//Initial report "Improve planes handling" description
The fixed wing planes are useless in AMRA 3 and nearly identical to ARMA 2 but worse.
- Not enough thrust. Turning at full throttle will cause your plane to loose all your speed and you will fall. Maybe it should not be able (or pilot will not be able to handle) going hard turn at 700 km/h. However at 300 km/h any jet will be able to keep a steady speed, if not trying to accelerate while full throttle is applied.
2)Flaps, don't seem to give anywhere near the lift that they should.
3)Plane is indestructible. You can hit anything at any speed as long as you hit it with the bottom of the plane or with the wings.
- All your telemetry should be in your helmet visor and not on the small screen in front. I can not see anything. Speed, altitude, lift, and most importantly level.
- Needs correct trust axis. Now, all it is either full throttle or full break on the controller. The axis should be 0-100 throttle. A button or axis for air breaks, a button for wheel breaks.
- Also related to thrust. At 25% incline your JET will loose speed. A boing 747 can climb at 25%
- Need some kind of indication of what position your landing gear is at and your flaps.
EDIT: 8) Again the side to side movement is halved on joystick compared to Keyboard.
That's is for now.