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AI jets will crash when they land (Altis)
Closed, ResolvedPublic


I am unable to land an AI buzzard on the main airfield of Altis with a few waypoints. Till recently it worked just fine. You spawn a flying buzzard with a move waypoint to the airfield and then a 'get out' waypoint and they would land without issues. Now the AI will always try to land before the runway strip and crash before the concrete starts.


Legacy ID
AI Issues
Steps To Reproduce

In the editor place an AI buzzard on the map (few km away from the airfield) and set a move waypoint to the airfield(landing strip) and then a 'getout' waypoint on the airfield (end of strip).

The Buzzard will try to land, but dives to the ground just before the runway. No matter what aproach you give it or alert status, etc.

I havent tried with the other jets yet.

Event Timeline

B00tsy edited Steps To Reproduce. (Show Details)Apr 9 2014, 8:45 PM
B00tsy edited Additional Information. (Show Details)
B00tsy set Category to AI Issues.
B00tsy set Reproducibility to Always.
B00tsy set Severity to None.
B00tsy set Resolution to Duplicate.
B00tsy set Legacy ID to 1344913481.May 7 2016, 6:22 PM