider pops back to the top, its a fuzz. In ArmA2 you just grabbed a weapon with a scope attached, spam-click on the ammo and your done.
duplicate of:
Thnx for the fix.
That would be very welcome indeed.
@ linkin, there is something like 'evading' which is really easy in arma3. You only need to pop flares if you have multiple missiles incoming.
It totally takes the little bit of challenge away from flying a jet. Now for choppers that can not evade AA they could maybe have single fire or a larger amount of flares.
The burst of flares is more realistic then being able to pop them one at a time. Its unrealistic that you can evade AA misiles 120 times by using flares. So , what is it, 10 presses of counter measures seems fine to me. A mission maker could decide to add extra flare magazines to the plane/chopper if he wants the player to use more flares.
Yes it is (last checked a week ago). It happens when crossing a certain altitude. If I stay below 1000 meters the clouds look as they should. Then above (approximately) 1000 meters I get this glitch and disapears again at 1300 meters and it repeats again at 2000 meters.
Update: I have tested in the editor just now and the first time I had the glitch again (but much less visible). So I thought I'd record it, but the glitch is gone now. Tried for 10 minutes changing altitude and to reproduce it, but everything looks good now!.
I notice just now that it has to do with the altitude I am flying. As soon as I am getting up to 1300+ altitude the clouds are changing color. I might add a video of it at a later moment.
Since the last update, the cloud glitch looks different. It does not get totally brown/black anymore, but it is half normal/half grey/brown. It still turns back to normal within a minute.
There is also a hangar on the main airfield the makes the buzzard unmovalbe at certain spots. I do not like the dirt airstrips at all btw, they are not really usable for jets, besides a couple, as you simple do not get enough speed doing the rally cross thing over the dirt runway.
Then either increase your view distance or the server should set a restricted view distance for all clients on the server.
When I am in the Wipeout I can not see Crossroad texts on my screen.
Edit: Just to be clear, they don't show up at all.
Only your first point I want to add that this is partially because use are using a joystick (W/S for turning). I use mouse and keyboard and can make quite sharp turns with mouse steering and I do not lose a lot of speed then. Only if I roll on the side and press W/S to turn I will lose a lot of speed.
THe CAS version is fine and should fire HE rounds (take out ground troops), but the AA version should indeed have a different ammo/cannon that is more suited for dogfights. You still have ASRAAMS though, and you can customize/script how many missiles it carries.
I am constantly toggeling freelook in a aircraft and I want to keep it that way. The way freelook is setup in arma is fine as it is.
Just add a service point module that can refuel/rearm/repair any synced vehicle.
It is shooting HE rounds I believe, those are more for taking out ground troop. And they do a well job at that. For CAS purpose I have no issues with the Buzzard. You use missiles to take out other aircrafts and ground armor.
Dito for the panther, it can only pop smoke in the commander seat.
It has a bunker.
But indeed, I miss barracks, radar station, field hospital, large medic hospital tent.
Flying a jet and using the weapons is to easy as it is already. And dropping dumb bombs is not that hard, just takes a bit of practice.
The trucks currently have almost no ammo. Buzzard only reload 70 HE rounds, no missiles. In ArmA 2 I could reload any jet 4 times (at least) before some ammo could not be reloaded anymore.
The docks/pier has more issues.
I see, well, if they can find a way to make it look less curved then that would be a big help/improvement. Now that I've noticed it, it does feel a bit less immersive (real). Not sure, but I think I already had set my view distance to 7km or something.
Needs more thrust indeed. And concrete airstrips so that you wont have to rally cross and end up in a tree.
It flies as an arma2 SU25, 2 sharp turns and you have lost all speed. Please make the behaviour more like the SU34.
I think the whole weight/capacity "fit inside the vehicle" system BIS thought of should not be implemented for the rearm trucks. It is intended to be realistic, but it kills the gameplay. Rearm trucks in the current state are useless. I want the arma2 rearm trucks back.
It is really weird with the ammo truck. As I said above, I could not reload the Buzzard, besides flares and a few HE rounds for the board cannon. I have placed a whole bunch of ammo trucks in a row and then stopping at all the trucks with an empty Buzzard. after stopping at 4 or 5 ammo trucks I finally had a fully reloaded Buzzard. It seems the truck just stops reloading a after 1 second.
Pls fix this.
Or add a module to create service points for vehicles.
I am unable to rearm the Buzzard completely on the ground with the ammo truck, the ASRAAM and Zypher does not releoad(does not contain that ammo). Also rearmng is not possible on the backside of the truck only the side at one little spot.
ArmA 2 had a shitload of ammo in the trucks, I would like that again... to not have to need 20 ammo trucks to releod in a mission.
Please make it a priority, because it is mission braking if you can not reload the Buzzard once.
Been to the south of the island and saw a couple of very large rock formations near the south coast line that are floating as well. Does that need a new ticket?